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01-22-25 06:28 AM

Total posts 123 (0.02 per day)

Total threads 2
EXP Level: 28
EXP: 117853 (for next level: 13485)
Gain: 1437 EXP per post, 10943.842 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle
User rating None
Registered on 08-16-04 09:10 AM (7463 days ago)
Last post 10-13-05 07:13 PM, in Shadow of the Colossus (Gaming Discussion)
Last activity 01-25-06 09:53 PM

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AIM screen name Zzephyranthes515 

Timezone offset 0 hours from the server, 0 hours from you (current time: 01-22-25 06:28 AM)
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Personal information
Real name Connor 
Location the world of warcraft 
Birthday Wednesday, June 27, 1990 (34 years old) 
User bio








teenage angst

Reach for the lasers with Antic's Sims-ulator!


:: how nintendo are you? ::


^one of my favorite Flash titles.

Board Stuff

I like it here at XGF, Things I like doing include: Drawing Manga, some Snowboarding, Video games, watching comedy shows. Love anime, music, (mostly rock and electronica.) I also enjoy reading manga..OH! World of Warcraft.

DISCLAIMER: I do not supply all who read my profile with all my character's information. PM me if you are in an RP with me and wish to know or are in a sim-battle and need some explination. I do this to not be taken advantage of.

I role play here, this is my old character:

Name: Ka'el Thas
Age: 119

Weight: 170 lbs. (little but fast)

Race: Elf

Weapons: Budzygan 10 small kunai

Armor: Burgandy/red cloak, Mithril mail, Torn (at arms) black tee shirt with the mithril mail underneath, blue jeans, feather hat, black leahter boots, hardened leather gloves, belt with many chains

secondary clothing: same armor, but has brown leather pants, and an oversized teal shirt with elven symbols.

Adventurous nature (where i get my stuff)

Other: Lute, Flask of Liquor, matches, Kampher

Magic: Frost Magic-manipulation of water and Ice....Able to shoot frost shards, freeze opponents limbs (not entire body) cause frost nova slowing enemy attacks. Teleportation, telekinesis, quick reflexes (skill), Shadow Image (image double), Power Strike- Attack with extra power with dagger or sword, Relfection- sends all spells back at user, weakness is behind the relfective shield. Final Atonment- Similar to Soala's Heavens Glare, but this attack can only be used and taught by elves, this kills the user but the attack is immensley powerful. Rend Flesh- Causes disease of the skin, decreasing stamina and energy, known remedies: holy water Elven Rage- not actually a cast spell, when angered be it by pain or emotional, Ka'el starts to lose control of thoughts and acts on instant usually going brute style.

Height : 6'2"

Skin color: White (caucasion)

Eyes: Left-Green Right-Red

Description: Scars arounnd shoulders, Blonde hair, Tatoo of Essence on forehead, mark of the trade guild on arm, soul shot wristbands, Stubble.

Occupation: Bard, adventerous, daring, stealth oriented, sword specialization.

Weapon Description: Name - Budzygan, A Dark grey bladed sword with stainless Mithril, handle is made of melted down bone with Saphires in the handle, althought very powerful, weighs next to nothing. Was found by Ka'el Thas in the Well of Insanity, no one else has ever gone 50 feet into it....

Secondary Weapon: Frostera, a dagger made of ice, if it is ever broken the pieces will combine back together making sure its undestructable, very sharp, and can manipulate ice around it to make it bigger.

Fighting style: Sneak, Stab, run up from behind and slice, (steathy stuff), and jump and slash.

Swordsmanship Mastery.

This is my NEW character:

Name: Soala Giger

Race: Human

Age: 23

Weapons: Gialo- a Long sword made for Human and Elven Knights given by ancient protectors of the gate to the elven world. Handle is made of gold in the shape of entangling vines with emerald for the leaves.

Everlasting Ice Bow- Bow surrounded with Ice from the northern reaches of Khanz Gor, never melts.

Armor: Runed Mithril Breastplate and Runed Mith leggings, Elbow length stamped templar gloves. Dragon skin boots.

Description: Crescent moon scar around eye, tattoo of power on left upper arm by the bicep. Blonde long hair in a ponytail, Brown eyes.

Occupation: Knight

Items: Poison tipped arrows for bow, orb of blood, instantly kills all enemies surrounding user. USES-1.

Magic- Power Strike, Hate Aura-brings all enemies attention to user. Dispel Magic, Enviornmental adaptation. Heavens Glare. Teras Kasi - A specific martial art routine in which the user lets out a multitude of attacks coming from the arms legs and head. The moves are quick and look as if the user is in a somewhat artistic style of dancing.
Elunis Kharanos - Elven art of fighting, the user closes his/her eyes transfering the power from his/her sight to strength and speed. Physical blindness occurs but more sight energy is given to the mind to outline the opponent and surroundings. The user is enhanced for an extended period of time but while the fighting style is implimented energy is drained.

Hand to Hand mastery.

Height: 6'

Weight: 200 lbs.

I am 77% Video Game Addict.
Total Video Game Junky!
I got a problem, man. I may not find the answer to life in a video game. I need to turn off the console or computer, go outside and try some reality for a change.

Which Naruto Character are You?
quiz by

If anyone has noticed my inactivity is due to the fact that whenever I seem to climb the ranks the board gets hacked, I know this is a little late but frankly I just dont care about this board anymore and it shows in my post count.  

Sample post

Wall Bot

Since: 08-16-04
From: the world of warcraft

Since last post: 7040 days
Last activity: 6936 days
Posted on 12-31-69 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Arpegius
A sample quote, with a link, for testing your layout.
(sample text)

Tingle Tingle Kooloo-Limph! These are tingles magic words that Tingle created himself....dont steal them.


User Comments
Spartan: Hmm...
Elara: TheDaftPunk, I believe
X Marks the Spot: You just changed your name. What was it before?
Elara: So are you going to start throwing bricks at n00bs again?
Sasuke_87: I shall posteth so you shanteth feeleth loneleth?
Arpegius: SAVE FERRIS!
Arpegius: and damn all you traitors! especially Sir Ken *Glares with killing intent*
Arpegius: help out NFF!
Arpegius: I really wish that post wipe didnt happen...again, lost all hope in this board
Arpegius: im a loser
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