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03-30-25 08:14 PM

Total posts 647 (0.09 per day)

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EXP Level: 57
EXP: 1412336 (for next level: 73592)
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User rating 10 (10/10, votes)
Registered on 01-29-05 11:05 PM (7364 days ago)
Last post 12-10-12 03:10 AM, in Holiday plans? (General Chat)
Last activity 12-30-13 07:45 PM

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AIM screen name madbelial05 

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Real name Candy 
Location New Zealand 
Birthday Wednesday, July 8, 1987 (37 years old) 
User bio today I realized what it would be like to simply move through the veil of uncertainty, straight into another plane of existence. Not just mentally, but physically. Being fully conscious of what I was doing. Do you realize what one might accomplish if they could break that so-called unrealistic barrier? One could heal their physical ailments with nothing but a mere thought. A child could dance among the fairies and the scholars could study with the ancient wisdom of the dragons. So I sat, staring at a plain white wall. I imagined it as a barrier, sepa- rating me from this next plane of existence. Slowly, things began to dematerialize in front of my eyes. The focus shifted, and I woke up sitting in front of an ancient oak. How powerless I felt, in front of that huge tree. It was so more powerful in ways that I could never be. I stared into it's depths, down to its core, trying to accept the realism which I brought unto myself. I sat, in a meditative state, staring thoughtfully at a knot at the base of this great oak tree. Such a spiral which I have never seen before shaped itself in front of my eyes. It spun clockwise. I blinked once or twice in curiosity, and the spinning stopped. Standing, I turned my back to this great tree of wisdom and lore, and faced the valley below me. I stood on a green hill, beneath the shade of this tree. The plants faded from green on this hill, to a dark rich blue. My eyes wandered and noticed the birds, the blue sky, but no sun. It was quite bright outside, and could find no rightful explanation. I shrugged it off, for it did not matter so much after all. I sat down again, to look off into the horizon. There were mountains. I looked down and saw a mushroom, and a fairy sitting upon it, watching me. She was a delicate little thing, and curious at that. She was quite real, I assure you. Her golden wings flitted in the light as she flew away. I averted my attention once again to this white wall. I wonder how many other existences there are? What makes us so sure that there is but one plane? Are Heaven and Hell planes of existence as well? But why can't we reach them until after we have lived our time here on this physical plane? I search the wall again. This time, instead of visiting the oak tree, I delve deeper into the crags of time. Earth was worshiped above all things. After all, isn't Earth what keeps us alive? They celebrated Earth because they believed that to be true. And rightfully so. Everyone can agree that humans are flawed, as are all creatures and plants. But aren't the flaws what make Earth as beautiful as it is? That is why they worshiped such power. Complex beauty, strength, their sole reason of living. It is true, divine, a physical entity. They cherished it and did the best of their knowledge to preserve it for as long as possible. They used its power, it's 'magic' to help them to survive. They lived to serve Earth as anyone else would serve a God. They were cast out later, for these beliefs of Earth being the all knowing one. They were peaceful and content, knowing their skills and trade. Once again I look to this white wall, breaking my reverie. 

Sample post


Since: 01-29-05
From: New Zealand

Since last post: 4493 days
Last activity: 4107 days
Posted on 12-31-69 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Belial
A sample quote, with a link, for testing your layout.
(sample text)

To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

- William Blake

User Comments
Cteno: Everybody dork! /russian
Twilight Sparkle: Sweet. :D
Belial: I suppose so; don't see why not. ;)
Twilight Sparkle: Can I be a dork, too? :(
Belial: Nelrith dork. :P
Twilight Sparkle: Me dork, or Nelrith dork? Cause I'm totally a dork. I've had people call me everydork ranging from �ber dork, to dorkette.
Twilight Sparkle: I doubt I'm who you think I am. XD Thank you for the welcome though, in any case.
Phoenixocracy: JERK
Cteno: -a rift in subspace opens up a hole from Facebook- Poke! -the hole then suddenly collapses-
Pockets: *poke*
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