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02-13-25 04:54 AM
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Posts by Phoenixocracy in threads:
  Thread Posts Thread total
1 Answer one, Ask one 122 2019
2 Corrupt-A-Wish 115 525
3 The person below me 97 453
4 Tits. 51 174
5 HOLY SHIT!!! 50 172
6 Shred-tastic 2! 50 178
7 NEW THREAD! 50 173
8 Candy!! 50 154
9 Phoenix is BLOODY!! 50 147
10 Rank 44 198
11 Xeogaming Office - 2017 Year of the Ancient Forbidden Fruit! 37 1099
12 Shred-tastic! 30 75
13 Open Battle 29 58
14 A day in the Park 26 51
15 Three Word Story. 26 107
16 More Candy! 26 81
17 Scott Pilgrim vs. The World 25 86
18 Xeogaming Post Wars for July! 25 54
19 Ready when you are 23 41
20 New to the board? Introduce yourself here! 21 525
21 Oh yeah, Xeo 21 57
22 Spewing Blood 21 42
23 New(er) THREAD!! 21 64
24 I need a custom title. 20 48
25 Xeodential Campaign! 20 57
26 Official Photo Album Thread 19 1602
27 What Are You Reading? 19 358
28 Layout Thread 19 390
29 Busy? 19 604
30 2010 XGF Story Competition!! 19 92
31 Non-staff thread. This means you, Valhalla. | Vulkar: Phoenix eats smelly bunny poop. Vote Vulkar. 17 43
32 Desert Heat Discussion Thread 17 54
33 What Are You Watching? 16 469
34 Swap Battle. 16 33
35 I believe an announcement is in order 15 60
36 Bitch. 15 35
37 BATTLE! 15 31
38 The training of Vince 14 27
39 Bendy and Deadly 14 28
40 Currently playing? 13 587
41 "Phoenix, Imma callin' you out!" *Western Voice* 13 29
42 Mars Needs Women 13 28
43 Last Movie You Saw? Thoughts? 13 407
44 Vulkar is still Awesome. (Phoenix Girlfriend Crisis!) 13 43
45 Fuck you 12 1183
46 Character Test 12 24
47 ITT: Smug 12 44
48 Spectrum of Heat 12 24
49 Currently watching? 11 393
50 Happy Loving Day 11 33
51 (restricted forum) 11 33
52 So I just found this out.. 11 26
53 Vulkar, or, The Coup of Xeogaming 11 30
54 Battle of the Immortals: Jade vs Phoenix 11 23
55 We've all spammed 11 42
56 Do we have too many forums? 10 47
57 Magic: The Gathering 10 21
58 Dawn Renewed 10 19
59 QUESTION GAME!!! 10 45
60 How many 9 21
61 Big problem... 8 19
62 Xeogaming Post Wars for August! 8 23
63 When you see it... 8 23
64 The return of Dragonball? 7 34
65 Stanley Cup Baby!!! 7 48
66 Adding Final Touches - MMA fight 7 21
67 Maybe 7 20
68 *Cough cough choke* WHAT?! 7 38
69 Permit test 7 14
70 The Official Nostalgia Cartoon Thread 7 25
71 Spam 7 16
72 Samuel 7 13
73 No backspacing/spellcheck! 7 21
74 A Great and Terrible Storm 7 43
75 Xbox 360 vs. Playstation3, we all knew it was coming. 7 48
76 We changed the World. 7 32
77 Training Battle: New Era 7 12
78 Let's start the interviews up again! 7 36
79 Let's DO this! 7 184
80 Ahem. 6 12
81 XEOGAMING!!!! 6 13
82 Evolution of Dance 6 20
83 How to rule Xeogaming. 6 17
84 Most Active I've Been in a Long Time 6 19
85 Broke 4000 club 6 23
86 Xeogaming fun? 6 14
87 Xeogaming Posting Wars 6 13
88 Share your jokes! 6 20
89 Best Batman Comic 6 21
90 Shadow in the Light 6 12
91 The Superpowers science destroyed! 6 18
92 6 19
93 girls are so grose i am making a thread 6 17
94 Fable III 6 21
95 What are you listening to (revived)? 6 660
96 Xeogaming Post War: September Edition 6 23
97 Halo Reach 6 37
98 Time. 6 22
99 It's that time of the year [Hosting] 6 39
100 I'm leaving Xeogaming. 6 31
101 Halloween Story Contest 6 25
102 Oh hai 6 25
104 Just a thought - Spring 2012 Write-Off! 6 25
105 The Current State of Xeomerica 6 24
106 Active Members 5 13
107 Not Geeky Enough? 5 21
108 If only I could stay. 5 12
109 Heroes Discussion ***SPOILERS*** 5 213
110 ... 5 11
111 8391 5 16
112 Wow this is old 5 17
113 Got Me A Jorb 5 32
114 Awards? 5 13
115 Who was the better batman? 5 28
116 Super Exciting Xeo-Challenges!!! 5 12
117 Various forum problems 5 29
118 Possible name ideas? 5 13
119 Uh-oh. 5 9
120 Alastor (revamped) 5 8
121 Shadows in the Sand -- Kenta vs Braksa 5 9
122 Favorite Band? 5 19
123 The Desert Heat Awards Show 5 30
124 Jump or Shojo? 5 18
125 Dorjan Appears 5 10
126 Those post layouts 5 25
127 You know, 5 19
128 Let all who worship evil's might, beware my power...Ryan Renoylds! 5 15
129 Prepare 5 12
131 Mother SHOCKED that pervert videos teen daughter spreading legs in Times Sq 5 31
132 War 5 10
133 As an apology to you Phoenix lets test out my new character 5 10
134 Rogue vs Bitmap 5 24
135 Cool shot glass 5 24
136 Interview Ask and Tell! 5 38
137 Waterfall Sunset 5 194
138 Otakon 5 19
139 Dear Vulkar 5 10
140 My Pokemans 4 8
141 Open Curtains 4 9
142 Delusions of Teenage Angst 4 7
143 Toy Story 3 4 12
144 Nerd Girls... a dying breed? 4 26
145 Here's a thought 4 13
146 Log-in problems 4 20
147 Dystopianism. 4 17
148 Happy 4th of July, America 4 16
149 Does Anyone Else Think That Killing Superman Would Be Really Easy? 4 19
150 Kenta vs Braksa 4 8
151 Another celebrity drops the most reviled racial slur 4 16
152 Transmetropolitan. 4 11
153 The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Saddest story ever? 4 15
154 Do you have Adult ADHD? 4 23
155 Weird Gaming Facts and Questions 4 18
156 Interrogation 4 7
157 Erabus 4 10
158 Dear Xeogamers 4 15
159 Vincent 4 15
160 Rogue Phoenix 4 8
161 Pokemon 4 10
162 The Happy Thread 4 277
163 Xeogaming Chat 4 34
164 Well done! 4 10
165 The Dear Vulkar letters 4 53
166 New Heroes Arisen 4 9
167 Flahback: Phoenix of Athens 4 8
168 Xeogaming - Its classy here 4 10
169 Holy Crap! 4 13
170 What did YOU just buy? 4 24
171 How many phoenixes does it take to spam the board? 4 20
172 Fall is here (Screw it, NSFW. THAR BE BOOBIES!) 4 85
173 The Big Move 4 14
174 New Record! Please Enter Name : LVM 4 13
175 Update? 3 20
176 Columbia's valedictorian completely rips off Patton Oswalt 3 12
177 Pets 3 18
178 Idea? 3 5
179 Grounded 3 6
180 Shrek glasses recall 3 13
181 MTV Movie Awards: I hate Twilight 3 12
182 A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it. 3 5
183 Parasites 3 5
184 Flag Day 3 19
185 Summer Jobs! 3 9
186 Welcome 3 17
187 Thunder. 3 18
188 Mom dances VERY inappropriately with her kids 3 13
189 Problem? 3 5
190 Werewolf 3 8
191 Lingo 2.0 3 10
192 Resident Evil 3 7
193 Metal Appreciation Thread (Christina Aguilera (Deprived or Trash)) 3 15
194 Werewolf: The Silver Lining 3 10
195 Deleting PMs 3 12
196 Test. (this might not work. Read you comments, Xeo) 3 6
197 So, with any luck, posting threads works again. 3 10
198 Themes 3 5
199 I must be crazy 3 14
200 Braksa 3 3
201 SNES 3 6
202 About to be a Radio Personality 3 12
203 Recycled Sushi 3 10
204 Pandora 3 6
205 Am I the only one who wants one? 3 7
206 What're you listening to? 3 14
207 Scariest Animal EVER?! 3 16
208 Mother Trucking 1000 3 5
209 Type the Username Above Yours - With Your Nose 3 19
210 You thought the Westboro Baptist Church was bad? A Church plans on burning the Koran on 9/11 3 49
211 Fraud by friendship 3 5
212 so hows Obama been doing? 3 22
213 PC vs. Console 3 12
214 Bacchikoi! 3 6
215 Hey look! I found a Facebook profile of a XeoMember! 3 20
216 Taking a Leave 3 11
217 XGF COMPETITION ENTRY: The Convict 3 13
218 How do you find new posts on the board? 3 17
219 Xeogaming Dungeon RPG (An exclusive ACMLM RPG Addon) 3 64
220 How did you find 255? 3 15
221 Cyrus Hawk 3 6
222 Alignment 3 19
223 Just a reminder... 3 38
224 Welcome to Warp Zone! 3 7
225 It's ON! 3 6
226 And So Al Gore Demanded a Recount Desert Heat Awards 3 29
227 Cloud-top Skirmish 3 5
228 Generations! Dawn vs Dusk! 3 6
229 I'm a Freemason. Ask away! 3 20
230 Music videos: It's kinda like MTV, only you post the videos! 3 11
231 Just how bad ass 3 8
232 What Layout Scheme do you use? 3 20
233 The time has come 3 10
234 Banner Fun! 3 20
235 Home. 3 7
236 Freelance Phoenix 3 5
237 [WWE] Wrestling 3 16
238 Lord of Crabmeat! 3 25
239 Open. 3 7
240 Greetings from the road 3 18
242 The World 3 75
243 Inclement Weather 3 43
244 What's your personality type? 3 13
245 It's amazing how age can effect one's feelings. 3 11
246 Insomnia Fun Time! 3 23
247 Glee Doing a Rocky Horror Episode 3 11
248 Elara told me to post 3 20
249 The Return 3 7
250 Greetings, fools. 3 31
251 WHY 3 11
252 Whatever happened to being social? 2 4
253 So many guests 2 10
254 Night Owl or Morning Person 2 11
255 Oh yeah, this is why I'm playing FFVIII again (big SPOILERS) 2 39
256 So.. 2 5
257 Awkward Neighbors 2 14
258 New Artwork 2 9
259 Recent celebrity deaths 2 16
260 Cage fighter rips the beating heart from his partner's chest 2 6
261 Red Dead Redemption 2 19
262 Did anybody else 2 3
263 BOO = Broadcast Operations Officer or... It's a BOO 2 6
264 What is a girly drink? 2 27
265 Contemplation of Resurrection 2 5
266 Matrix Ping Pong 2 7
267 I'm On a Boat Iraq Style 2 7
268 Trainers 2 40
269 On the Horizon 2 4
270 Phoenix 2 3
271 Sports apathy 2 18
272 Surveys/quizzes/memes about yourself 2 116
273 We Have Coffee and Donuts. 2 4
274 Happy birthday, new guy!! 2 9
275 Byte! 2 7
276 Ever Got Caught Doing Something Embarrassing? Pass on the stories! 2 10
277 Frankie 2 5
278 Esai 2 9
279 The time has come 2 5
280 Internet drama is always good for a laugh 2 18
281 New Sim-Battle Rules in Effect 2 22
282 Tectalus 2 3
283 Time for the Big One. 2 13
284 Dead Rising? 2 9
285 Love torn asunder 2 12
286 To Access The Hen, err Xeontai Dungeon! 2 22
287 -- Private thread -- 2 12
288 Tik Tok and California Gurls are the same song 2 6
289 What would your profession be? 2 13
290 Count von Count 2 4
291 Happy birthday to Dark-fiend Demonslayer! 2 18
292 Possible to clear out profile comments? 2 17
293 So I realize I may be becoming a bother but.... 2 5
294 Woman faked cancer, bilked thousands of dollars from supporters 2 8
295 Acacia 2 4
296 Woman throws a fit about not getting McNuggets in the morning 2 14
297 Swap-Battle Challenges 2 3
298 255? 2 15
299 Favorites? 2 8
300 Jackass 3D: Just when you thought it was over 2 29
301 So here is my layout... 2 6
302 I work for the NFL now 2 14
303 YouTube 2 7
304 You guys ever seen that awesome movie called The Green Mile? 2 12
305 XGF Competition: Pleasant Hills 2 12
306 Boy may have STDs after playing with condom he found in hotel bed 2 9
307 150 pound FIve year old found in vermin infested house 2 11
308 Gimme somethin' to work with! 2 8
309 Ninja V Pirate? 2 17
310 My Dear Fellow 255ers 2 9
311 My Wedding in a Comic Book 2 13
312 Where will you be in two years? 2 17
313 Yasu, formerly known as Gaara 2 6
314 Girl Throws Puppies into River 2 18
315 Playstation Move: It has buttons 2 11
316 IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 14
317 Mario! 2 14
318 TRON-LINE! 2 6
319 I Swear It Was 2 11
320 Jason 2 5
321 My name is actually "Anthony" 2 19
322 Once again 2 32
323 A testament to his noodleyness. 2 5
324 Lightbulb? 2 8
325 Fallout: New Vegas 2 65
326 Posting Losers for Assholes 2 11
327 I don't know if we have one of these yet but, 2 29
328 Pets of Xeogaming 2 13
329 Happy Birthday Assorted bans/bots! 2 16
330 How do you listen to your music? 2 18
331 Return of Alexandor 2 4
332 Training Battle: Unfair Advantage 2 3
333 Courage Wolf 2 10
334 [Interview] The Grotto Revisited 2 5
335 VOTE! 2 31
336 My Muse... 2 8
337 Layout Preview 2 3
338 Facts about you 2 16
339 This Parrot is metal as fuck 2 5
340 Thank you 2 102
341 Hi Kettle my name is Pot and.. Your Black. 2 18
342 Boycott of Chick-fil-A 2 12
343 10,000th thread 2 11
344 Job Corps 2 10
345 Facebook Page 2 18
346 D&D 2 16
347 End of the World to happen on May 21'st, 2011~ 2 79
348 Community 2 5
349 Facebook Rage 2 47
350 Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim 2 59
351 I never come here anymore... 2 6
352 Joseph Kony. President. 2012! 2 13
353 Welp 2 16
354 Xeogaming turns 8 2 22
355 Fighting allergies? 2 12
356 What did we do to piss off the sun? 2 22
357 WATAMOTE 2 5
358 Legion 1 14
359 Legion 1 30
360 The Parasite 1 2
361 Here comes the Boom. 1 2
363 Alastor 1 1
364 Hating is an Art form. (This is about movie I hate) 1 6
365 Rub Songs 1 1
366 Porn star goes on rampage with samurai sword 1 8
367 Need a laugh? 1 5
368 ...God? 1 1
369 The best/worst situation to be in, ever. 1 12
370 Backup your stuff now! 1 12
371 Mario is in the Hizzouse... I mean board 1 15
372 List the Three Anime Series that Made You Cry 1 20
373 Thrift Stores/ Flea Markets 1 10
374 Advice 1 7
375 New avatar 1 1
376 Bringing back Innocence Gone 1 7
377 Train me! 1 1
378 Rank Sets - Show them off here 1 38
379 Music videos: fun with stop motion 1 3
380 Silly Things 1 16
381 Legion question 1 3
382 Deployment = No Sex = No Porn = OMG WTF AM I GETTING INTO 1 4
383 Manic-depressive, bipolar and everything in between 1 8
384 Community Banner Idea 1 4
385 PM problem. 1 3
386 Another problem!!! 1 1
387 Greatest Batman Villian. (Joker Excluded) 1 13
388 Tyler the Corporate Cannibal 1 6
389 So....... 1 4
390 Legacy, because I'm able to post again. 1 6
391 2010 World Cup 1 7
392 Incredibly awkward family situation, help ASAP 1 19
393 Look. 1 4
394 Roaming oil blob and the BP oil leak 1 6
395 First Line/ Last Line 1 8
396 Inception 1 29
397 Awesome Tattoo Ideas! 1 7
398 The Dreamcatchers Series 1 1
399 Steam Punk/ Cyber Punk 1 8
400 Darth Vader robs bank 1 8
401 GREETINGS! 1 17
402 Almighty Metal Thread \m/ 1 451
403 I'm so proud of what music has become 1 5
404 Your Shadow's the Place For Me. 1 5
405 Community Bucket List 1 7
406 I want it with Whipped Cream on It! 1 4
407 KFC's Double Down sandwich 1 21
408 Elvis Not Included/ Chocolate Niblet Beans 1 3
409 Vampires Suck 1 27
410 -- Private thread -- 1 3
411 Federal Judge Walker Rules California's Proposition 8 Unconstitutional 1 9
412 Noah Crane. 1 3
413 I Write Like 1 9
414 The Voice That Revoultionized Music 1 8
415 We're Selling Teenagers Electrified Moose Piss. 1 2
416 Gaming Music Thread (youtube heavy) 1 55
417 [Tentacle God] My Pokeballs, the way I capture... 1 7
418 Xeogaming turns 6! 1 18
419 CONTEST TIME! 1 23
420 Oh Facebook Conundrums XD 1 20
421 Post Wars For August. 1 4
422 Rogue finally passed me 1 4
423 MAG [PS3]: 256 Players in one map? That will never work! 1 4
424 CHOPPAH 4! 1 3
425 Under Pressure *Dun Dun Dah Dun Nun Nah* 1 5
426 XGF Competition: Idiosyncratic Insanity 1 17
427 XGF Competition: Tyler the Corporate Cannibal Revamped. 1 10
428 Oh Japan, you so silly! Let's post those strange and wacky things Japan makes 1 17
429 happy birthday vee jay 1 5
430 VGFreak! 1 7
431 Freelance Xeios presents: Tectalus! 1 3
432 Freelance Xeios presents: Corporathulu! 1 5
433 Building New computer. This time for real! 1 31
434 WhiteRose 1 10
435 4000 posts! 1 5
436 Useless Superheroes Wanted. 1 10
437 Scott Pilgrim Soundtrack! 1 3
438 How to make a thread that was made by Bitmap 1 6
439 Cairoi's Art Hause 1 7
441 Flamingo 1 2
442 Chaplan Ansley 1 5
443 Xeogaming Event 1 41
444 Challenge to Cairoi! 1 1
445 Respawn 1 5
446 Weapon Masters 1 2
447 I dunno what the fuck is going on but there are naked ladies dancing to 1 10
448 Space Invaders Infinity Gene 1 3
449 International Talk Like A Pirate Day 1 6
450 Story Help Please. 1 17
451 Gravity? 1 2
452 Okay, I guess it's up to me... 1 10
453 Beautiful Ghost 1 3
454 The General Internet Radio thread! 1 6
455 Insufferable Roommate 1 9
456 Getting a hernia removed on Oct 6th 1 31
457 Dragonball Kai: Screaming into the 21st century 1 9
458 holy shit... 1 18
459 Mouse trap catches mouse 1 5
460 Taming Lavos... 1 4
462 Wanting to learn HTML, XHTML and CSS 1 9
463 McDonald's Monpoly 1 14
464 Animaniacs: Could you believe this was only done in one take? 1 8
465 Concerning Simbattles 1 2
466 Adom 1 1
467 LOCKDOWN 1 9
468 [Interview] Lord Vulkar! 1 9
469 My eyes are KILLING ME!! 1 4
470 FCK H8 (NSFW) 1 10
471 The Best Court Case Ever 1 4
472 Garrett Langdon 1 3
473 Dream a Day 1 4
474 Let's talk about our friends! 1 6
475 SQL Errors? 1 4
476 Gratitude 1 5
477 This was my favorite part in Modern Warfare 2! 1 10
478 Vulkar sent me a letter 1 1
479 Letter from a Friend: A Tale of Revenge 1 1
480 LOCKDOWN 1 17
481 Welcoming the 206th BOD 1 12
482 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal just passed the Senate 1 14
483 Cool Flight attendant 1 6
484 [IRC] Just a friendly reminder (Also inviting more members) 1 21
485 Happy birthday, True!! 1 8
486 Scott Pilgrim vs. the Matrix 1 2
487 The Official Challenge Bulletin Thread 1 24
488 Yearly requisite thread: "How Was Your 2010?" meme 1 11
489 Shift in the Zodiac - Do you REALLY know your sign? 1 14
490 Favorite Cartoons 1 7
491 O.o I'm on Youtube on someone else's account 1 3
492 Happy birthday! 1 8
493 Time for Screen Cap Fun! 1 15
494 The 'Raining' Champ: Open Battle 1 2
495 Moment of triumph and sadness 1 14
496 Cyro reaches lvl 30! 1 4
497 Your Band Album 1 15
498 Happy birthday Cityondown! 1 9
499 Daeron. 1 3
500 I'm back..? 1 2
501 Happy birthday, Katana! 1 15
502 Cairoi!! 1 6
503 Elder Vulkar 1 7
504 X-MEN 1 13
505 Epic rap battle between Albert Einstein and Steven Hawkings 1 17
506 C'thulhu has a birthday? 1 6
507 For those of you who keep up with Magic the Gathering 1 8
508 Firefox Nightly 1 6
509 Blog much? 1 8
510 PONY 1 60
512 Xeogaming is turning SEVEN 1 34
513 Whose Line is it anyway? (FOR FREE) 1 3
514 Dragonball Z Abridged 1 3
516 Sites You Used to Regularly Visit? 1 11
517 Songs you're sick of hearing. 1 108
518 1d6+3 +4d6 backstab 1 13
519 What were you last night? 1 8
520 I hear you guys like boobs. 1 2
521 Why you should purchase apps 1 1
522 The dreaded Finals... 1 7
523 Greetings you fucking noob ass pieces of shit 1 6
524 Happy Birthday, Katana! 1 8
525 Got this. 1 3
526 Well I'll be damned 1 27
527 Doctor Who 1 44
528 Favorites from 2012 1 10
529 Gnarly Radical Things Photo Album 1 26
530 Bathing in 300 cans of Pepsi Max 1 4
531 Post A Random Fact About Yourself 1 341
532 Legend of Korra 1 4
533 1-Letter Swap Game! 1 68
534 2016 US Presidential Circus... er, no... no, I mean Circus 1 103
535 Hi 1 9
536 Where is my throne 1 6

AcmlmBoard 1.92++ r4 Baseline
?2000-2013 Acmlm, Emuz, Blades, Xkeeper, DarkSlaya*, Lord Alexandor*
*Unofficial Updates
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