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01-04-25 06:15 PM
0 users currently in Sunset Waterfall.
Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - I need your advice...
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Posts: 549/641
Speaking of Cal Arts, my friend got his acceptance letter for it yesterday. They were requesting payment. O=
Posts: 2226/3775
Around... In... About... Maybe...


No clue...
Posts: 4179/9736
*lights a candle for good luck*

When do you expect to hear back from them?
Posts: 733/871
GJ and GL!!!!

*bounces excitedly for him*
Posts: 2214/3775
Okay, I sent in my application in yesterday.

*crosses fingers*

Everyone pray!
Posts: 2208/3775
Using this:

Posts: 713/871
I agree with Katie on the message the first conveys, however, I must agree with the rest that broken is more enjoyable. Good music too. Less corny, easier to watch, good flow.
Posts: 2089/3775
Yeah... I'm leaning towards Broken. I reedited it to improve stuff, and add more songs. I also added fancy opening titles, but they may be a bit much for such a short movie...
Posts: 287/647
While the first was more artsy and technical with all those really good camera angles, the second one, "Broken," was a LOT more enjoyable.
Posts: 503/641
I thought the first tried to be comical, but failed in doing so because it also tried to be didactic and in the end achieved neither. The background music didn't fit right, either. It was overplayed and excessive.
The second one tried to be funny, and it did a pretty good job at it. Especially the end. Again, I think if you worked with the music in some places, it would be a lot better. Unlike the first, the excessiveness almost fits in. So, I'm saying the second one. Although it can't be that hard to get into, anyways.

TP EDIT: If this persists, posts will just be deleted. This is totally pointless. Don't want your great opinion heard or something? Consider this a warning.
Posts: 64/178
i liked for the love of a candy bar beter. the camera angels do most of the talking and it showes of the tecknek of mesonsom (french word cant spell it for my life) i would saind that one
Posts: 1031/1461
I like the second one better. It's just more memorable and enjoyable to watch.
Posts: 1917/3649
They're both pretty good, but I would go with For Love of a Candy Bar. It leaves a good message, (The kid is honest about the money) when people think kids are so evil to begin with...I love the way it's done like an old movie as well, so...
Posts: 2065/3775
So, I'm applying to a Cal Arts summer film camp. Now, this thing is a high quality program. My film teacher even said that when I cam back I'd be teaching him stuff.

So, as part of the application, I need to include a movie I've done. While I doubt this will significantly alter my chances of getting accepted, I'd like to make a new decision. Here are my two best movies:

For Love of a Candy Bar


Which should I use?
Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - I need your advice...

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