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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - What are you doing this weekend? How was your weekend?
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Posts: 3746/11918
Bumped. Just because.

This past weekend was pretty much a continuous celebration of Dia de los Muertos, pretty much my favorite holiday.

Friday: I drove up to Pasadena with Zoso to see some altars people did at FolkTree's gallery. Both of us put names in the community altar to honor our deceased loved ones. The names people placed in the altar will be ceremoniously burned.

Right after that we drove over to Olvera Street in L.A. for their traditional Day of the Dead celebration. For the non-L.A. folks Olvera Street is an old part of L.A. peopled with Mexican immigrants who've put together a wonderful and flourishing marketplace in an alleylike area.

Saturday: Went to the closing reception for the Frida Kahlo exhibit at a Long Beach gallery, met a surrealist who discussed his painting of Frida.

Headed over to the library to take care of some business and register Zoso for a show that we were planning to attend. My city's weird. Whenever the library has an event, you have to register to go and residents have priority over non-residents. Yeah, odd.

Zoso's band had a show in Winchester. Drove out there with Rick, the rhythm guitarist. The show went over pretty well. Small crowd, but we had 7-year-olds moshing in the pit. Seriously.

Went home and watched the 1962 version of Lolita.

Sunday: Went to a Dia de los Muertos festival at Bowers Museum. They had this really cool and surreal display they put together. It's really hard to explain, but it was showing a dead couple going through the life they didn't get to have because they died before their wedding day. Everything was done up in black lights with lifesize paper-mache skeletons.

Monday: Went to class, was picked up by Zoso and I drove to Borders to see Slash from Guns 'N' Roses do a signing. Left early, got lost on the way home and ended up in L.A. where we had dinner then raced home to watch Heroes.

Will write more soon. The weekend after this upcoming one, as well as Thanksgiving weekend (the weekend after that) promises to be rather interesting with all the races to and from San Diego and then to and from Phoenix, Arizona.
Posts: 3635/11918
So far this week's been pretty interesting--saw Terry Pratchett, went tidepooling, ate an ungodly amount of expensive sushi (which I feel guilty about since Kittybob picked up the tab, because Kittybob is cool like and then takes you out to lunch again the next day. She's AWESOME!!), and then tomorrow going to the big street fair in L.A.

One of my pics of Terry Pratchett:

More as it occurs.
Kyoku kun
Posts: 679/1329
Augh, the weekends are getting less and less like weekends.
I spent this last weekend doing childcare, homework, eating and sleeping.
I am not getting my anime fix!! I AM GOING CRAZY!!!
Posts: 3624/11918
Just found out Terry Pratchett will be appearing at the Torrance Borders tonight at 7.

I called Junkie to ask if he was interested. He said he's doing laundry.

Anyone else interested? Zoso and I are going.
Posts: 1344/1569
Friday- Spent some time with Caitlin...ran back to the high school to check out to MiniDVs for the wedding on saturday...went to FX's house and chilled there...played some guitar hero...went to a student film festival...that was really fucking shitty...we all walked out mutter how bad it was...chilled at his house played more guitar hero with Drew and Kyoku...and umm thats about it... Umm...went to sleep at 2 woke up at 8)

Saturday- Went to my Aunts wedding..Filmed it with FX...found out midway that my grandmother had died...went through stream of emotions in about five minutes pulled myself together...went trhough the west of the wedding with a "smile" on my face sat inmy room with FX and killed Covenant...afterwards went back to FX's house played some SWG dicked around in general...watched some Fifth Element... played some Sims to...(lol wistolzman...and i tried to bang his wife)

Sunday Today...isnt over but it almost is...went to the high school from 11-4 and worked on Our set for the Drama Production Noises Off...Got the framing to spend more time with caitlin...and uh went back to FX's house chilled there played some more sims 2...also (nag nag nag nag nag nag nag...BIIIIITCH BIIIIITCH BIIIIITCH BIIIIITCH_

and uh thats about it..
Posts: 693/720
I went to the track saturday night and ran my 1986 firebird for the first time in 3 months.

12.5 seconds at a 106 mph.

so my weekend kicked ass
Posts: 3620/11918
Triple post score.

Really I post to this thing because it actually keeps track of what I did and so on. Blah.

Last weekend:
Friday: Voidcrush had a show at the Relax Pub in Hollywood. Got some really good pictures. Afterwards, we all watched movies at Marty and Becky's, drinking some, and winding down.

Saturday: Voidcrush had another show at the Winchester Inn out in Hemet. It went over REALLY well, and not just for a show out in BFE, but it was probably one of their best gigs yet. That night sat up past 3 a.m. at Marty and Becky's having conversations with Marty and Rick, the new guy.

Sunday: ANOTHER show for Voidcrush. This time at a naughty nurse club called The Good Hurt in Venice Beach.

That Monday, after spending the weekend somewhat in pain over a troublesome wisdom tooth, had said tooth pulled.

This past weekend:
Friday: After finally getting some rain here in the L.A./Long Beach area, Zoso and I hung out with Pat (Junkie) and then we went to see Sound & Fury perform Cyranose, their take on the Cyrano de Bergerac story. Beforehand, we went to the county art museum to kill some time and then took a stroll around the La Brea tar pits in the dark with it raining a little on us.

Saturday: Spent the day going all over L.A. with my mom and Zoso. Went to the central Library, LACMA and drove around a bit.

Seriously thank whatever deity there is for the rain. It seems to have cleansed everything to some degree.
Posts: 3590/11918
This past weekend was pretty cool despite my being sick through a lot of it.

Friday: Was originally going to see Conspiracy Theory play at a bar somewhere in Downey, but illness got in the way. They play with Zoso's band every now and then, so I'll see them eventually.

For some reason went with Kittybob and Zoso to Wal*Mart in the middle of the friggin' night, though.

Saturday: WhiteRose had a big party at her house for her and her father's birthdays. It was great. Zabuza flew down from San Jose and of the people on the board Elara, GuardianOni, Vyrus, Zoso, DarkBeloved, Makura, Pockets were there.

The poor DJ...

Sunday: Zabuza and I went on a museum crawl through L.A. relying only on trains and buses. Went to the Pastel Cathedral, LACMA, and the La Brea tar pits, specifically.

Next weekend'll be packed with Voidcrush shows as mentioned here.
Posts: 3535/11918
This weekend was a bit interesting, if not odd and edging on frustrating near the end of it.

Thursday: Went with WhiteRose, Elara, and GuardianOni to a preview screening of Stardust at the Grove in L.A. Ended the night with VenomnousLobster running around the Shorehouse parking lot on power risers.

Friday: Biked over to Junkie's house to see about cheering him up. Didn't realize I'd biked 8 miles 'til I got to his place. The thing that sucked about it was the fact that bike's seat is a lot lower than would be comfortable for my legs, but oh well.

Later went to a friend's birthday party at a bar in Santa Ana, where Zoso's car completely broke down. Either way, I drank an ungodly amount of Coke since the serving girl thought I was the designated driver and kept bring me free soda. Found out a former MI tranny killed her husband and sons, just after she called Becky to tell her she was doing a lot better in life.

Saturday: Got dropped off at Junkie's to pick up the bike and ride it home. That night Zoso's band, Voidcrush, played at this bar in the desert, opening for Creeping Death, Metallica's "official" tribute band. Finally got to meet Rick, Voidcrush's new member.

Took pictures, roadied, drank a little, took care of Zoso who drank quite a bit, and rocked out to Metallica.

Sunday: After being woken up early to eat breakfast had to head over to the airport to pick up Zoso's sister. Got lunch with their dad and brother, which was awkward (but amusing for me). Had to watch the sister until their aunt came back from Vegas, which turned into waiting around 'til 9 p.m., watching Nickelodeon pre-teen shows and being bored out of our minds.

When we finally got away, went to Phil's one-man show in Long Beach, which was a sequel to the show he was doing last year. Took Junkie with us.

Afterwards drove into the Palos Verdes area to watch the meteor shower.
Posts: 231/546
I went to my dad's house for the first time in a month or so and over there was a party to bet on the motorboat races (whatever they're called) and to watch the blue angels perform on tv. I don't like sports though so I played video games. I still put a bet down though, but my boat lost lol. All well.

Otherwise I played video games and read.

Oh yeah, and I got my first car. A silver ford. Though it's kinda old, used, and cheap I don't really care so long as I can get from point A to point B. lol
Posts: 262/684
My weekend went well. I just spend time with my friend Jeffrey. I played Prince of Persia and Prince of Persia 2 for Nintendo Gamecube while my friend plays True Crime NYC (God I love that game). Have you ever played that game. Also my family went to Coney Island while I get to stay with my friend because I was too old to go to amusement parks for any rides.

Talk about I've become way to serious for buisnesses and other shit I have to do.

Posts: 3508/11918
Originally posted by Fate
I had brain surgery this weekend. Go me.

Holy shit! Go you indeed.

This past weekend was Comic-Con down in San Diego. Went with Zabuza and our friend Bernie. Hung out with my friend Gina and her son, Conner, while down there as well.

Shit I did and saw (my apologies if it sounds like bragging, but when going to Comic-Con you see A LOT and get really excited about it):
- Saw Stardust, which Neil Gaiman did a Q&A after. I was sitting 3 feet away from him the whole time. Asked him about the meteor shower coincidence and got a signed poster. I went to two different panels where Neil Gaiman came out to talk about his projects.
- Saw a few preview scenes for Neil's other film project, Beowulf, in 3D (actually it was something they call Real-D).
- Was stuck with Jhonen Vasquez waiting for a really long freight train to go by after we came out of the Spike and Mike Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation gauntlet.
- Went to the big Heroes panel where they showed the sneak preview of next season (lots of spoilers) and Kevin Smith came out as a surprise since it was announced just then that he would be working on the Heroes Origins spin-off.
- Was at the Futurama panel discussing the show's return (only 16 episodes). Before the panel, the audience was given these little comic books that explained the show's cancellation and triumphant return. As a treat for the fans, all of the voice actors read through the comic book in their characters' voices.
- Saw the pilot episodes for Bionic Woman and The Sarah Conner Chronicles. Both were a bit cheesy, but sci-fi can be that way sometimes.
- Saw Joss Whedon again.
- Was at the Battlestar Galactica panel when Lucy Lawless came out as a surprise saying she would be returning to the show.
- Went to a few of the movies in the film festival and completely fell in love with this Star Trek buddy picture called "Orion Slave Girls Must Die!!"
- Got my copy of Battle Pope #1 signed by Robert Kirkman, my PvP books signed by Scott Kurtz, a few of my 100 Bullets books signed by Brian Azzarello, my Wizard World L.A. exclusive Hellboy #1 signed by Mike Mignola, and a Machete poster signed by Danny Trejo.
- Took pictures of tons of cosplayers, but one of the best was this booth babe who really had one leg who dressed as Cherry from "Grindhouse."
- At the Paramount Pictures panel, they had a satellite hook-up with the Indiana Jones 4 set and Harrison Ford, Spielberg, and Karen Allen (Marion Ravenwood), Neil Gaiman came out to talk on Stardust and Beowulf, J.J. Abrams discussed his secret (and currently unnamed project) that has cryptic trailers out for it, and Joe Favreau did his thing for Iron Man, and the finale of it all was the announcement that Zachary Quinto would be playing Spock in the next Star Trek movie and Nimoy would also be in it as old Spock.
Posts: 1364/1555
I had brain surgery this weekend. Go me.
Posts: 4734/7838
This past week, it was gaming, Anime, loving, laughing, and exploring Six Flags.

This weekend, Ill possibly be crying.
Posts: 3492/11918
This past weekend I saw Weird Al performing at the Orange County Fair. He was AMAZING. Seriously, he's up there in my top concerts of all time.

He brought out Stormtroopers, a Vader, and he and his band dressed as Jedi for "Saga Begins" and "Yoda."

Next weekend I'll be out of town, in San Diego, for the ultimate convention--Comic-Con. I'll be down there with Zabuza.

Honestly, I have nightmares about missing this convention. It's one of the greatest highlights of my year.

You all be good now.
Posts: 1793/2724
A bit after weekend, but Monday is my birthday, and a job interview at McDonald's. Hopefully that goes well.
Posts: 3460/11918
So this coming weekend, I'll be at the Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade with WhiteRose and GuardianOni (and anyone else, Rosy?).

Two nights of fantasy, performances and many other things that can never be expected.

Last weekend was a bit ho-hum. Just went to the Shakespeare by the Sea "Taming of the Shrew" performance at Point Ferman. It wasn't the best production, but hey it was free and the cast and crew are all volunteers, so no complaints.

The weekend prior was Anime Expo in Long Beach. A lot of people have been going on about it being the worst AX ever, but I had fun nonetheless. Saw the Death Note movies, S.K.I.N. (Gackt's new band), the Romeo and Juliet series premiere stuff, Tekkonkinkreet, and went to a few cosplay meet-ups.
Posts: 3360/11918
This past weekend was somewhere between random and tiring.

Starting with Thursday...

Went and watched the Ask a Ninja ninja do a Q&A show at the Hollywood Improv with Zoso, then hung out with Junkie until some time past 3 a.m. at Denny's and in the parking lot.

It was my grandma's 86th birthday. We all went to dinner at a seafood place and she declared it to be her happiest birthday.

Road the Metro with my mom to the Filipino Independence festival that was more like a "Parade of Products" for Filipinos in the way of items, properties and such that would make them feel more white and such. Skin bleaching station and all.

Later drove out to San Bernardino with Voidcrush for a show at the Screaming Chicken Biker Bar. Met the guys from Perpetual Madness. Didn't come home 'til 5:30 in the morning.

Went to MoLAA's big family festival celebrating the opening of their new expansion. Tons of people there.

Later went to a freak show at the Institute of Abnormality starring Shelby from Sound & Fury. Watched all sorts of things, like this girl deep-throating a yard long balloon:
Deep deep throating
Posts: 2140/3649
Teehee...yah. School is out for most people now, so everyday is like the weekend.

I've been working a lot. Working all weekend too, 'cept I have off on Saturday, but I dunno if I'm gonna go out and do anything or just relax. Next week though, I'm going down the shore for the day with the boyfriend. <333 Haha. Guess bit of an update. He's so great. Been giddy and girly and shit. XD
Posts: 345/577
My weekend went like this. I'm starting on Thursday since that was the last day of school. I went to my friend Brendan's house with Naomi and we then went to our friend Sam's house where we swam in his pool. Then we just hung out and played basketball and later went to dinner.

Friday Naomi, Brendan, and I went to the beach where it was really foggy and 50 degreese. We still had fun though. We burried Brendan and then left him. He got out though. Then when we got back we ate a ton of food and later ended up making a fire in a wheelbarrow in Brendans backyard. I was suprised that his dad was totally fine with it. Saturday I rode my bike and then went to the Mika concert at the Filmore which was very fun. And today I went to my friend Mitchell's house where I updated my iPod with some new music he got. All in all a very successfull weekend.
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - What are you doing this weekend? How was your weekend?

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