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03-14-25 04:02 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Videogames Unseen, Unreleased & Beta Archive
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Ive actually seen those screenshots of OoT, FF7, and MGS on very extremely old GameInformer magazines.

What surprised me was the fact that MGS: Intergal, was supposed to have Decoy Octopus die as another character to trick Snake or something...Gameinformer had a screencap of him in front of Decoy...Looked weird too
Posts: 5627/11758

Has a lot of stuff from games while they were in early development and such.

I wanted to fight that gold knight in OoT! I'm pretty sure I still have that Nintendo Power issue that has all those pictures.

I remember reading up about Hybrid Heaven back in the day too. Did that game even come out?
Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Videogames Unseen, Unreleased & Beta Archive

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