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03-13-25 06:18 AM
0 users currently in Anime Lounge.
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Posts: 1890/3649
I've heard of Thundercats...

Voltron...honestly, other than the references to it here on the board, I wouldn't have a clue as to what the hell it is...
Posts: 5632/11758
You've at least heard of Voltron though, right? Its pretty old, up there with Thundercats goofy Legendaryness of sorts.
Posts: 1885/3649
Originally posted by WhiteRose
Nice to see our country is protected by geeks, believe it or not that makes me feel safer for some reason.

Couldn't agree more.

Out of all those listed though, I've only seen "Outlaw Star" and "Sailor Moon"

**sigh** I really need to broaden my horizons.
Posts: 5630/11758
Betterman rocked.

And Voltron will forever rock my world.
Posts: 1028/1461
Lol, that is so awesome! There are moonies everywhere! Nice to see our country is protected by geeks, believe it or not that makes me feel safer for some reason.
True Flight
Posts: 2375/5245
In the lockers of every soldier here in Ft. Gordon is:

Outlaw Star
Love Hina
Lasst Exile
Stella(not anime)
Sailor Moon

I saw this in every locker in my bay. It's retty awesome. So yeah, Ft. Gordon is full of geeks.
Xeogaming Forums - Anime Lounge - You don't see it

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