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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Reacquaintaning with a special someone?
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Posts: 3616/7838
Originally posted by Xeojin
..She's taken.

Dont feel too bad.

...There are plenty of fish in the sea.

Thread is now changed to 'How we are going to kill the bastard who has taken Xeo's dream girl'.
Posts: 5606/11757
..She's taken.
Posts: 4054/9736
Well, the hard part (or first part of it) is over with. So when are you going to talk to her about meeting up? Just remember to be cool and not seem too eager about it.

... venomouslobster says to plant a flag in her ass and claim it in the name of Your Wang... however I don't know how well that would go over with her. Heh heh.
Posts: 1810/3649
Actually, it makes perfect sense. I've been the one who someone recognized and said hello to a few times, and it feels awesome running into old friends. However, I have also been the one who recognized someone and had the burden of "do I talk to them or not?" kinda dilema. :p

And then you get so excited when you get a positive response and wanna just jump right into what was there before (in some cases). I know I get impulsive like that, either soon as I can relate to someone, or I'm the one to jump into it and I get a positive response...then I get home and I'm like "oiy! I just scared them away with the forwardness **smacks self in the head**"

Yah...dun mind my conversations with myself here. XD But yah. Totally understandable. Two conflicting thoughts "Hey! Let's be friends again like before!" and then "shit...dun wanna scare them away...better keep kinda quiet for now." Oiy. Only makes it tougher. XD

Just don't get too shy. Don't worry, you won't freak her out by asking if she'd like to just take the time to catch up with ya. That's not too much at first. And you'll be able to learn how much the pair of you have changed as well as if what you guys had before can still be there. If it is, then go for it.
Posts: 5591/11757
Yeah, I mean without that I wouldn't have thought to talk to her. But on another hand, it kind of seems a bit awkward to think about, its been such a long time. (knowing her a long time ago) I just don't want to freak her out or anything.

Maybe it'll be something we'll joke about in the future or something, I don't know. Its just cool I knew her a lot back then, but somewhat awkward too.

I doupt that makes sense.
Posts: 1809/3649
I didn't ask him...I told him. :p 'Course he's got plans this weekend so he said we'll have to do something next weekend. :p

But being "shy" can work to your advantage...I'm actually pretty shy, but soon as I see that someone else is, it's like "Hey! I totally know how you feel!" and that just makes me...erm...not shy.

But I really hope you two can be friends again. It's cool being able to be friends with someone you've known for a long time.
Posts: 5589/11757
I can only hope she's as bold / outgoing as you then.
(about asking me to go places)

I mean, I will throw some things out there, but in the beginning here I'll probably be a tad bit shy. If I really get to know her though, that'll definitely change.

Definitely weird same thing happened to you too though.
Posts: 1808/3649
**UBER tackles** You did it!!!

Nah, nothing obsessive about it. Hell, when Luigi(yes, that's his name) came up to me, by the end of the conversation, we exchanged numbers, screen names, and I told him that he was coming with me sometime this weekend to see a movie, since I was going anyway with a few people that Luigi and I grew up with... He said that I haven't changed. XD I guess it was a little easier though. He and I bonded through the broken bones and fist fights we'd get into after the games. Not with each other. :p We would stick up for each other when someone picked on one of us.

I'm still kinda in awe how ironic this is. :p You're posting about this and then I go to school and some guy comes up and says hi to me. XD

I'm sooo glad you did it though. Definitely ask her if she has any of the same breaks as you and catch up! I'm rooting for ya! Teehee.
Posts: 5585/11757

That was me.

I went to school a little earlier today, thinking I could maybe catch her in the halls like I sometimes do, but it turned out I didn't see her at that time.

However, I knew thy time would come. She goes in the same Math room I leave, so it was inevitable. Math gets out, I step outside of the room ... look across the hall and see her there sitting on the bench alone. I oddly went up to her and just said "Is your name ...?" ... "Yeah! What was your name again?" ... "Steven" ... "OH YEAH!"

It was somewhat saddening she didn't recall my name.

But, its been 6-7 years so, I can't blame her. But her eyes like exploded, and I could definitely tell she recongnized me, and had probably even saw me before at school but didn't say anything herself. And her "Oh yeah!" was like something you'd hear the Koolaid guy.

So, I kind of lost my cool. Kind of choked up a bit here and there ... which was embarassing, egads. I threw out a lot of "Heh, yeah" but she seemed extremely nice, cheerful, and brought up a few subjects. We just talked about being tired, our classes, how her back hurt, how she's ahead of me and Math and what she though of Intermediate Algebra and stuff ...

But, here's what sucked. "Well I better go" we just had like, a few minutes to talk. And it'll probably be like that until something comes up ...

I'm thinking maybe on Monday, or Wednesday, I'll just ask if she has a break sometime during the day. And maybe we can get together then, or something? Good idea? Lunch? (at the school, taking her out so soon would probably be weird).

I don't want to scare her or anything, but hopefully I can make this more than a casual "Hello" in the halls relationship ...

By now, I'm sure most of you can probably say I'm obsessive. Oh well. That's how I am. >______________>
Posts: 1794/3649
**huggles** It's cool. I hope you see her tomorrow and try again.

Quite ironic though...I was approached by a very old friend I used to play ice hockey with. He goes to my school and said that he had seen me around a lot, just never had the guts to talk to me. I can't see why, we were uber good friends. He moved to another state, and is now back apparently, but still...:p

The way he described how he felt, trying to talk to me, but then not going through with it... Coming from the opposite perspective...please talk to her. You have no idea how happy I am that he had spoke to me, because to be honest, I didn't see we may have missed each other.
Posts: 5575/11757
Don't worry, I'll do it.

It just, the chance today sucked majorly.
Posts: 1913/2954

I'll give you some pointers.

Chill out.

Think of how gratifying it will be to speak to her.

And if you wuss out this time, I'll find you and beat you with a frozen tuna.

And that, is a Promise.
Posts: 5564/11757
Days of our Lives Part 3.

Vile rage, anger, chaos, destruction, annihilation, armagedden ... nothing can describe what happened today.


I was prepared for everything, even shaved, made sure my mop head looked good, etc for today. Here's what happens, I don't see her in the halls this time. So, I'm sitting there in my Math class for an hour thinking "Oh I'm gonna do it, this will be great! Can't wait" ... then, it turns out we get out a little later than normal. I step out of the class, casually walking with my friend and frantically looking around the benches and stuff looking for her, but I didn't see her. Finally I turn around and she's going into the classroom I just left, but there's such a large group around her, and I just thought it'd be awkward to go back in that room to talk to her. Damnit all to hell. My chance was PERFECT on Monday.

I just couldn't drive myself to drill through a group of people and to go back in that room, it just seemed weird.


Posts: 3586/7838
You know what would be perfect? Say shes studying right? Theres no empty benches around where she is, so you sit down near her and just say "Hey."

After awhile you hsould look up and say: "Oh hey, do I know you from somewhere"?

Its worth a shot.
Posts: 1426/2999
Originally posted by ZMaster
Tonight will be war.
Unleash your battle cry.

I'm pretty shy as well, but when I really get to know someone I can be quite energetic and yappy. Yay! However, I am not shy enough to not do something like this. Maybe I wouldn't if it didn't bug me. But if it's like messing me up, causing me to shoot Squirrels from a Pink Leather Coated Rocket Launcher...than yeah.

Just go and ask. If she knows you, then be like "Fuck yes!"

If not, and she goes "Like, ewwww.", or makes you feel dumb, then just leave...she's a bitch.

If it's just no, without any bad stuff attached then just whatever, man. At least you know.
Posts: 5559/11757
I'm a nervous wreck about it.

But, tommorow! I will do it.

I don't know why I'm worried. What's strange, is I've thought about this girl recently within December / January. And I haven't even seen her in 6-7 years, then all of a sudden ... she's THERE. Thinking about it now, is like WHOA, weird.

I'm probably jumping the gun and stuff. I don't know! But, I'm in a crazy mood. So many ideas and stuff shooting through my mind.

Oh, then insomnia. Tonight will be war.

I'm taking this too extremely serious at the moment I guess. Hopefully I'll roll some good dice tommorow.
Posts: 1777/3649
**sigh** You haven't done it?

C'mon man! By the end of this's only Tuesday! If you wait too long, like Bel said, it only gets harder and you might not end up doing it at all! **tackles** Do it!

**smiles innocently**
Posts: 5553/11757
Well, its been ultimately confirmed. I guess.

If I don't do this by the end of this week, I'll do a nose dive into my desk.
Posts: 276/647
The longer you wait, the harder it's gonna be....
Posts: 5552/11757
I hate my life.

Saw her again. Double confirmed, it HAS to be her.

But ..........
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Reacquaintaning with a special someone?

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