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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - What Are You Reading?
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Posts: 9725/9736
I had to read the "Folk of the Air" trilogy after you mentioned you found it OK (gasp, Rogue ready a YA series?!). It was enjoyable... I ended up reading all the other tie-in works as well.

Finally getting off my ass and reading the Dresden Files books (yeah, I know, late to that party)... so far I am in book 3 and it's definitely getting more entertaining as the world is unfolding.

In the wings I also have Dungeon Crawler Carl, on recommendation from a friend (WhiteRose if any of the old timers remember her)... basically, it's the trope of real life person getting tossed into a D&D-like world and a series of "What the fuck is going on here?" ensues. I am looking forward to it.

Posts: 11906/11918
I've been going through Reader's Block. I've got a MASSIVE to-be-read pile and I'm in the middle of like 5 books? But still can't buckle down and finish shit.

Currently reading:

- "The Dark Queens: The Bloody Rivalry That Forged the Medieval World" by Shelley Puhak

- "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn

- "The Real Vampires: Death, Terror, and the Supernatural" by Richard Sugg

- "True Believer: The Rise and Fall of Stan Lee" by Abraham Riesman

- "See What You Made Me Do: Power, Control and Domestic Violence" by Jess Hill

- "Historical Dictionary of Sexspionage" by Nigel West

Jesus. And I'm just doing crossword puzzles on my phone.
Posts: 11891/11918
I read the Holly Black "Folk of the Air" trilogy. It's more YA than high fantasy. It was OK.

I'm still on my non-fiction train. Even though I quit one of my jobs, I still haven't really been reading like I used to.

Ashamed to say it, but I've been reading more fan fiction again.
Posts: 9717/9736
So the Mass Effect novels were awesome and made my playthough of the re-release of the games that much more awesome.

I'm up to book 5 in my re-read of the Wheel of Time series. Already curious how some things will change in the live action given what has aired so far.

So how goes the fantasy reading? That still going or did you decide to put it aside?
Posts: 11886/11918
I actually loved reading the Prose Edda. I got deeply into Icelandic sagas for a while there. There was a book I'd read beforehand that explained a lot of the jargon. Like Snorri wouldn't just say, "The woman cried." It would be like, "The necklace wearer made gold like Freyja."

Been trying my hand at reading fiction lately, and to add to the challenge, it's fantasy. XD We shall see how long I last.
Posts: 9710/9736
I remember reading "Night" in high school... it really should be required reading in all districts.

I've started "The Prose Edda" by Snori Sturluson, but I've been having trouble getting through it due to the way it flows. That and I decided that since they are getting close to releasing the TV series adaptation, I wanted to re-read "The Wheel of Time" series by Robert Jordon. Currently on book two, "The Great Hunt" since I am splitting time between it and the Mass Effect remastered series.
Posts: 11877/11918
Just finished "Hell's Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga" by Hunter S. Thompson. And before that I tried reading fiction again, and got through "The Cruel Prince" by Holly Black.

I also finished:
- "Night" by Elie Wiesel (memoir about a kid's experiences at Auschwitz)
- "Quackery: A Brief History of the Worst Ways to Cure Everything"
- "The Butchering Art: Joseph Lister's Quest to Transform the Grisly World of Victorian Medicine"
- "The Wanderer's Havamal" (supposedly advice doled out by Odin)
- Angela Y. Davis' "Women, Race & Class"
- "A Whore's Manifesto: An Anthology of Writing and Artwork by Sex Workers"
- "Death in Salem: The Private Lives behind the 1692 Witch Hunt"
- A graphic novel of Octavia Butler's "Kindred"

Right now my bathroom book is "Nomadland" and I'm almost done with "The Last Duel," about the trial by combat fought between a knight and a squire in the late 1300s.
Posts: 11871/11918
Since it's Black History Month, I've been reading more things like the progressive writings of Ida B. Wells and Angela Davis and Langston Hughes poetry.

My To-Read pile is lining an entire wall of my closet right now.
Posts: 11854/11918
I keep a few books in the bathroom that I only read when I'm sitting in there. Seems like that's where the most reading gets done.

I read "Breaking the Spell: My Life as a Rajneeshee and the Long Journey Back to Freedom" about this woman's experiences being in this cult. It ended up becoming the basis for the Netflix miniseries "Wild Wild Country," though it leaves out things like the rampant sexual assaults on minors and how almost everyone had an STI of sorts. Her 16-year-old son ended up contracting herpes from a woman who forced herself on him and later in life he developed brain lesions which led to a tumor and killed him.

My current book is called "F*cking History: 111 Lessons You Should Have Learned in School" by someone called The Captain. It's definitely a book to just leave in the bathroom. Every page is a different historical fact and it's not really something you'd keep on your shelf with your more serious books.

Otherwise I'm reading "A Hangman's Diary: Being the Journal of Master Franz Schmidt, Public Executioner of Nuremberg, 1573-1617." The introduction was over 100 pages long.
Posts: 11842/11918
Finished "Killers of the Flower Moon" pretty quickly and then quickly went through "Beyond the Dark Veil" and another book, "Freak Babylon," but the reading's been slow going since.

My To Read pile has like 50 books in it, and I grabbed this one on a WWII spy named Virginia Hall, but it's such a dry book and she's super judgey about sex workers, referring to them as her "tart friends." Trying to get SOMETHING finished I picked up where I left off in this graphic novel "Kings in Disguise," but it's also been super dry.

So now I'm in the middle of five books or so, just trying to finish something.
Posts: 11717/11758
I've read Star Wars books this year...

Original Thrawn trilogy, the EU ep7-9 and vastly better than the Disney movies:
Heir to the Empire
Dark Forces Rising
The Last Command
- All Timothy Zahn. Can't wait to read more of his stuff.

Darth Plageuis = my favorite so far. Holy crap this was incredible and impressively dark/serious for SW. It is 100% dedicated to focusing on two villains and that was freaking awesome.

Started up...

Labyrinth of Evil, which is the first in the "Dark Lord" trilogy (with the apparently extremely good novelization of Ep3 being the second book). James Luceno did books 1 here and the third one, who also did Darth Plageuis. I can tell this guy is going to be one of my favorite SW authors.
Posts: 11839/11918
Since quarantine has given me some time, I've been reading a lot and ordering the books through to support independent stores (because fuck Amazon.)

Since starting lockdown, I've read:

- "Seducing and Killing Nazis: Hannie, Truus and Freddie: Dutch Resistance Heroines of WWII"
by. Sophie Poldermans

- "Voodoo in New Orleans"
by. Robert Tallant

- "The Lost Diary Of Count Von Cosel"
by. Carl Von Cosel and David L Sloan IV

- "Heimskringla"
by Snorri Sturlusson

- "The Pirate Lafitte and the Battle of New Orleans"
by Robert Tallant

- "Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present"
by. Harriet A. Washington

- "Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs"
by. Caitlin Doughty

- "Fangs"
by. Sarah Andersen

And right now I'm working my way through "Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI" by David Grann and "Boxcar Bertha: An Autobiography."
Posts: 11809/11918
Reading "The Halloween Tree" by Ray Bradbury to my clients. It's going OK.
Posts: 11792/11918
Originally posted by Elara
How was "I'll Be Gone in the Dark"? I have been meaning to pick it up.

I only got through the first few chapters. I just haven't had the time. What I read was really good. Michelle did a massive amount of research and it shows. She writes sympathetically toward the victims.

Anyway, finally read "James and the Giant Peach" to my clients. They enjoyed it.
Posts: 9665/9736
How was "I'll Be Gone in the Dark"? I have been meaning to pick it up.

New books for the year:

"Frame Up" - Woman that works for a comic book publisher in Los Angeles gets pulled into a murder investigation when it appears that a serial killer is recreating events from the publisher's iconic superhero line... that is about to be relaunched. It was very entertaining.

"Victoria" - Historical fiction on the early life and reign of Queen Victoria. I believe there was a show based on it? It was actually very entertaining and I think did a lot to draw attention to a figure who is mostly looked at later in her life.

"Smoke & Summons" - Centered around a girl named Sandis, who has been sold into service as a human vessel for a spirit known as a numina and used as a living weapon by her master. She chooses to run in order to save herself.

"Myths & Mortals" - The second book in the numina series. Continuing adventures of Sandis as she tries to ensure her former master's plans do not succeed.

"The Hangman's Daughter" - Set in 17th century Bavaria, the novel not only is about solving a series of murders and saving an innocent midwife from being executed for witchcraft... it actually goes into the role of hangmen in German society, how they operated, how they were viewed. It was all really interesting. Turns out the author based his main character after one of his actual ancestors.

"Dark Monk" - Sequel to Hangman's Daughter. I am currently reading it, but this one involves a mysterious band of robbers hiding in the woods around the region and the poisoning of a local priest that may be tied to a hunt for hidden Templar treasure.

"The Handmaiden's Tale" - Actually reading this for the book club. I plowed through the first 24 chapters on my flight home from Chicago, so I had to stop and switch over to Dark Monk until the rest of the group catches up. I have never watched the show, but I know enough about it that the early confusing things made a bit more sense.
Posts: 11767/11918
Almost done with "How To Train Your Dragon," which I've been reading out loud to my clients.

Otherwise I've started reading Michelle McNamara's "I'll Be Gone in the Dark," about the Golden State Killer, and the memoir "Black Klansman."

For some reason I tend to read more non-fiction and can't get into fiction almost at all.
Posts: 11688/11918
Finished "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" with the clients. Now, I'm apparently going to start reading the novelization to "Star Wars: A New Hope" because a client requested it.

For some reason it's gotten around work that I'm obsessed with Star Wars.
Posts: 11674/11918
I've gotten back into reading comics. I mean, I'd always been reading trade paperbacks, but I've actually been going to the comic shops and tracking down issues that I want to read and collect ("Saga" lately since waiting for the trade is ridiculous and I heard there was a major death.)

In my own way, I want to help support the industry again.

Anyway, Rogue and Gambit finally got married.
Posts: 100/155
Originally posted by Rogue
Been reading "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" to my clients. I've never read it before. I've nearly teared up a few times. There's so much more to the book than the movie.

Heh, there usually is a lot more to the books. There's something about words that just don't come across the same when it's directly pictured to you.
Posts: 11661/11918
Been reading "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" to my clients. I've never read it before. I've nearly teared up a few times. There's so much more to the book than the movie.
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