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03-13-25 07:18 AM
0 users currently in General Chat.
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Bring back IRC Chat
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Posts: 771/958
Go for it, great idea. Sometimes I don't have the time or can't be bothered signing into AIM or MSN and considering I've gone without AIM and MSN for the last few months Plus it would be convenient for people (like Secticus said) who don't have AIM or MSN etc.

Plus another cool feature added to the board
Posts: 1478/2954
I think this will be a good Idea. As I'm usually too lazy to sign on to AIM. This way, people could talk to me, and I could talk to them, and we all could threaten each other with not posting somewhere and why we haven't or where the hell we've all been.

Do it!!!!
Posts: 2311/11918
I suppose it could work to have mods in there to answer questions right away.

In the past, every time I wandered in there, there was no one in the room, even if there were 5 or more people on the board at the time.

Doesn't sound like a bad idea, is all.
Posts: 915/944
PJIRC is a good webpage client if you're not sure which IRC java applet you should use. I know Dekker Nocturnal used it on some of his older webpages so I doubt there is any security flaws. I'd join the chat room provided that people will actually talk and not just idle around.
Posts: 972/1351
Would be nice considering it would be difficult to chat with people who do not use any kind of instant messaging and is annoyed on how they chat back and forth by clicking on refresh and/or main link. However, if it doesn't do anything wiselike, take it off if noone is planning to use it.

And if it takes too much bandwidth, take it off.
Posts: 4987/11758
I'm pretty sure I have the file somewhere, I could put an irc / board page up where we could chat online (through the board, so you wouldn't need to download any kind of IRC program, you'd just need Java).

So, yeah. I'm thinking I could probably be on more than years ago when we first had this going, since I'm on my own computer now and not sharing it with family.

I don't know. Good idea, or bad?
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Bring back IRC Chat

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