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01-08-25 12:46 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Stress and Anger
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Posts: 3604/9736
I really think it's time to get a newer car Zabuza, even if it isn't the Yaris or even a Prius. At least then you'll be able to save up for one.

I'm going to give meditation a try again, I haven't done it in awhile because my mind seems to like wandering too damn much. As for the person that owes me money, I've been getting on his case... he quit that nice, nearly $20/hour job because they were giving him 8 hours a week or some shit like that. I honestly think my sister will pay me back long before he does... but if I apply enough pressure I might get something.

Finally got my car back, oh how good it feels!
Posts: 2022/2785
At least your car is just suffering from being hit by a parked car. Mine is just being lame with one expensive repair following another expensive repair. I'm looking to spend at least $3000 on him this year alone. But meditation is really good. I'd be a much more bitter person without it.
Posts: 2223/11918
Meditate -- It's something you can do whenever, wherever and for as long as you are able to. You can do it sitting in a chair, on the floor, wherever. In meditation you DO NOT think about anything, you let thoughts come to you and flutter away just as quickly. This can be difficult for the stressed person in you, but you can remedy this with concentrating on counting how many breaths you take (breathe DEEPLY). Sit up staight, shoulders relaxed, hands in lap, eyes half shut (try not to close them or you will fall asleep). Focus on a spot on the floor and let it go out of focus as you meditate. Meditation allows you to become more aware of the present. The now is what counts, not tomorrow, next week, or the next five minutes. It's all about the now.

I think it's time you really start getting in a certain person's face about the money he owes you. If he's making as much money as I keep hearing he is, you should be getting a fat stack soon (that is if he doesn't re-invest it into Hot Topic). I'm sorry I know you don't like people telling you to collect on that money, especially from your mother, but you need YOUR money for school and you need to let him know how he's jeopardizing your future. It will take a load off I'm sure to have that out there.

As for your temper, anger is really a mask for fear and pain. You feel hurt by how your friends are treating you and/or you're afraid of losing respect or losing your friends. Don't let it get you down. You do deserve respect and yes, I think you should steer clear of that other board. Nothing positive has come out of there since we were regulars. Go where you feel happy. Joy delights in joy.

On the job aspect, I am pleased to hear that you are happy (enough to work Saturdays) and that you are at a job that makes you content. Can you take antihistamines for grains?

I'm sorry about the car and how your parents are pissed about someone hitting your PARKED car. Shit happens and I wish parents would just realize that sometimes.

Anyway, I hope you feel better and by no means am I telling you how to live your life. We all want to see you happy.
Posts: 3599/9736
Thanks. One issue worked itself out already (the house banning thing). I still don't like that I was used as leverage, but meh.

I do love my job, it just plays hell with my sinuses because I mill grain all day, which causes lots of grain dust... and I am allergic to dust. But it's fun otherwise... I mean, I work at a brewing supply store! I'll deal with Shipwreck like I always do, only this year I have no Monday classes so it won't be as bad.

I'm hoping to get my car back tomorrow... that has been my major stress point since it was the first. I hate being dependant on others for transportation.

The respect thing, well... that is something I just need to learn to keep my temper about. I really should just never post on that other board again, but it's like some vain hope of opening their minds just a bit.

School... well... I will find a way. I think it's the stress that is making it so hard. Once things calm down for me I am sure it won't be as bad. Boring, but not bad.

Oh, and Zabuza I have a new theory: Katamari Damacy was inspired by destroying a Lego city with some kind of sticky ball while on acid.
Dirk Ralthar
Posts: 68/328
When the shit hits the fan like it has for you, there really isn't much to do. A friend of mine has been going through a really hard time recently, and I have been talking to her a lot about it... actually she talks to me and I listen... but that is not the point. I will tell you the same thing that I told her. When you try to worry about so much at one time, it will overwhelm you. It gets the best of us. But if you break it down, and only worry about one or two problems at a time, and just forget about the rest until you can deal with them, it will make it more bearable. I understand that it can be difficult to do, as this is the way I deal with many of my own problems, but even forgetting the small issues for a short time can really help you stay sane... and look to the future, the good things that will happen. Consider what life will be like when you move out, or get married, you pick it, the subject isn't what matters, just the occupation of your mind. And when all else fails... just lock yourself in your room and cry... hey it works for me sometimes (that's right I cry every now and then and damn proud to be willing to admit that).

Other than that, I don't have any advise. But I hope everything straightens out for you, and these issues will resolve themselves soon. I would say feel free to call me if you want to talk about it... but I don't really know you so that would be somewhat difficult... Hang in there, you'll get through it.
Posts: 2016/2785


Well, no, not really. Mostly the friend experience does that. But, you've got work on Saturday. I've got weekends off.

I don't know. I could tell you just to let it all go; but even I'm finding that I can't do that anymore. We all got stress, especially when you're working for whatever reasons or goal (or being underappreciated at work). I send you a virtual hug, and a standing invitation to visit Whitey (when he's loose or he manages to get out of his leash).

Can't really help anywhere else. I mean, I spend my days sleeping, and going to work. I make "Ask a BREW Ninja" videos when I get home at four in the morning, and "Adventures of a Gay Man" whenever I get around to editing those vids. I write when I'm bored, at least start my famous trademark cliffhangers--the ones I never intend on finishing--and sit down to draw things I also never finish.

But, then, I've got a tub of Legos. Go play with Legos.
Posts: 3598/9736
So this is partially a rant. I've been dealing with a lot of things lately. My car got rear ended two weeks ago, so I've been out of a car since last Monday. It's supposed to be done today, but it isn't. My boyfriend's mom banned everyone from his house for that week, so I was without sanctuary and stuck with my parents who yelled at me like the parked car getting hit was MY fault. I've been bored enough to post on another board (that shall not be named, though I am sure some know which I mean) where I was horribly disrespected and flamed for stating my opinion (their staff doesn't care about the rules at all).

Work causes my allergies to go haywire because of grain particles, and I only have one day of work a week... Saturday, which spoils most weekend plans for me. School is putting a lot of work on me that is stressing me out already, and screwing me over as well. Once I get my car back I'll have to deal with the parking nightmare as well. Shipwreck is coming up, so I will have two jobs, and I don't know if I will be able to handle it, but I need the money. And to top it all off, almost everyone that isn't a close friend has been talking to me like I'm some idiot that knows nothing, and even some people that are friends have been doing it. When you're stressed out, nothing pisses you off more than being disrespected for no real reason. I'm tired of being bitched at for speaking my mind!

So, what do I do to deal with it? Can't write, don't have time. Can't really read much, same reason. Can't play RO, again, same reason... or it's down. Any other ideas?
Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Stress and Anger

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