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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Stupid things you do ( Or used to do )
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Posts: 586/720
I was thinking about dumb things I used to do.

As a little kid I HATED hotdogs, but loved Hamburgers, when ever we had a BBQ, when I got a hotdog, it was just a bun with ketchup in it XD.
Posts: 4160/11758
Yeah, I remember when I started playing DnD occasionally last year one of my friends thought it was kind of weird.

Then another one of my friends says its just "too nerdy", yet he was the one who would play RO for days straight.

Such a world we live in.
Posts: 3258/7838
Originally posted by .XG
Originally posted by Victim of Fate

There are a few friends, that I have known for quite some time (just a few though, for a couple of years), that are very churchy, and well ... I do act a little different around them at times. I don't cuss, and will probably hide things that I may do that they'd find horrible, or something. I'm sure they could possibly do the same (I'm more than positive one of them does it, since he's insanely crazy ... but yeah).

I don't know, its hard to explain ... but maybe some of you guys have been / are in similar situations?

*Raises hand*

Yeah, I am a completely different person when im around my friends. They kinda found out that I smoked that day, loosened up, and still dont know anything deeper.

Like this one girl, shes 13 years old and shes obsessed with me. On her birthday she said she wanted a kiss, I declines, walked away, and now her friends are all down my throat saying "Your a Christian, you wouldent do anything to get arrested!"

I fucking hate hiding my real self to most of my friends at church. But im setting a major example. If people found out that I listen to the most "Hated" brach of music to church, I played a game that kills people, Play Dungeons and Dragons, played Magic the gathering, people would just veer away from me...and wouldent take me as a serious person to look up to, especially the younger youth....

I mean, they know I listen to Metal, MORE IMPORTANTLY christian Metal bands (Thats all they know )....But thats still like having them looking down on me or something thinking "How could you like it? Its screaming!?"....Makes me curl inside

I do stupid things at church sometimes like make fun of the Bulliten in the middle of church....People laugh because "Im right" and Brother steve says im "A Very Jocular person" and makes fun of me back during church....Its like an ongoing thing, and people like it....But its still stupid XD
Posts: 4156/11758
Originally posted by FX114
o, i rlly hate it, but i will say omg and lolz alot.

Not just omg and lolz, but you should work on your grammar maybe ... especially with that post.
Posts: 231/3775
o, i rlly hate doing it, but i will say omg and lolz alot.

EDIT:Happy .XG?
Posts: 1170/2999
I use lots of video game references, and moves. I'll "Hadoken" my friend, and "Shoryuken" another.

When I am doing crappy at something, I HAVE said "Looks like I need the _____ Card!"

I basically act silly in general, I won't list each one. Some I have done more than once, others just once (like the Clow Card thing).

Things I USED to a tantrum over little things. This was around my time in Grade1. But still. That was BLEH.
Posts: 4149/11758
Originally posted by Victim of Fate
But even if I like it (alot in fact), it's too distracting. Like, doing some school work, see girl, no will to do any work for awhile.

Basically, I daze off daily imagining I had a girlfriend, or something like that. And seriously when I really think about it a lot or concentrate on it, I have no idea what's going on around. This is usually when I'm sitting at work and doing nothing or something, but yeah.

- I procastinate. A ton of things. From homework, to buying things I might need.

And this is a big one, big enough that it could probably get a dedicated thread in Sunset Waterfall or something.

I can be a hypocrit. I am a hypocrit.

There are a few friends, that I have known for quite some time (just a few though, for a couple of years), that are very churchy, and well ... I do act a little different around them at times. I don't cuss, and will probably hide things that I may do that they'd find horrible, or something. I'm sure they could possibly do the same (I'm more than positive one of them does it, since he's insanely crazy ... but yeah).

I don't know, its hard to explain ... but maybe some of you guys have been / are in similar situations? I guess I'm just afraid they'd not like me, or look down upon me or something. I mean, they hang out with some of our other friends who might do drugs, cuss all the time, say and do horrible things here and there, but they don't care. But they thing is, they've always been like that. I haven't. I've thought about it, and thought maybe if I acted like I truly am when I first met them, I wouldn't feel like this. But I didn't, it's like I'm always hiding something from them and it kind of sucks.

But, I'm not too worried about it ... literally there's only 2-3 friends of mine that I act like this around. But yeah.

Other than that, I can't think of anything else here.

I guess one thing I did that was stupid was post on 20+ messageboards a few years ago, when I first got into them. I was probably a little too obsessed. There were a few times where I was staff on like 5+ boards, etc.
Posts: 228/3775
hmmm.... well i go to this forum first of all. jk

sometimes, i tilt my head sideways a little. I think it came from when i would use my shooulder as a pillow during class. its kinda weird... i may have a pic of me doing it...

o and shaddow, i used to do the tounge thingy, like in second grade, when i was nervous
Posts: 1402/3807
I still do:

Say "Sweet Beans".
Have imaginery Kamehameha battles with my friend Fred.
Have sword fights with PC Pipes with my buddies. (When we're bored).
Don't order from the dollar menu when I go to McDonald's.
Fall asleep with my Ipod, sometimes accidently crushing the right earphone. >.<

Don't anymore:

Come up with a martial arts style known as "The Denzel Washington Style."...

It is finished.

Posts: 24/51
I tend to trust people too quickly/fall in love too quickly. I make the mistake of assuming that everyone has some good in them, whether it's shown or not and that sometimes leads to me being hurt somehow. I sometimes say things that are unnecessary. I don't always think before I speak, or the things I say aren't exactly what I meant, herego causing confusion. Uhmm..I'm sure there's more. Oh, yelling at the TV during an exceptionally interesting/suspenseful movie/show.
Trigger Happy Jones
Posts: 269/306
Kinda wished I could come. Been busy lately.

... And it's round 23, Sajin.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 1280/2915
But even if I like it (alot in fact), it's too distracting. Like, doing some school work, see girl, no will to do any work for awhile.
Posts: 3220/7838
Originally posted by Victim of Fate
Another stupid thing I do (well, not really stupid, but that I shouldn't do all the time), look at girls (pretty) with short skirts. I do that too much, and I fear that it might affect my brain.

I have that habit seriously when im by myself at Barns and Nobile...sometimes you get some random girl in a shortskirt reading the anime section...Woooo, Pretty...

I got caught for looking. Multiple times, Middle school, Hollywood connections, High School, and just reciently I was skating at Lambert Skate center when this girl was wearing a skirt. it blew up due to the wind and I got a look...

She kinda hit me saying "It was no reason"....but she knows I saw her...and If I wasnt mistaken, she actually liked it...

OH! And twins go to my church, my friend and I Oggle at they wore short shorts...
Kard Ayals
Posts: 1279/2915
Another stupid thing I do (well, not really stupid, but that I shouldn't do all the time), look at girls (pretty) with short skirts. I do that too much, and I fear that it might affect my brain.
Posts: 3208/7838
We also have our little "Round WHATEVER"! games and hit each other when we are in public...

Those always annoys people because they want to know what the crap is going on.

Oh yeah, arent we on Round 21?
Trigger Happy Jones
Posts: 268/306
Stupid stuff now:

1) I pretend I can't hear when the folks start nagging me.

2) When people piss me off, I say, "Eat chicken and die" in lieu of "shit".

3) I turn my country up really loud. Toby at what seems like 600,000 frickin' decibels.

4) When irritated, my voice deviates from my accent and becomes high-pitched.

Stupid stuff I don't do anymore:

1) Wielding a 3 foot long ruler like a sword and slap people in the back of the head.

2) I had a penchant of dstroying broken appliances with a sledge hammer and leaving debris all over the yard.

3) When playing a Mario game, I's used to shout, "10 points!" after jumping on a enemy. That was mostly to annoy people.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 1247/2915
One thing I do quite often is raise the pitch of my voice and begin talking that way.

Another thing is that I always say random stuff or make random theories.

I abuse the word "awesome".

I had important tests at school, I had to study. Well, I didn't (I never did).

Posts: 3195/7838
Oh yeah, one more thing....And After this I will seriously stop...cause no one likes someone putting their religion in their post...

Questioning on my cussing? Oh yes, that is like a major sin right there. Its a curse...And no Christian can do curses...In the bible, My man Jesus said "If your tounge offendes you, cut it off..."

I wouldent say im going to cut my tounge off or anything...I really would like to quit cussing because it dosent make me look like a standing christian....

Oh yeah, and this verse kinda haunts me..."If your right hand offends yourself, Cut it off"

matthew: something something...its in there somewhere....


No ones perfect, but hey, Im working on that.....

Edit- If anyone has questions about Sins and Christianaty, please PM me...I dont like preaching to you all for serious respect....I love you all, and I dont want to offend anyone.....So im sorry guys for posting that....U_U ;;;;
Posts: 2120/-3459
Ah no problem at all. ^^ It's not like I've never done anything wrong... I just usually forget my wrongdoings, so I have trouble listing them. o-O

I prolly have more than you, come to think of it. ^^

Yay for Sajin's honesty, and memory.
Posts: 3194/7838
Originally posted by Racer Shaddow
I thought you were like... a christian or something... Don't they frown on being addicted to anything? Or desecrating your body, for that matter?

I knew someone was going to say something about that.

Well, Nobody is perfect. Im addicted to Tobacco yes, but is it wrong? Somewhat, Its a sin, and in the bible: Sin leads to destruction in the human body.

People at church know that I smoke, I got lectures, but my preacher is trying to get me to quit, Brother Steve is seriously awesome, he wants Him and I to go to a tobacco Rehab before I leave to work in Flordia....

I mean, I know the verse in the bible to "Keep your body a sanctuary for the Lord" and I do try to. Im not smoking Black and Milds every day of the week. I only smoke them on the weekends, when im kinda tensed up, or when I get done with arguing with someone....

Yes, I am making an attempt to quit...and yes im a Huge Christian....At Least im not preaching to everyone with a Cigar in my hand or anything. I know my limits to everyone who wants to hear me. And in fact people do listen to me. During Drama's like I have been participating, I told everyone that I was a heavy smoker, but im just going to let Jesus work his way in my life....

Sorry for bringing my Religion in this post....but, I had to point that out to you guys....

Edit: Favorite Book: The Bible...I read that alot...
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Stupid things you do ( Or used to do )

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