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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Real life zombie virus
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Trigger Happy Jones
Posts: 248/306
Yes, I have a rather large collection of boomsticks and rifles. I'm a collector, after all. Sajin was a witness... But I have to say that I've never shot an elephant gun before.
Master Naruto
Posts: 145/195
Originally posted by Leon D. Sagara

"When there is no more room in Hell, The dead will roam the Earth"
Dawn of the Dead ((2004))

Fake or not, it's not talking about people randomly coming back to life and eating the brains and flesh of the living. It's a disease
. Like in Resident evil, or the resident Evil-wannabe Doom movie. Which isn't supposd to be about virus at all. The Doom movie SUCKS!!!

Anyway, This is about a disease. If it was random dead people coming back to life, then i'd actually be worried.
Posts: 1029/2999
Really, Vulkar! Urg!

*Gets eaten by zombie*

The Accidental Protege
Posts: 1431/2641
That's right, Vulkar, ruin all our fun with your silly realism and whatnot. Can't you be a team player just once?
Leon D. Sagara
Posts: 439/859
Vulk spoke my words to a T (untill the cd's part X_X))

I dont belive in that crap. BUT should these sorces be accurate, my twin swords ((I do have them in real life)) Will shed blood.

"When there is no more room in Hell, The dead will roam the Earth"
Dawn of the Dead ((2004))
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 968/4541
Originally posted by HoboConductor
I'm intrigued as how the human body is come back to life through some virus a mosquito transfers.

Simple, this article is as false as it comes.

I don't know if any of you seriously think this is true, but the address bar gives it all away. That is a fake BBC site, realistic, but very false.

Even so, if any zombies show up, my CDs will have been cut up into shurikens in preparation for them attacking.
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 1423/2641
No, no, no. They re-animate 2 hours after they die. They don't live for 2 hours.
Master Naruto
Posts: 137/195
Yes, I have an elephant gun. Fuck shooting them in the Head. I'll just shoot them in the chest and blow them up, hhad and all. And get knocked on the ground while i'm at it. Do you have any idea how hard an elephant gun kicks? When I shot it the first time, it bruised my shoulder and amost dislocated my my shoulder! Die 2-hour zombies!!!
Posts: 1679/-3459
I'd think blowing up the chest would be enough since their heart beating seems to be important...
Posts: 2841/7838
Originally posted by Clockworkz
What the fuck are you jibbering about? You gotta shoot 'em in the head, man.

ANy person shot in the chest with a potato gun is guaranteed to have their head's exploded from confusion....well...thats according to the mind rule of "Sajin and Trigger"

But for real, no one can outstand mine and Trigger's gun collection...

Posts: 1674/-3459
Actually... come to think of it... I'd probably just hide in the basement for 2 hours... and then they'd all die off. ^^
Posts: 860/1569
Any fucking zombie comes in my house its gonna end up with two .40 caliber bullets in the head and 3 in the heart..

God I love my Extended Clip...even though it may be slightly illegal...

Sajin I am going to you guys lol..

I lack rifles...I could get some but meh...

I have some things that would fuck anything up they come to my house...
Posts: 1023/2999
Or burn them.

If everything has taught us anything, it is that every monster is weak to fire.
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 1422/2641
What the fuck are you jibbering about? You gotta shoot 'em in the head, man.
Posts: 2837/7838
Originally posted by Trigger Happy Jones
You get the shotguns, Sajin and fellow friends, and I'll get the rifles... But we need to stop by the Wal-Mart so I can get some bullets, a basketball, and some ten-gallon cowboy hats so we look gangsta.

Dude fuck that I'd rather microwave a potato, insert that very hot potato inside of a potato launcher my dad has, and blow them in the heart...

Talk about Heart attack....literally

:: Sajin pictures ::

hehehehe.....bastard.....hehehehehe......Bitch....heheheheheh....Alarm clock
Posts: 767/944
I'm intrigued as how the human body is come back to life through some virus a mosquito transfers.
Posts: 423/551
Me and leon would smoke so many of them youd think we were having a bbq!
Trigger Happy Jones
Posts: 243/306
You get the shotguns, Sajin and fellow friends, and I'll get the rifles... But we need to stop by the Wal-Mart so I can get some bullets, a basketball, and some ten-gallon cowboy hats so we look gangsta.

This is wierd... Heh. You should avoid posting whilst sick and on Nitequil, ya'll.

Posts: 1668/-3459
*reads the article*

*puts on knuckled gloves*

Bring it, bitches...
Posts: 1020/2999
Originally posted by General Ary Serey
"We have obtained samples of this new parasite and plan to learn how it starts the heart and other major organs of the deceased. We intend to use this to increase the quality of life for all."
Holy shit. I smell a breakout happening as they experiment with the parasite, and a real life Resident Evil happening.

Run for it!
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Real life zombie virus

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