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02-05-25 10:00 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - Ok people im boerd....Gimmie Requests for userbars....
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Posts: 1650/11918
I hate to bitch but can you use the Rogue's Reef sign and bring in down a bit on the chest shot (enought that you can see more of the cloth and not just them colliding)?

Or maybe for the chest part, use the one on the far right:

Posts: 2658/7838
Thats because you could barely read the text if it was I added one more

Want to see what it looks like with 1 px?
Posts: 3686/11758
That's pretty sexy. The outline / border looks a little odd though, but that could be me.
Posts: 2650/7838
Here you go rogue!

If you want, go ahead and tell everyone in your LJ that I made that I have an LJ im sure everyone will know who your talking about now...

Edit- Whoops mispelled your userbar Rogue...Heres the new one

Xeo, im working on yours now....

Ok Xeo, I was going to animate this userbar for you...but Im a newb at flash, and It wouldent look right for you if it was my first...Luckily im getting some preactice in...

OK! Theres really one problem with your userbar that I really dont like, and thats the red font...It might just be me, but im a little color blind...The red to me dosent show up that do you think this is ok?

Let me know if I need to make changes...
Posts: 3681/11758
Another quick one, Manowar Fan!


Okay, here's some images. Use whatever will work best I guess. I'm just wanting to see the guy, his hair and face and some of that if you could (even though you can never see his face, but yeah).

Image 1, Image 2, Image 3.

And the font should be red, maybe with a black background or something. Image 2 or 3 would probably be best to use I guess.
Trigger Happy Jones
Posts: 204/306
That reply must of came during while I was typing my post, because I jumped off right after my post.

My bad. Damn this dial-up.

Just replace the M4 with the Chevy. I'll compensate you later for a couple more later.

Those lines you did on the Chevy pick makes it look kickassier (IT'S NOT A WORD!!!)

I love my pickup. It ain't mine yet, but soon... Yeah, baby.
Posts: 2636/7838
I feel like such a dirty perv....Ok im on it....No line userbar coming up....

And coming soon, some really kickass animated ones that flow around all pretty and frilly....Like
Posts: 1642/11918
If it isn't too much trouble. Otherwise I like it a lot. It's already been added to my LJ profile.

I was going to ask if you could do another one that reads "Fairefolk" using the last two photos I posted in the Photo album thread. Namely these two:

Just don't use my face. You can use my chest, the Rogue's Reef sign... either or.

Seriously though, cleavage is like a huge factor at faire.
Posts: 2634/7838
Read what I said about the big bitch one...I cant really do guns...

And ROgue, want me to remove the lines in your bar?
Trigger Happy Jones
Posts: 203/306
Whoopsies. Damn my dial-up and it's slowness.

I need a new computer.
Posts: 1641/11918
I dunno, I like them without the diagonal lines.

That's super cool, Sajin. *quickly adds newly beloved userbar to her LiveJournal profile collection*
Posts: 2633/7838
Ok ROgue, I was experimenting with 3D lines on your far im only practicing it...And lucky you, your the does this look?

Let me know if you want me to change it...For all my userbars, im going to add 2 extra steps to make it look more like a userbar rather than just a skim msg....

Trigger, im working on yours

Oh wow...Friend of mine tought me a new skill....And you can see the difference...Now THIS is what I call a fucking userbar!

Edit- Trigger, I need a better pic of an M4...I cant make it fit onto the userbar unless it looks distorted...Plus every attempt I do you cant even tell its an M4...

>.< ;;; I hate doing Guns...Everything else I can handle...but no Guns....

Also, make a list of what you want me to merge together for your new signature....
Trigger Happy Jones
Posts: 202/306
Here are some requests:

One for my chevy insignia, Mmm-kay?

Replace the M4 pic with this big bitch, Home chicken.

(This bad boy is not only big, but it's legal in Georgia. I wouldn't want a rifle this powerful, Dustin's Uncle had one, and was too powerful for conventional use, but might as well put it on a user bar as a gag.)

I have one more, but I'll wait til later.
Posts: 1640/11918
Originally posted by Master Sajin
I think I can do that for you...Just keep in mind its going to be extremely small...

and im sure you know what will happen if I incrtease the size of the picture...It gets pixilated....

I will do my best tho

You can use the larger photo if necessary. I just want the touching their chins part.

The joke goes that when men hold their chins in thought like that, they're really thinking, "Hmmmmmm.... I wonder if I can get my dick in that." It's been an on-going faire joke for years.
Posts: 2622/7838
I dont know what in the hell I was thinking when I first made that Kai hansen one...I was like stupid Drunk

But im glad you like it, want me to merge it with some bands or something for you?
Posts: 3675/11758
Originally posted by Master Sajin
Thats a crapload better....

Like it?

hehe, Whoops, theres a little white line below the text...Here it is...FIXED!

Now that one is awesome.
Posts: 2617/7838
I think I can do that for you...Just keep in mind its going to be extremely small...

and im sure you know what will happen if I incrtease the size of the picture...It gets pixilated....

I will do my best tho
Posts: 1630/11918
I'm just trying to get it so you can see them all touching their chins. It's a Ren Faire joke. If you need to sacrifice their eyes for the hands on chins, it's all good. ^_~
Posts: 2616/7838
That pic is waaaay too small, I dont think you can even see what people will think if I can somehow fit that into a userbar Rogue...

Like, can you tell me what you want me to do with the first pic Rogue? Perhaps I can improve it to your tastes?
Posts: 1629/11918
That's really cool, but the I think their heads are a little large for what I want.

Perhaps this photo?

Thanks very much, Sajin! As usual, you do great work.
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Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - Ok people im boerd....Gimmie Requests for userbars....

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