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02-05-25 11:02 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Why FIREFLY kicks ass
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Posts: 2867/9736
I don't know if they show it on TV anymore... if the do it'd be on SciFi or something like that. I saw it on DVD... only 4 discs. Fox is so full of it for canceling the show... bastards.
Trigger Happy Jones
Posts: 64/306
Saw the movie first, then I decided to see the series.

Definitely Kick-ass
Posts: 1907/7838
Originally posted by XeoLord
When's this show on?

I randomly saw an episode a few days ago and loved it. I really liked the movie a lot (saw it twice in theaters) and the series sounds pretty awesome also.

I wanted to know when it comes on too, Alot of my friends tell me its actually pretty good...

:: Prays it comes on Direct TV ::
Posts: 3406/11758
When's this show on?

I randomly saw an episode a few days ago and loved it. I really liked the movie a lot (saw it twice in theaters) and the series sounds pretty awesome also.
Posts: 2854/9736
Venomouslobster keeps insisting that I am Kaylee. She's cute, so I don't fight this. But seriously, the bastards that took this show off the air need to die... it was SO awesome!
Posts: 1374/11918
I really love Firefly.

Especially Jayne.

I much prefer the series to the movie. Most definitely.
Posts: 4/3775
self explanitory. this thread is about firefly. Why its good, things youve heard about it, w/e.
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Why FIREFLY kicks ass

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