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02-05-25 09:43 PM
0 users currently in Debate Shrine.
Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - 11 and our spiritual side
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Trigger Happy Jones
Posts: 38/306
Eleven? I don't know. Now I'm curious.
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 1231/2641
I would say this goes in Debate
Posts: 887/3649
Hmm...I'm thinking that if this does go on the more serious side, maybe it should go to Sunset anyway?


But...I honestly have no idea, Draken. Now that you ask though, I'm intrigued as well...
Posts: 50/75
whats "11" got to do with our spirital side?? i heard someone talking about it on the radio talking about how we are spiritual beings in a physical plane of existance. any one know about this and maybe clear a few things up with me im not talking religion here i just ant to hear theories
Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - 11 and our spiritual side

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