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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Should Rogue give in to MySpace?
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Posts: 1406/7838
Originally posted by HoboConductor
Probably because she realized she doesn't have any real friends that you don't have to log onto a website or turn on a computer to talk to.

>.< ;;; Oh...I cant think of a better explanation

Friend collecting? On myspace? its more of a place to where you see alot of "CLICK HERE" "WATCH THIS VIDEO" "HEY GUYS LOL LOOK AT THIS QUIZ!" Type of place...but for those who dont have those annoying ads...and actually update their profile, its really not a bad place

Posts: 589/944
Probably because she realized she doesn't have any real friends that you don't have to log onto a website or turn on a computer to talk to.
Posts: 1256/11918
Oh my god... I made someone cry.

In one of my journalism classes, the teacher was passing around the latest copy of Vanity Fair (to show us how the lay their magazine out) which I was flipping through and noticed an article in there about MySpace and how it was bought by FOX owner, Rupert Murdoch.

I mentioned it to the teacher, as she finds MySpace interesting, though she won't get an account.

A girl in the class popped up and said the site was genius and the 28-year-old who made it had to do was create a better version of Friendster. I commented, "Yay friend-collecting..." and then she jumped back with, "Noo! Social networking."

"Same thing, just a nicer word for it." And she ran out crying. The fuck?
Posts: 1199/2954
mneh, I have one, so you might as well have one. I'm pretty sure my link is...

Don't really remember though, hell I don't use it too much.
avatar of law
Posts: 308/486
well... i'm glad i got my account a couple of months before it got popular so =P

now... i seriously do not log on there or anything at all. there's really nothing interactive to do there. the forums arent moderated too good, and the topics clash within the sub-forums, like for instance, the TV place. but yeah, besides the forums, there's really nothing to do. most ppl go there to find other ppl, message each other (tho AIM, would be easier -.-'), leave a million comments (which is annoying) and send chain letters. and with that... i dont really understand why so many people stay. i mean, when i first started doing it, it was fun to find people in your town, but it got boring within two months.

i say... if you've got extra time, go ahead and join. it'll be fun for a couple of weeks, and if you wanna not come back, that's fine. it's not as if it'll kill you to join and see what's up. plus, you cant judge something without even knowing first-hand what it is, otherwise you'll be like the people you hate so much.
Posts: 831/1858
Originally posted by HoboConductor
Its just one of those lame fads that will pass over and the next big thing for the computer retarded abercrombie and fitch sons of bitches to sign up for and rant and rave about.

Actually its more dominated by the whole emo "anti-image image" stereotype. Or the 'scene' kid for short.

Top 8 wise I have bands. People would bitch at me because they weren't in my top 8 so I got sick of it and just put bands I like on it.
Posts: 903/1567
Originally posted by Sajin of the Gorotto Sea
Originally posted by Drizzt DoUrden
Im thinking about using my account to make money, you can actually sell your account on ebay and get money for the amount of friends you have..

I heard about that...but that seriously makes it open for rapists...making your friends serious targets for a rapist...

:: Slaps Drizzit ::

"Do you want that"?

That's why you put random people on your top 8 instead of people you care about, or before you sell it you an get rid of those people also. Lol
Posts: 1380/7838
Originally posted by Drizzt DoUrden
Im thinking about using my account to make money, you can actually sell your account on ebay and get money for the amount of friends you have..

I heard about that...but that seriously makes it open for rapists...making your friends serious targets for a rapist...

:: Slaps Drizzit ::

"Do you want that"?
Posts: 902/1567
Im thinking about using my account to make money, you can actually sell your account on ebay and get money for the amount of friends you have..
Posts: 585/944
To prove your point Seticus, two girls were raped earlier on in the week. I don't know what state, probably the one I'm in since I saw it on local news.

Myspace to me is just a place of the internet where everyone goes on a rainy day to talk with their friends, or with what Voltron said, they go on their because they have nothing better to do because they're addicted.

Its just one of those lame fads that will pass over and the next big thing for the computer retarded abercrombie and fitch sons of bitches to sign up for and rant and rave about.

Myspace is like microsoft/windows, so many god damn people use it, but its a piece of shit.

Edit: Don't get one, waste of time and effort in signing up and maintaining it.

Posts: 725/1351
Originally posted by Shaddow Flight
So yes, get a myspace so that you can comment in mine! Praise meeeeee. o-o

Or even better, get a chance where you can be raped by older woman?

Actually, it is true. I don't really remember the whole detail but according to the new I watched before, MySpace is actually a few place where children are MOST likely to be expected and appoached by a adult, wanting for sex. If even possible, you may be next on the gay's hunting list, if you kept your femininies side. And get this, it even made it stupid because:

"Are you okay with the fact that I am 30?"

questions may be given to you, and demanding a child abuse.

Seriously, try and find an articles that shared the similar story to what I said, Rogue. I know you are better at new collecting then I am.
Posts: 1173/-3459
Meh... I got a MySpace account, but only because I started up a webcomic (which you'll all get the link to soon enough, so you may look at it once, and then never look again... ...) and it'll be like... the fan page... or something... after I get 10,000,000 hits. ^^ I'm anticipating that in 3 weeks...


So yes, get a myspace so that you can comment in mine! Praise meeeeee. o-o
Posts: 71/577
I say you should. You dont have to do it just to collect friends. I have one and I only add the people to my friends list that I actually talk to and know. I think it's just a fun place to socialize.
Posts: 1336/7838
Too true...Thats all my friends talk about is myspace..At first I thought it was retarded, and then I just turned it into a live journal...

And yeah I agree, people act like hardasses there, but looking at my profile its just your average normal human talking about the good aspects in life...

Though its hilarious looking at my friends profiles tho...
Posts: 830/1858
Actually I don't think someone's myspace is a good gauge on their personality at all. A lot of people like to pretend they're hardasses and don't take shit from anyone. When in reality they're that shy kid in the corner that doesn't talk unless spoken to.

I've actually found a lot people I lost touch with on myspace.

Myspace doesn't really change people. Some people are just stupid and inject their stupidty into their myspace usage. There are so many chain bulletins its rediculous.
Posts: 1328/7838
Well personally its a site where people can know your personality...I can see alot of problems with it...

As long as you have your prioritys straight, im sure your sould wont get eaten...

WoW will eat your soul tho...Its eaten mine
Posts: 1012/2785
No, MySpace is the ultimate evil. It is so wrong on so many levels.
Posts: 989/3807
Look, it's just signing up for a godforsaken website. People, calm the hell down.

Rogue's mature enough to keep everything in perspective and shit. It's not like it posses you or anything. Also, are you all so desperate to prove you're different and better than the norm as to not indulge in a trend? It's popular for a reason.

Why do you all exaggerate it? It's the equivilant of enjoying reading or something. Sure, it does stuff to stupid people, but Rogue isn't, is she?

Posts: 829/1858
I joined sometime last year (or was it two years ago?) before it was as huge as it is. Honestly I probably wouldn't join now knowing how trendy it is. Live Journal was like this during high school. I created a LJ account 5 or 6 years ago back when you needed a code to join. Once the took away the codes, it manifested itself into the popular cool thing to have sometime in the middle of highschool. I felt like I sold my self out even though I had it before.

However myspace isn't all that bad. Sure its as bad as everyone says it is, but that's only if you use it in that way. No one is going to sit you down in the bathroom and force you to take 'edgy' looking pictures in the bathroom mirror.

I say get one for shits and giggles.
Posts: 784/3649
I didn't vote...but I say give it a try. As far as the conforming subject there really a such thing anyway? :p I mean so many people are intentionally trying not to conform that it's becomming a bit of a norm too. So anywho...**shrugs** I have a myspace account, but I don't use it very often. I found it addictive and fun for a little while and now I'm just...okay whatever. BUT! I do use it to search for music. I'm sure there are other sites for that too, but I have a myspace, why not do it that way? What I used to do was just download a crap load of music that I wasn't sure if I would like or not, keep it if I liked it and deleted it if I didn't. Rather than wasting time downloading what I don't like anyway, I kinda use myspace to listen first.

That's just me though. I'm sure you have other methods of getting music off the internet...or you just do it the legal way. :p

Anywho...point is...since it wouldn't hurt to try it, why not? I mean you can delete it if you don't like it.
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Should Rogue give in to MySpace?

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