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12-22-24 05:35 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - The Black Horse Pub: Destinies Intertwined
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Posts: 767/3649
Alarmed at Xeios' sudden movement, Kira reached out in an attempt to prevent him from moving from his place. She was too late. She couldn't help but let out a gasp when she saw how well healed he was.

These guys can't possibly be fully human..., she thought to herself.

She didn't even bother looking around to see if the beast had really left. She merely just listened as his footsteps feemed to fade away little by little.

In one swift, graceful movement, Kira was on her feet and standing beside Xeios.

"Why the hell didn't you wait to make sure the damned thing had gone before getting up?!" she hissed, keeping her voice as low as possible.
Posts: 1184/2954
Xeios let out an exasperated breath, and rolled himself out from underneath the bell. He stood, and all that was left of his damage appeared to be a thin line of blood that trickled out of his mouth. He spat once and wiped his mouth.

"I think we're safe. It seemed to run off, almost like it didn't see us..."

Xeios was sure it hd seen him, he wasn't really out of sight...Unless the creature was blind, or just bad in the dark...
Posts: 911/1198
Sparda leaned against the tree, feeling as of though the beating of his heart would give away his position and endanger them all. He wanted to lean over and get a better view of the creature, but he dared not lest he was willing to make some noise. This was certainly something that caught him by surprise.

"It's impossible for Ulgath to harness such power without getting some help..."

Seconds seemed like hours as the earth trembled with each might stomp of the beast. Ever so slowly, the trembling died down as the beast slowly continued out of sight, into the darkness. Despite this, he stayed in his position for a few moments, in case it was some kind of trick.
Posts: 329/453
Jobes stood there behind a tree. He knew not to fight this beast alone. He watched Kira and Xeios from a distance. He started to move from tree to tree using the shadows to his advantage. He takes out his sword and runs behind the beast without it noticing him. He follows Kira and Xeios from a distance incase they get attacked and Xeios isn' t able to fight.
Posts: 1175/2954
Xeios still could not make out the beast. But he felt the prescence of Kira beside him. His eyes moved towards her, and they locked...At least he thought they locked. But it only seemed like a moment, Xeios was in a pretty beat up position, but he was ready to run for the hills if needs be. It comforted him to know that someone was there. Looking out for him. He smiled warmly. But the smile was drawn away by another surge of pain. His face winced, but he withheld the scream, and the coughs...
Posts: 753/3649
Kira quickly darted behind the shrubbery. She glanced over toward the bell, sensing the amount of energy comming from it.

"Xeios..." Kira whispered to herself. She was getting used to this group, and becomming very attuned to their powers. The beast was close enough for it to spot them in plain view, so she had to be silent as she made her way over toward the bell. She found a tree a few feet away from the bell and gracefully moved to it. Once she reached her destination, she crouched low to the ground, still not uttering a sound. Kira was sure that everyone would be well hidden, so she wasn't too concerned, but remained close to Xeios just in case the giant could sense his power and locate his current position.
Posts: 883/3807
Cairoi saw the beast and his left eye twitched as he silently slipped back from the direction the beast doth stride to. He looked at the others, trusting them enough to protect themselves. He dived for a nearby bush and he concentrated on his Terramorphus, bending the tree above him with his mind enough to cover him. However, there was more than enough room to hide another. He watched the beast through the darkness and the trees, keeping his mouth closed shut. He knew they weren't a stupid bunch of people.
Posts: 1173/2954
Xeios heard the bone-curtling sound. He peeked up, but his vision was blurred. He forced himself up, he needed to escape. That was priority one, this thing was not human, and would kill him without a second thought. He coughed once more, a trickle of blood formed running down his chin. He crawled to the bell, and slid himself under it. He pressed his hand into his chest, activating the sign of healing. He began repairing himself, all he could do was wait, and glance up every now and again. Hoping to stay protected and hidden from this thing, at least long enough to recover his internal organs a bit. His sonic blast caught a small amount of his head and chest, greatly hurting him and possibly rupturing the blood vessels in his lungs.

'Damn, why did I use that in such close proximity to myself'

Xeios thought of things like this, knowing that there was a good chance that this place would be his final resting place...
Posts: 904/1198
Sparda froze as his grip on the soldier's broadsword seemed to grow tighter and tighter. He dark brown eyes seemed to widen a bit. This was truly the first time he had shown any signs of fear in the presence of the group. He got back onto his feet and slowly turned around, facing the direction in which the 'noise' was coming from. Whatever it was, it was now close enough for them to hear its stomping, without enhanced hearing.

It was too dark to tell what it was. Without a second thought, he quickly extinguished the camp fire next to the bell, causing all to be dark again.

"...we cannot afford to fight it...hide!"

There was tension in his voice as he silently took cover behind one of the trees. A roar suddenly sounded through the air, as the earth began to shake, the stomping growing louder and louder.

"I don't think even Leonis is capable of unleashing this thing..."

Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 1008/1852
Kaijin was a ways down from them. He figured the group would beable to handle themselves. It was only natural.
He moved from tree to tree with pure silence, using his Psionic ability to lighten his body with each jump. A ways down from them, and he was on scout. More curious, then fact, but he figured there was a camp with the rest of the guards around.

Just as the thought crossed his mind, and the group vanished from his sight, he found a camp fire just in the distance.

Four tents, and a small fire.

He shook his head slowly, his black clothing letting him blend in perfectly into the shaded trees. He saw the four guards drinking slowly, their weapons resting to their sides, off their protective sheaths, drinking.

"Odd..." He lept to a tree just above the camp, perfectly seeing all four guards chuckling, trading stories, but in full armor, awaiting the call of trouble.

He lept down from the trees in a quick motion. Swiftly, he drew his two daggers, and launched them in a swift attack, both blades slamming perfectly into the juggular of the two side guards. The farthest guard barely had time to react, when Kaijin used his Psionic ability to pull the blades from the two dead guards, and launch them in a scizzor attac, and slicing his neck cleanly open. The last guard, closest, jumped with his blade in hand, begginning to freak out.

"Death." Kaijn said with a chilling calm, forcing the guard to turn around. As soon as his eyes clocked onto the dark figure, both his eyeballs peirced forth, for his two daggers penetraed the back of his head, and cleanly left slice marks down his eye sockets.

He whiped his blades off on the corpse near him, and sheathed his blades. Quickly, before anymore noise could be heard, he drug each of the soldiers into their tents, and snuffed out the flames.

He cracked a sadistic grin to himself as he stood over the burned out campfire. His Psionic powers seemed to have been increasing. Strong enough to play with a magnificent dagger attack like that.

His sharp green eyes peirced over the high standing collar, scouting the area. He had a rough guess on where the group was, and took off from the ground, in a massive leap, and made it into the trees silently. Quickly he made his way forth, attempting to find the group he deverted from.
Posts: 328/453
Jobes walked back and spotted a couple of dead soldiers on the ground. His attention then turned towards Xeios and watched him cough up blood. He stood there thinking of a way to help him but couldn' t think of a very effective one. He put his long sword away and started walking.

"They are going to what to we are off guard they won't attack us again until we are occupied."
Posts: 1164/2954
Xeios began panting. He was thrown into a frantic bit of coughs, blood spilling from every couple of cough. He became light headed and slumped farther onto the ground, barely holding onto consciousness. He did not have any external wounds, but from the way his hands were positioned, he could have possible injured himself during his attack. He could not pay attention to the others right now, hopefully, they would know to leave him if there was an attack. He would be able to break out of any sort of prison, but this pain right now would slow them down far too much.
Posts: 254/472
Gregory stopped and stood stock-still. Sparda, Xeios, and Cairoi quickly dispatched the few solders.

But next to him Kira froze. Gregory could hear it coming as well. Making a face his hands flashed and throwing knives appeared in his left hand. His walking stick still held loosely in his right.
Posts: 852/3807
Cairoi quickly threw together his double sword and held it in his right hand wearily, watching the shadows with his amazing eyes. Even with his eyes, he couldn't see what was ahead...But the unnatural sense that something was nearby gave him the instiction that they were facing down something. He began spinning the sword madly, wondering what was going to happen.

"Bring it."
Posts: 750/3649
Kira looked, almost in shock, from Sparda, to Xeios, to Cairoi. They had moved to fast to handle the issue, she barely saw what happened. Cautiously, she glanced around, just in case the trio missed any. There wasn't anything within close proximity, so she began to continue onward after Carioi.

After taking all but two steps, Kira froze. Her hair stood on end. Again she looked around, but could see nothing. Being part elf, her vision was nearly perfect in the dark...but it wasn't x-ray vision. Before moving, she closed her eyes and allowed her nerves to calm a bit.

She listened. Holding her breath and remaining completely silent herself. She could hear it in the distance. Something was moving toward them...
Posts: 850/3807
Cairoi grimaced as he stopped quickly, seeing Sparda and Xeios take care of the immenint troops. He used his Hawkeye to spot another one hiding behind a tree, sword drawn. He walked forward silently, bringing his scimitar out of it's sheath. He pointed at the man's throat as he directly to his right side, the man's eyes watching the other two to the left. He smiled and said slowly:

"Hello, monsieur. Enjoying yourself?"

The man turned and almost let out a scream, but Cairoi hit him in the head with the hilt of his sword, knocking him out. He pulled some rope out and tied the man to the tree.

"No need to kill them all."

He finishes tying the man up and scans the dark forest with his incredible eyes.

"There's none left."

Cairoi looked back at the others before turning and walking down the path again, knowing the others would get back on track.
Posts: 1162/2954
Xeios was running with the group, alchemical signs rushing with energy the whole way. He made himself light on his feet, and dashed shortly behind Sparda. Noticing the guards, he circled around them as best he could. And When Sparda pulled his feat of ill grace, he moved in to help. The two guards Sparda killed were on the right side of the bell, Xeios' left, and the other was running towards it from the other side, Xeios got there just in time and held his left hand, palm out into the path of the guard. With a slight push, Xeios' alchemical sign activated and hit the face of the guard. In almost a blur the man's life was ended. The sign which was defined as 'Silent Noise' was activated, and it's true use was the controlling of sonic waves, in this instance, he used them to attack the internal integrity of his body with a simple push. Basically, He amplified himself so that a slap from the hand would shoot out sonic waves, beyond human capabilities of hearing, to rattle and distort the internal organs of a person, or to damage the integrity of a building. In this circumstance, the man's brain was turned into stew by simply encountering Xeios' hand. Xeios also has some control over sending the waves out in a ranged sense, but this sort of shotgun blast at close range tends to work much better.

"War...Brings out the worst in people...The best in me."

Xeios fell to his left knee, and put a hand to his head, he lost all control over his alchemy at this point, and pinched the bridge of his nose. Some blood dripped from his nose. He wiped it away with his other hand, and concentrated on the pain. His face strained.
Posts: 902/1198
Sparda suddenly froze, being sure to stop in the shadows and immediately took cover. He quickly eased his breathing and relaxed his muscles as he leaned against the tree for a few moments waiting. Was it just his imagination? No...he leaned over and peered around the trunk of the tree to see three patrol guards...Ulgathian.

They weren't as well armed as the knights before...but they would have to be disposed of quickly. One false move and the guards would be able to notify the entire army of their location with just a single ring of a great and giant bell, which stood quite close to the group. He wouldn't be able to use his sword...he had lost it during the battle before.

He looked back to see the rest of the group catching up to him.
"...I must act fast..."

He sighed and stood there for a moment before suddenly dashing from his cover and right into the three guards. They were caught completely by surprise for Sparda's movements were as quick as they were silent. Immediately, he knocked one of the guards down, knocking the other two as well. As if it were a reflex, Sparda grabbed the sword of the guard and drew it. The blade against the sheath made a soft ringing noise. Now armed, Sparda immediately plunged the broadsword into the neck of the guard he knocked down and then, withdrew it, before slashing forward at the second guard, dealing a fatal blow to his head.

However, his movements were not fast enough as the third guard got up and began running to ring the bell.
Posts: 249/472
Gregory easily dances around the collided Kira and Jobes, avoiding an even bigger pile-up. "If you are going back for us then turn right around. We can keep up just fine." The blind man said with a level voice.

After waiting a moment for Kira and Jobes to continue Gregory sets off again. As he continues his easy run he holds his walking stick low like a spear. He soon is only a few steps behind Cairoi, and slowed down to keep pace with him.
Posts: 744/3649
As Jobes turned to check on the rest of them, he and Kira nearly collided. She staggered back a few steps and looked up at him a bit suprised. She opened her mouth to say something, but paused, her eyes falling on his longsword.

"We're comming, we're comming..." She says a bit cautiously as she scanned Jobes with her eyes. Just a bit behind him she could see Cairoi and Sparda moving on ahead. Kira stepped aside Jobes and headed foreward. "The others will be fine. They weren't far behind me."
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - The Black Horse Pub: Destinies Intertwined

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