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02-06-25 11:01 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - D&D Races
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Posts: 434/7838
Elf...because it seems they can live for long periods of time...When me and a couple of my friends play D&D, we also go by WoW races and such...

Plus Elves look awesome
Posts: 243/365
I like elves best. They have great dex, I dont care if

they have lower con, I'm usually a archer anyway.

Posts: 301/793
I played D and D once. I was in fourth grade. I hated it. I don't know why! I just couldn't stand it then, and still can't.

But... I chose Gnomes, because Gnomes are just amazing. I love them, I love their hats, I love their ways. Plus, David the Gnome was the best kids show ever.
Posts: 596/2724
*thwacks Cyro*

Races, not classes.
Cyro Xero
Posts: 988/1779
I prefer the class of Paladin. In Everquest that's what I was and I did well with my character for a very long time. God ol' Astralasia, got up to level 34 or something.
Gan Ning
Posts: 98/278
Meh, I dunno if I ever will play a D + D game.
Even if I wanted to, I've got no one to play it with.
Jity Horo
Posts: 127/155
No I wasn't joking Tamarin.

Anyhoo, I'm going to see if my DM, Cairoi btw, will let me play four, count'em, PCs. I could toattly handle it.
Posts: 590/2724
Originally posted by Jity Horo
Wow didn't see that one coming Kaijin.
Please tell me you're joking.

Humans. I like to stick with what I know, and being a human myself... yeah. Although in one D&D game that's yet to start, I think I'm a half-elf rogue... it's been a looong time since we were initially planning it, lemme dig up the message...


Ah, Human Rogue.. the rest of us, assuming no one cancels, are a Half-Elf Ranger, Halfling Cleric, Dwarven Bard, and Human Wizard...
Posts: 643/1351
One question. Beside the given choice, do you also allow the sub-races as well? (Example: Elf can mean Drow, etc, Human can mean Thieflings, etc.)

Isn't a Vampire class? Being "undead" would be consider as a "race" because of the "heritage" or something. Human, undead, demon, half-elf, etc., are like races...

My main choice would either be Human or Half-elf, depending on how I see fit toward to the stat. If I feel like it, Sorcerer or Paladin are my main choice. (Need a little magic to protect yourself.) I don't usually play D&D often but just some PC game (Baldur's Gate, Icewind Gales, Neverwinter Night, to name a few.)
Posts: 2260/9736
I'm an Elf fan personally, though I also like Half-Elves and the occation Fey'ri or Human. Elves are my favorite though.
Posts: 616/1461
I like to use elf, half-elf and humans (in that order of preference). It ultimaly comes down to what class I'm playing.
Jity Horo
Posts: 126/155
Wow didn't see that one coming Kaijin. Vampires are cool but they're over used.
Van Rhanell
Posts: 238/337
Half-elf, it has the same stats as the cat-race category I include. Light and fast with much talent but still moderately good defense. I like playing as a ranger or speed based/exotic weapon paladin. Funny also how I have the same body structure as the race is described as having.
Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 839/1852
Obviously you never played it or else you wouldn't have used a Plus sign =P

I'm a personal fan of Elves mostly... >.>
Why wasn't there Vampire?! Cries

What? Yes, I've played as a vampire in D&D. >.>
Gan Ning
Posts: 85/278
I've never played D + D, but I went for human. Because I am one. That's what the doctor assured me, at least.
Cyro Xero
Posts: 945/1779
Humans and Elves are what I usually play as in games with those races. Everquest was one of them obviously.
Posts: 379/1567
I picked human mostly because there really open ended and such... I usally like mixing and matching such as a half human half dragon or so on and so forth...

so yea... I picked human
Jity Horo
Posts: 124/155
This is fueled purely my curosity. And if you going to be a pissant and say "Where is the none option" don't post.

I personally enjoy playing as dwarves. They are the most versitile with the preferred class choices. Fighter/Rogue or Fighter/Wizard are my popular choices.
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - D&D Races

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