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02-06-25 05:33 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Bicycle Riding
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Gan Ning
Posts: 59/278
That brings back horrible memories of when I sprained my arm falling off my bike riding no handed... Damn my troubled childhood.

*clings onto teddy bear with a tearful face*
Posts: 569/2724
Riding without hands... I rode all the way home handless, after I got a bit of speed.

That was fun.
Posts: 92/109
I love bike riding, unfortunately now that school's back in I don't have the time.
Posts: 646/1555
I love riding my bike. It can be very therapeutic. I can almost make full U turns without using my hands. It's pretty fun.
Posts: 2217/9736
I haven't ridden a bike in like 5 years or so because the tires on my bike are messed up. I don't know if I can still ride the damn thing even to be honest. I used to be quite good at directing the bike to move without my hands, which freaked a lot of people out because I made it look like telepathy or something... ah, I miss those days!
Posts: 270/793
I do. Not so much now that its the school year, but during the summer its pretty much all I do.

Once I get a car, I'm sure that'll change though. Poor bike...
Van Rhanell
Posts: 231/337
I enjoy it, and during summer go on short 3 mile outings every other day. I'll also go on bikerides with my dad, usually on longer trips, like going from (a good portion of you guys will understand this) Masonic[13 1/2 mile] to 22 mile and back, not going directly up and down. It's a main source of exercise for me, along with ddr.
Cyro Xero
Posts: 908/1779
Back in the day when I was still in highschool I rode my bike all the time. To play basket with my brother and friends miles away, going on "across the city" bike trips just to get to one place, exploring. You name it I've probably done it. Twas' fun. Then I got a car and started working out instead. Since then I've been on a bike only a few times. I still know how to ride though, just not as good.
Gan Ning
Posts: 35/278
Five years ago, I used to ride my bike EVERYWHERE. I once rode my bike for five hours straight.
Then I got lazy.

I doubt I can even remember how to ride a bike now.

(That's not to say I don't do exercise, of course.)
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 626/4541
Yeah, I bike. I enjoy mountain biking usually, but on the street is fine too.

Anyway, the bike I would be riding now got stolen on a thanksgiving. So, I can't anymore.
Posts: 371/871
LoL. "uphill both ways... with no shoes!"

Heh. I was really young. I had one of those bikes that you pedal backwards to stop, and I was going down the driveway. My mum was already at the bottom of the driveway, waiting for me. I was heading to the main road, and a semi truck was coming. I got confused which way to pedal and ended up going faster. Mum saw me heading to the truck and threw her bike in front of me. I ended up sending her into the blackberry thorns, and I went flying across the driveway with extreme road rash.

I hadn't riden since then. Until a few months ago. It was fun. I want to start doing it again. BUt I can't really since i'm pregnant, I don't want to crash and hurt the baby, especially since I don't have a lot of bike experience.
Posts: 552/2724
So as not to be confused with any other sort of bike.

Who here rides a bike a lot? I ride about twenty minutes a day, uphill about a third of the way (both ways; there's a shallow valley-type-thing on the way), to and from work. Great exercise.

... I ride uphill both ways... shit, I sound like an old man.
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Bicycle Riding

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