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02-07-25 12:44 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - If they made a Duke Nukem movie ...
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Gan Ning
Posts: 11/278
Actually, I can see that. The look, the big gun, the cheesy one liners... They're like peas in a particuarly weird pod.
Van Rhanell
Posts: 229/337
I think any blonde guy could be duke as long as he had that bad of voice acting. If Bruce Campbell could go throughout a whole movie saying things in a gruff but completely unconvincing voice (whilst keeping a straight face) he'd be perfect.
Posts: 2433/11758
Yeah, now that I think about it I definitely see more Bruce in Sam.

Regardless, I'd love to see him play as Duke Nukem.
Posts: 471/2999
Bruce is a little more Serious Sam. What with the hair colour, and just the way he looks and all. It seems Dukes charactor was based off of all action stars, but looks-wise seems a little more Arnold.

Arnold is too old for it now though.
Posts: 2428/11758
Bruce Campbell would make the ultimate Duke.

Couldn't you see it?

Or, he'd make the ultimate Serious Sam.

Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - If they made a Duke Nukem movie ...

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