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02-06-25 11:39 PM
0 users currently in Xeo's Hot Tub.
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Your the man now dog....!!!!!
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Posts: 259/871
Hmm... yes, I believe Ryan introduced you to YTMND? Heh. Never found it too entertaining myself. There's the "nigga stole my...." ones, those are somewhat amusing.
Posts: 564/1858
This site is quite old. But they have got some hilarious stuff. Like the Bill Cosby Pokemon one.

There are so many morally wrong things, I love it.
Van Rhanell
Posts: 222/337
Such a great site, it has all the hilarious Conan O Brien flashes, like the Captain Planet thing that was here a while ago. Also I saw a video that was all about why myspace is bad, so funny and true.
Posts: 622/11918
I remember going to ytmnd a few times. S'where I found the "NOOOOOOOOO!" gifs of Vader after the debacle of Episode III.

The one I liked that I saw after discovering it myself was the "OMGWTF Google Found Carmen!" one which had the theme song from the game show and the screen capture posted.
Posts: 342/1567
Ok... I have recently come accross this site called Your the man now dog...or ytmnd...

this site takes everyday normal things and turns it into something funny

such as this one

Peter Griffin Lives


Kingdom Hearts 2

and many more... to find more just go to

How many people have been to this site? I think that it's great...

Warning....Some things on this website will be extremely disturbing so if you get sick by seeing it... dont come crying to me about it...

Also most of the pages on this site are not 56k friendly so if you have dial-up expect a long wait...
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Your the man now dog....!!!!!

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