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02-08-25 08:57 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Anime Lounge - Escaflowne question
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True Flight
Posts: 1198/5245
To be honest the move sucks compared to the series. I recommend watch the series over the movie. You'd agree.
Van Rhanell
Posts: 223/337
(edit) I found it on Ares after an hour or two, it's called Shadow of Doubt, and on its OST 2
I could also send it via AIM.

The Accidental Protege
Posts: 691/2641
Y'know when Adult Swim played the movie? You ever see the commercial advertizing it? I want that song that was played during the commercial. The one with all the heavy bassoon lines and classical string instruments and whatnot. It sounds so awesome; can anyone provide me with a name, or a downlaod?
Xeogaming Forums - Anime Lounge - Escaflowne question

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