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02-07-25 01:07 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Anime Lounge - Laws of anime
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Posts: 2398/11758
#2 is just too true.

I think there's different versions of this, I'm pretty sure this has been posted before, but they were a little different.
Cyro Xero
Posts: 880/1779
I was wondering if there was another site about that. The one I saw years ago and printed out contained about 60 laws. It was this very list too.
Posts: 235/365
Originally posted by Lanowar
Yar. That was most awesome I do so say. Mreow, heh, that cat girl rule owned.

I'm with ya there, once I saw that I was sure that the laws were complete...

LOL female charater's have EXTRA storage...
Posts: 8/8
Yar. That was most awesome I do so say. Mreow, heh, that cat girl rule owned.
Posts: 2061/9736
I just love rule #43, that is just awesome!

And the one about the costume or mask thing... it is funny how that works.
Van Rhanell
Posts: 221/337
I remeber seeing this and being amazed at how true some of these are, particularly the one about the size or shape spacecraft being relative to how fast they can go. You can somewhat stretch rule 15, since Trowa would run out of ammo at an almost normal rate.
Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 309/569
OMG, this is the funniest thing ever. People made laws that govern how and why anime is what it is. Here is the link:

Check it out, it is actually pretty funny!!
Xeogaming Forums - Anime Lounge - Laws of anime

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