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02-18-25 05:47 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Google Messenger
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Posts: 28/109
Did you put make sure you have the right password and case and all that shit... aw what the fuck do I know, ask google.
Posts: 162/310
Is there a particular reason why i cannot login to my gmail account through it?
Posts: 614/1569
I have an account i am

THis is great...
Posts: 12/109
I personally love Google and Gmail and I'm sure i will love this too, I've already installed it but I'm sure i won't use it for a wile when it does start to become popular which I'm very sure it will.
Posts: 10/14
Hmm... this seems interesting. I definitely won't doubt Google's potential because of how large they've started to become lately. This could very well become very popular on the IM scene.
Posts: 2/23
From what i can tell, google talk seems to be getting fairly big. I heard they're for communication between different types of messengers. When i heard that it got me more interested. It'll be interesting to see what happens with it in the future.
Posts: 120/327
Well if that is how it works, not many people in the first place knows about gamil. ALso you have to be invited to sign up for it. (which i think is stupid) But I doubt it will get as big as AIM or Yahoo like Elara said. Just because not many people know that Google offers more services then just a huge search engine. But then again, you never know nowadays.
Posts: 585/1198
After downloading it I found out a few things...

GMessenger [as I like to call it] is directly linked to GMail. Your username and password are identical to that of GMail. And I think in order to add a buddy, he or she must have GMail.

Edit: Or that is that's how I think it works...
Posts: 1743/9736
First Gmail, now Google Messenger? Wow, aiming high aren't they?

I don't think I will download it for now, but I am sure that eventually it will get as big as Yahoo! or even AIM... which is scary.
Posts: 584/1198
By chance, I just found this today. Your thoughts?
I dunno. I'm going to download it but I doubt it'll get as popular as AIM. But then again, this is Google we're talking about here.

It'll be interesting to see how this will work out.
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Google Messenger

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