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02-03-25 01:14 AM
0 users currently in Entertainment.
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - The Used anyone?
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Posts: 101/121
The Used...that name...its so used, anyway bad joke, very bad joke...not even a joke more of a "wtf is he on". Anyways i dont truthfully really lik the band, nor does my friend because his girl friend is all crunk over the Band....they are kinda cool i guess but im more into Linkin Park, Blink 182, and the Pixies. Those are bands i can live with....
Posts: 458/3649
Hmm..."The Used"...they're the ones who sang that song "The Taste of Ink", correct? If so, then I've heard of them but never really listened to them, other than that song. Which I happen to like btw.
Lethal Strike
Posts: 10/12
THe used are one of my favorite bands pretty pissed off about there new album its too mainstream but I still cant wait to see them at the Taste of caos in Australia aswell as funeral for a friend, rise against and story of the year................CANT WAIT!
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - The Used anyone?

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