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12-27-24 04:36 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Donnie Darko
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Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 381/1852

The movie was about a kid who shouldn't be alive. He should have been crushed by the turbine off the plan his mother was riding in the future. It apperently got caught in a time vortex, fell through time, and crashed through his bedroom.

Due to the fact Donnie should not be alive, he is being visited by a ghost in the future. Oddly enough, this ghost is dressed up like a demonic bunny, and is telling him to do things (like flood his school, and burn a house.)

The Ghost is not the only deal. He is also becoming a time paradox. He is seeing people's destinies. Apperently, you could unravel all of time if you choose to break out of your destined path, from which he can, since he can see it. (It looks like a long bubble that stretches out of someone's chest.)

I love how he gains confedice in the movie, and tells his idiot teacher off.

Donnie: "There are more things in life then Love and Fear. You can't just clump everything that we have into two usless catagories..."
Teacher: 'Donnie, if you dont' understand the assignment-'
Donnie: "-No, I understand the assignment, I think its completely stupid"
Teacher: 'Just put the postit on the love and fear table'
Donnie: "You know what you can do with that table-"
cuts to princible's office
Principal: "So what exactly did you say to your teacher again?-"
Teacher: "I"ll tell you what he said! He said I could put the feeling line table in a very unplasent place!."
Mother: in shock
Father: dieing laughing "You told your teacher she can shove that line up her ass?"
Posts: 12/28
So... I just watched Donnie Darko and I am utterly confused. The whole movie weirded me out. Anyone make anything of it?
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Donnie Darko

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