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02-02-25 09:54 PM
0 users currently in Xeo's Hot Tub.
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Star Wars Comic
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Posts: 35/121
Its my fav comic site thats why i check it out all the time. HAHA i love the Metal Gear Solid, Hitman, and SplinterCell jokes...
Posts: 346/2999
That's some pretty good spoofing. Didn't get me laughing my bloody ass off, but I did find it rather humurous. They even had to throw in anotehr shot at the "Noooo!" scene.

The panel with Anakin and Padme was good. They practiclly really did have love lines like that goin' in the movie. XD
Posts: 386/3649

Omg...I think I found that to be a bit funnier than the average person would...I couldn't stop laughing...even my cats were looking at me funny....(That and the comic made me think of lots of other things about the movie that have been spoffed on. XD)
Posts: 41/1567
that was pretty funny they really played off of the nooooooooo thing, lol.

i have always loved vg cats i just havent have the chance to check in a long time
Posts: 1296/9736
That is funny... I love VG Cats.
Posts: 16/121
I find this funny...

Check it out!
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Star Wars Comic

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