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03-14-25 12:38 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Warcrack
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Azen Dalin
Posts: 71/324
=_= I love Warcraft. The people I babysit for have it on their computer and I play it non-stop when the kids go to sleep. Its like freaking crack. XD love the joke, "warcrack" think I'll make that joke with SaJin at Cyber Landing.

Wow...we could play that at Cyber Landing.

There are a lot of strategy games out there like Warcraft. The one I'm addicted to is "Ages of Mythology: Titans" Its an expansion pack where you get these awesome little titans and you can pimp-walk through peoples towns and crap. I love Ages.

There's Warcraft, Ages, Red Alert, Battle for Middle Earth...I mean there are tons of strategy games. Each is a little different, but they take no time to learn how to play.
Posts: 26/46
Over the weekend, when I was at my uncles house, I started playing World of Warcraft. Before I knew it I had nearly spent an entire day on that game. In my opinion the game is awesome. The only thing that I didn't like about it was the fact that you have to pay fifteen bucks a month just to play. But I guess that it goes along with the saying, "You get what you pay for." What do you think about this game?
Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Warcrack

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