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03-04-25 07:56 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - End of Earth
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Posts: 388/453
Jobes walks into his office and notices Ariya and Chris in there already. He takes his seat at his desk and turn towards them. He watches them talk to each other. He isn't really paying attention to them really but his mind drifts back on Keira and her father. He starts to mumble to himself.

"I want Keira to see all the information on her father and her mother."
Posts: 1026/1569
Chris walks over to his computer and begins tapping in commands.

"Alright I have run a scan for changes and log on time. I know when I log on and when I am not in. If there is an anomalous log on time I will work from their."

Azen Dalin
Posts: 314/324
OOC: By request, I'm reopening this rp. I hope everyone comes back.


Ariya gave Lina an apologetic expression.

"Go down to the room on your left and tell them that you need your ID upgrade, they should more than happily do it for you. I'll be down there in 15 minutes to help you out with the information. But for now, I have something to take care of."

She rushed behind Jobes into the room with Chris. For a few moments she listened to what Chris said, thinking hard on who exactly in the research department would leak any information on anyone.

"If at all possible, do this as quietly as possible. I don't want people knowing about these leaks. It's bad enough that Kiera was found out and almost everyone knows about her. We need this opperation clean, just like the Johnson case. Only mind prob anyone who goes in and out of the research lab and do it when they're asleep."

Ariya tapped her chin in concentration.

"Run as many scans on your computer as possible. There's no way a hacker could get in and NOT leave some form of a trace. Is there anything else?"

Catrin heard Cyro's questions behind her. She didn't bother to answer them, only continued running as fast as her feet would carry her. Her legs sprang, moving her from one place to the next with great agility.

"Don't worry about that now! Just worry about your life and mine!"

She ran behind a few walls, making sure that the pair were well hidden. Catrin turned to Cyro and pushed a clip onto his chest. Her hands shook as she applied the same clip onto herself. With a push of a button, the pair disappeared from all scanners and sight.

Though her body wanted to collapse, she knew she had no choice but to continue running. Her hand clasped Cyro's wrist a second time and the pair made their way into a more populated part of the city, where it would tracking by scanner would be difficult. Catrin also knew that FEH may not have much priority over the lives of its soldiers, but that civilian casulties were out lawed.

"We should be safe soon..."
Posts: 596/1569
SHIT 4 Days...HE USED MY TERMINAL!! fucker...

Yes SIR!

He used my terminal...Thats wack...

ONly a few people have access to my office in the first place...they are pretty high up or atleast are good hackkers...

Ill have this man...
Posts: 296/453
Jobes looks at Chris as he said he wanted it plugged. Jobes just shook his head as the words came out of his mouth.

"Do you think I don't want it plugged and I know there is a leak somewhere and I have my suspicions on who it is and I have already destroyed most of the information. I can't find out who the traitor is because he uses a different computer every night. He has left a pattern though he used your computer the last two nights. So now I am going to say the words. I want this leaked plugged and I want this traitor on trail by the end of the week which gives you 4 days."

Jobes left the room and walked back towards Keira and stops infront of her.

"I knew your father. He was a good man and a great friend of mine. The Government knew that you would be a great soldier so they told you and your mother that he was with them and that we killed him."
True Flight
Posts: 1018/5245
She turned around to Jobes and looked at him walk away. "Who--" She didn't want to ask. He was walking in a fast pace, but when he walked away. "Who's Tom?"
Posts: 572/1569
*Chris looks into the hallway watching Jobes and Ariya run down the hallway he ushers them into his office shutting the door and activating security countermeasures*

Someone is stealling information on our weapons project...

We have a leak somewhere in our research lab...

We need to do mind probes...some of this things will turn the tide of the war but i need your permission to do so or you can interogate my staff...but...we have a leak somewhere...i want it plugged...
Posts: 289/453
"Hey Ariya we have to hurry off to Chris' office he has important information about few of our projects so we need to go to his office."

Jobes takes off towards Chris's office passing by Keira.

"Hey I see you found your fathers journal. If you have any questions let me know."
Dark Vader
Posts: 334/335
*Dack opens his eyes, his head ringing with a splitting headache and his vision blurred. A bright light is shining straight in his eyes. He is sitting in a chair with his wrists and ankles tied to it. The last thing that he remembers is walking down an alley on his way from... where was it... he tries to remember where he was coming from... when something had stabbed him in the arm. Within seconds he had lost consciousness, seeing dark blurred figures walking torwards him. Someone else in the room speaks up, his voice sounding just like Agent Smith from The Matrix (I picked the perfect last name for this).*

(Voice) Mr. Anderson... it seems you are not as hard to catch as our informant would have us think. He told us that you were invincible, that you have taken bullets that would drop just about anyone, or take them out of the fight, but you remain on the front lines... We will have to punish him for that mistake.

(Dack) Johnson has already been discovered. I doubt he will live mush longer. Now tell me this, where the Hell am I and who are you?

(Voice) Johnson... there is no operative by that name. You are at a highly secure GOVERNMENT facility, who I am is not important, what is is what you know. Now lets get down to business... what are the defenses in your facility, where is it located and how many are there?

(Dack) Why would I tell you? You are everything that I am fighting to stop.

(Voice) We have ways of making you talk... Now lets see if Thymius was right in his report that you do not respond to pain... he was wrong once already.

*A heavy fist with brass knuckles suddenly slams into Dack's jaw. His head is knocked to the side. He spits, almost nothing but blood with a shard of tooth with it. He straightens his head to bring it in line with the voice that was speaking to him.*

(Dack) You will have to hit harder than that.

*With each word, his jaw gives him sharp stabing pains, he guesses that it is fractured.*

(Voice) Hmmm... its a shame really. I hoped that I would not have to go to level 5... but that should have knocked you uncouncious, after which you should have been ready to talk... at least a little. Its a shame that you are on the side of those traitors.
Bring in the equipment for level 5...
Posts: 558/1569
*Chris Picks up his phone and calls Jobes*

Tom sorry i was dealing with another problem.

I have some info for yours and Ariyas eyes only get down here.

Its about some of our projects...
Cyro Xero
Posts: 687/1779
With Catrin's hand latched onto his wrist Cyro trailed just behind his subordinate as the both of them ran off upon getting up. He saw that there was some cover which seemed to protect them from most of the enemy visibility of them, so Cyro made the risky decision to shut of his ESD and let it recharge for the time being. In case the two of them failed to immediately lose any pursuers, he could protect Catrin and himself for a short time longer.

Cyro's eyes gazed at Catrin, who seemed to be in a frantic run away from the area, and a mix of frustration and curiosity swelled up in his mind as to why she was here. Though he figured her presence wasn't without authorization. She was with him, of all places.

Just what the hell was here that she had to come? What's going on? Was I not briefed on everything for this job?

He then remembered Catrin telling him about her having what she came for over communications, his mind abruptly focusing on that though alone.

"Catrin," he said aloud through his breath, "you and I are going to have a talk when we get back. I wanna know why you were sent here, for what and why I was never informed of what it is you were told to retrieve, assuming you didn't come on your own."
True Flight
Posts: 979/5245
Keira continued reading the journal. She threw it against the wall and took out her lighter. "I wish to burn it...." She said to herself. "I wish to burn everything...."

Keira blinked and shook her head. "No... It didn't solve anything last time. Infact it made matters worse." Keira finished the book and walked out of her quarters. Who to turn to.... to return this book. Tom? She thought. She nodded and she walked around aimlessly.
Posts: 472/3649
Lina then rose to her feet and followed after Ariya.

Looking around at all the men staring at Ariya, Lina stuck out her tongue at them.

"So..." She muses. She pushes passed her and then stands directly in front of Ariya, crossing her arms. "What's with the mood?" Lina inquirers, smiling broadly.

However, before she could answer, Jobes had bumped into Ariya. Lina frowned as she watched Jobes as he spoke.
Posts: 282/453
Jobes starts to walk back to his office but on his way he bumped into Ariya.
" Are you alright? Where you heading to in such a hurry? I have to get back to my office and check on the status of Kevin. So if you are ....... " Jobes forgets what he was going to say and just stands showing no emotion on his face.
Azen Dalin
Posts: 234/324
Catrin looked out, frantically searching for Cyro. C'mon...c'mon Cy... She saw a man running over the horizon, it was him. She just knew. A smile grew on her face, until the helicopter appeared as well. Her face went solemn, her eyes dark.

"Oh shit..."

She ran as fast as she could to where Cyro was standing. With a lunge of despiration she hit the ground beside him, then called out.


Around her and Cyro a mechanical sheild appeared, blocking the missles from hitting them.

Panting, she grabbed him by the wrist and ran as fast as she could, hoping that the smoke screen would be enough of a deversion before FEH could catch onto them.

The Accidental Protege
Posts: 450/2641
"Shit.... Pilot, Cyro should be nearing your position, and I want him dead. Got that? Use the minigun, rocketlaunchers, whatever. I'll take care of the building. Out." Kevin used the intercom and turned it on. "Attention faculty: Everyone is to evacuate the builing immediately. Self-destruct is imminant. This is not a drill. Please evacuate." With that, Kevin flew down the counltess flights of stairs and into the boiler room. He opened up his satchels and took out 3 plastic explosives (C4) and attached them to the boiler. Setting the timer for 3 minutes, Kevin raced back upstairs and out the main door, seeing hundreds of people who evacuated on the streets. "MOVE! MOVE! IT'S GONNA BLOW!" And indeed, it did. Not a moment too soon, the entire building erupted in a mighty flare of flames and debris. In the meantime, the Pilot, got a bead n Cyro's position and unloaded his rockets.
Cyro Xero
Posts: 622/1779
Another blast pushed his body to the side with debris flying into the shielding. He nearly fell over from the force but kept his ground and stayed on his feet. He glanced back to see how far away his pursuer was while running and turned a corner to go down the flights of stairs. Cyro literally lept from near the top of each flight, letting the shield ram into the wall upon landing to abruptly stop the momentum of his body before going on to the next. More firing was heard, constantly behind him. He wasn't so sure he'd stop being chased so easliy. And since he didn't have any explosives or equipment for a trap there wouldn't be much time for rest until he was completely clear of the building's premisis.

Upon making it outside Cyro continued his frantic dash. There was much destruction within the area from the previous battle. Boxes and containers ravaged from the multiple rounds that had passed through. Walls were torn apart due to concussive blasts. Cyro zigzagged his way around the obstacles to make a straight run back to the fence from which he came in. The shielding from his ESD lit up as rounds struck the invisible field at high speeds. There was still security force firing at him. Cyro didn't want to turn and fire back. He wouldn't have time without being injured himself in the process. It was too much, and his ESD was going to deactivate again in a moments notice from the stress.
True Flight
Posts: 804/5245
Keira read on. "Why keep him a secret?"

December 24, 2000

Keira blinked. "The first entry..."

My first entry in a year I guess. I've had this journal ever since December 24 of 1999. I didn't put anything in it because nothing important has happened. Now I know what has been going on since this day last year. When I was 16 my father and mother gave me this journal saying that I will probably need it. They were right. On this day of this year my parents were killed. They were caught in between fire of a GOVERNMENT agent and a FEH soldier.

Not one person in this town understood my feelings. I didn't want to fight. I didn't want to bother with this war. Now I've got no choice. Who to turn to? FEH or GOVERNMENT? .... My father and mother died between both sides. They both said that equality is a key factor in political values, they both told me to balance everything out, and both of their beliefs have to be passed on. Why not both? That's a goal that I want to complete. I'll join FEH first and then later I'll go into GOVERNMENT.

The route I'm taking is a harsh one, but I got to fool both sides.

Devlin Reddington

Keira smiled. He thought life was a game... She thought. He wanted to pass down the belief that life was a game that you balance out on both sides of the problem.... How could I ever be like that...
Azen Dalin
Posts: 227/324
Ariya sighed, feeling her face turn a shade of red. She shook her head and laughed, her smile showing again.

"I don't tend to flash my pearly whites, do I? It tends to be seen as "unprofessional"."

She paushed, listening to Lina say that she was ready for her upgrade. Ariya stood and motioned for Lina to follow her.

"We'll begin with the simple stuff. The picture ID, then the polygram test. Come with me and we'll get started."

Ariya walked through the corridors of the base. Soldiers stopped, staring at her. They turned and looked at each other, then began to whisper things like: "Is she glowing?" and "What the hell?! I've never seen her this happy."
Posts: 428/3649
Lina watches Jobes as he walks out and then turns back at Ariya to see her smiling. Lina couldn't help herself but to grin. "You know...with a pretty smile like that, I'd be smiling more often..." she says and then pauses. She thinks for a moment and then lets out a giggle. "I see..." She stops. Glances directly at Lina and grins.

"I walk in here to find a man sitting at your desk...and you're smiling...I can't help but put those two together..."

Lina then flops back into her chair. "Well, I'm ready for that upgrade." She muses between giggles.
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - End of Earth

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