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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Rumors of a Prequel, to the Prequels
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Posts: 1391/11758
Originally posted by Darth Politiques
Originally posted by Masamune
I don't think it would make a good trillogy though. **shrugs** That would be just a bit overkill for me, boys... **shrugs** I think it said something along the lines in that link about not going too far and ruining a good thing? **shrugs** I heard that somewhere about something...but anywho, I agree. I love Star Wars and all these rumors about trillogies **shrugs** If half of them were true I just think it would be too much.

The Shrugs are attacking!!!

It would be nice as a single movie, but definately not a trilogy. I would still love to see a KOTOR movie though, and this actually sounds alot like one. Just 3000 or so years ahead.

Would it be ruinging a good thing if they went out and made 7-9?

Maybe a new thread on that subject would be best.

I argued about it with my friends awhile ago. I honestly think they should leave the 6 Episode Saga completely alone now. It's been completed, and should stay that way.

For one, look at the actors from the originals now. Mark Hammil, looks really weird .. yeah, he's old, but he didn't age as nicely as Harrison Ford. And Carrie Fisher? Let's not even go there ...

So, I think maybe a new Trilogy way before, or way after the Saga would work out best, in my opinion.

Probably just me though.
Posts: 314/2999
Originally posted by Masamune
I don't think it would make a good trillogy though. **shrugs** That would be just a bit overkill for me, boys... **shrugs** I think it said something along the lines in that link about not going too far and ruining a good thing? **shrugs** I heard that somewhere about something...but anywho, I agree. I love Star Wars and all these rumors about trillogies **shrugs** If half of them were true I just think it would be too much.

The Shrugs are attacking!!!

It would be nice as a single movie, but definately not a trilogy. I would still love to see a KOTOR movie though, and this actually sounds alot like one. Just 3000 or so years ahead.

Would it be ruinging a good thing if they went out and made 7-9?
Posts: 1372/11758
Originally posted by Katana
I don't think it would make a good trillogy though. **shrugs** That would be just a bit overkill for me, boys... **shrugs** I think it said something along the lines in that link about not going too far and ruining a good thing? **shrugs** I heard that somewhere about something...but anywho, I agree. I love Star Wars and all these rumors about trillogies **shrugs** If half of them were true I just think it would be too much.

I wouldn't mind seeing like one movie of this though....the sith/jedi things mentioned do sound pretty kickass.

**is now half tempted to post all over the internet with fake sources of a trillogy taking place between the two already existing trillogies.**

Star Wars Episode 3.5
The Bantha Chase

Posts: 262/3649
I don't think it would make a good trillogy though. **shrugs** That would be just a bit overkill for me, boys... **shrugs** I think it said something along the lines in that link about not going too far and ruining a good thing? **shrugs** I heard that somewhere about something...but anywho, I agree. I love Star Wars and all these rumors about trillogies **shrugs** If half of them were true I just think it would be too much.

I wouldn't mind seeing like one movie of this though....the sith/jedi things mentioned do sound pretty kickass.

**is now half tempted to post all over the internet with fake sources of a trillogy taking place between the two already existing trillogies.**
Posts: 311/2999
Originally posted by The Emperor
(like in KOTOR's timeline).

About that, technology didn't really go up THAT much over the years did it? KOTOR takes place four thousand years before the Galactic Empire, and still, they got their ships, hyperspace, and blasters. Main difference is that they used blades as well.

Anyway, this certainley would be a cool thing to see. Having a movie with the Sith Army (which is existed way back in the past) would certainley be great. Lots of Sith vs Lots of Jedi = w00tness.

Only bad part of this is, it's just a rumor.
Posts: 23/246
[nod].... it would be nice to have more than 2 Sith at a time.... so it's not 100 to 1 or whatever...

that way you could have a huge Sith vs Jedi battle..... rather than having 2 1 on 1 battles...

Posts: 1340/11758
After reading a lot of threads about it (at I think it would actually be pretty interesting.

Yoda as a main character actually doesn't sound like a bad idea, and I've heard a lot of talk about Darth Bane, who apparently started the Sith "Rule of Two" (the Master, and the Apprentice, so the Sith could hide easily from the Jedi).

Plus, I'd really like to see a Star Wars movie where the Sith army actually existed (like in KOTOR's timeline).

I doupt this'll ever happen, but it would be cool nonetheless.
Posts: 21/246
it would definately be cool to see a movie like that....

with a young Yoda and the Jedi helping control the Old Republic....

it would be cool
Posts: 1332/11758

And even though I hate it, Slashdot also has an article.

What do you think?
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Rumors of a Prequel, to the Prequels

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