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01-04-25 06:33 PM
0 users currently in Gaming Discussion.
Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Revolution, Gameboy Micro, DS Wi-Fi, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
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Posts: 1180/11757
Originally posted by Jedi Watchman Tamarin
wait, WHAT?! They're letting us download them?

Fuck yeah, I'm in!

Of course, Xbox 360 is quite interesting, too. Partially 'cause of the lame name. Come on, with a shitty name like that, the console's gotta be good.

From what I hear, the PS3 conference blows the Xbox 360 out of the water.

On Nintendo though:
Has anyone seen the new Twilight Princess trailer? Honestly, I'm ... just not sure what to say. Link turning into a Wolf? Ugh, hopefully Nintendo pulls this one off correctly, because I honestly don't like the look, and sound of it. Not to mention the character that rides Link when he's in Wolf form looks ultimately retarded.
Posts: 267/2724
wait, WHAT?! They're letting us download them?

Fuck yeah, I'm in!

Of course, Xbox 360 is quite interesting, too. Partially 'cause of the lame name. Come on, with a shitty name like that, the console's gotta be good.
Posts: 49/104
Super Smash Bros. online and download all the NES, SNES, and N64 games that were ever made I'm pretty much instantly sold. Man now I want all the next gens. new megaman X collection screens.
Posts: 1172/11757
I will honestly say, I'm getting very excited over ALL of the next generation systems.

Xbox 360 is just packing in with tons of exclusives, and tons of offers. You want Xbox Live for FREE? Yep, Silver Edition of Xbox Live comes with your purchase of the Xbox 360, giving you access to online gaming, and most of the goods. Amazing.

The PS3 so far is so unbelievable, I don't even know what to say. If you've seen the Killzone 2 trailer, you'll know why I'm speechless.

As for Nintendo, all I have to say is:

The console also will have downloadable access to 20 years of fan-favorite titles originally released for Nintendo 64, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and even the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Players also can buy and add new levels and characters to games made specifically for the new console. The new console has 512 megabytes of on-board flash memory. A bay for an SD memory card will let players expand the internal flash memory.

*tears of joy*
Kard Ayals
Posts: 342/2915
I say that graphics don't matter that much.

Because if you have games with tons of glitches, but pretty graphics, that doesn't make the game good.
Posts: 111/1858
Revolution my ass.

Those are neat bells and whistles, but I'm not going to be impressed until I see graphics. PS3 is going to be very hard to beat. And from what I just read, they're still going to need alot more.

They're going to need something Bros. 3.
Posts: 275/1748
all i can say is where is the nearest time travel machine? I WANT THAT DAMN THING NOW!!!

and yay, a reason for my mum why she should get me a revolution instead of a PS3 (the one she wants me to get)
Kard Ayals
Posts: 341/2915

Nintendo wins.
Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Revolution, Gameboy Micro, DS Wi-Fi, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

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