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01-04-25 06:33 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Pope has died...
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Posts: 9/12
Um. He did. Three months ago, he had the office that Ratzinger occupied issue a formal apology and repentence for the past sins of the Church. He didn't just issue it for the Catholic Church either, he made an apology on the part of all Christians.

Oscar Romero. Made Bishop in El Salvador. He was chosen because he was quiet and thought that he would just sit around and wait til' he died, then they could get a new one in. That didn't work. He saw the rampant poverty being caused by American backed land owners. He began having his diocese clean up its act and supported a socialist movement to remove the pro-fascist American-installed dictatorship. When he was giving mas in front of 500 people in a basilica, he was shot. He died.

The Pope didn't make a statement until two weeks later. Didn't even go to the funeral, nor did he put him forward for beatification.
Posts: 595/9736
Wow, he really was ignored... care to give us a bit of info?

I think my main qualm was that he apologized for many many bad things that the church has done (silence during the Holocaust, Galileo, etc), yet there was no apology for the Spanish Inquisition or their part in the Burning Times.
Posts: 7/12
I can't remember what I was going to say

Regardless, he is an interim Pontifex Maximus, Habemus Papem, whateva!

His concerns about gays in the Church is what bothers me. I have many gay friends who have problems with getting acceptance outside of their parishes.

Oh well, we can just hope for Claudio Hummes or Godfreid Daneels to be the next Pope.

On a following note, I'm going to voice my biggest problem with the reign of JP2. The ignoring of one of the most heroic men ever born. Oscar Romero.
Posts: 594/9736
His ultra-conservativeness concerns me a bit, but like you said, he's too old to do anything drastic.

Care to finish that last sentence?
Posts: 1/12
Beyond the broken tables and wretched theology you people put forward, I don't know what to make of this thread.

First off, someone made a terrible analogy about "God controlling two wars, blah, blah, blah".

Well, that is something called Providence. Based on which Christian scholar and interpretation of the Bible you believe in, it ranges from the idea of absolute destiny (no choice) to moralistic existence (where one must make one's on choices).

I'm a fairly hardcore Catholic. I know alot about my own religion (and more about pretty much the rest of them than most people). JP2 did some good things. Then there are the rest. His bishop's stance on condoms and AIDS in Africa has caused uncountable deaths. His motions that undermined the College of the Cardinals, and the Synod of Bishops mock the founding fathers of the Church. Furthermore, his motions to alter the selection process of the Conclave angered a great many Archbishops and Cardinals.

The Pope CAN declare war. The Vatican is its own City-State and its own international country. The Pope can also form edicts that all Catholics are supposed to follow called Bulls. When a Bull is made up, it can range from calling a Crusade (also known as a WAR) to excommunicating NAZI commanders (Mit Brennen Der Sorge).

Ratzinger has some staunchly conservative ideas. And he is being hailed as a transitionary Pope that will do nothing, really. He is too old to make any drastic changes, and he is not well loved. He will maintain the status quo and other precidents set forward by his predecessor. His past in the Hitler Jugend is sketchy, again. We don't know EXACTLY what he did. The AA battery he operated was stationed in front of a concentration camp labour factory. Later when he was transferred to Hungary, he was at another slave labour factory. It's a problematic issue. And one cannot easily dismiss his past given his current position in the world (effectively one of the top 5 most powerful men on the planet).

If anyone wants to de
avatar of law
Posts: 124/486
german guy won.... wow, fox has failed me again -.-' said it was an italian guy. *walks away*
Posts: 38/647
Originally posted by avatar of law
back on the topic, i wonder why this guy won, there was the german guy who was the favorite and the africian guy too, yet, they picked an italian guy who was very conservative.

The German guy was chosen as Pope. I believe it was the first time a German Pope was elected since the 11th Century.
Posts: 274/2785
Well, seeing that you've now realized that FOX news as an entity is a dumbass, you're excused from your ignorance. It's best to get your news from multiple news sources than relying on just one (horrible) news source. I don't know what's going on with the pope mostly because I don't care.
avatar of law
Posts: 123/486
i stayed on topic, and it was more than a few words... -.-' thread was about a pope, though he died, i didnt feel the need to make another new thread, since this one is already in use. plus over two weeks, 8+14(two weeks) to my knowledge equals 22, i still had another couple of days before this thread was considered dead.

anyways, what i heard, came from fox news. -.-' so excuse me if what they relayed to me was wrong. the banner said the new pope used to be a nazi working with an anti air-craft machinery. and i did say that he said it was blown out of proportion, which means that he didnt think that it was too bad. and plus, who's to say it was only 1%, people kept on moving them around. and you know, only 2% of rapists are convicted, does that mean that 98% are innocent? no, it just means that the DA doesnt want to lose face by picking a case that he might lose, so he lets them off with a slap on the wrist.

back on the topic, i wonder why this guy won, there was the german guy who was the favorite and the africian guy too, yet, they picked an italian guy who was very conservative.

and i never said i hated him or anything, i just reported what was reported to me by the most reliable station on the world FOX (sarcasm). and it was obvious that i was being sarcastic when i wrote my previous post. i dunno why everyone's all, oh no, he's spaming -.-'
Posts: 267/2785
Well, technically, if bumping a thread after two weeks of inactivity is against rules (and not the law, Beo) then my updating my stories every few weeks or so is a horrible no-no. I don't consider his post spam so much as a flame against a member we just don't have...the Pope.

My family is Catholic. I am not. They tried, but I actually have a brain and can think for myself rather than follow the herd.

And, its true, the Pope wouldn't declare a war. I don't think he's allowed. But, then, I really don't care. Why we are such a god fearing planet without any proof of the existence of such a being, I'll never understand.
Pat Meth
Posts: 90/153
Originally posted by Beowulf Cor Leonis
I kinda hope that this new Pope doesn't declare war based on religious and such. It would be too scary to think about...

The Pope can't declare war...he's the pope.

WAIT! I think he can declare war for Vatican City. Now THAT would be entertaining. He'd have to challenge, like, Cyprus or something if he wanted any chance of winning.
Posts: 129/1351
Originally posted by Zabuza

Although it is nice to see that you're informed, despite Avatar of Law, whom just bumped a thread with no real contribution to it.

Actually a bump is illegal if someone post in a thread was over two weeks... And as I see it, he just spam.

The way I see it, he seem like a nightmare or something. And since he is from Germany give me a feeling that I do not wish to know about... I kinda hope that this new Pope doesn't declare war based on religious and such. It would be too scary to think about...

Plus, take a look at him... He just creep me out. I hope he is a decent and a kind man through. (Please, forgive me God. Don't strike me with your heavenly thunder.)
Pat Meth
Posts: 88/153
I honestly have more important things to worry aboutt han the new fact I sort of think it's annoying how everyone immediatly either accepts him (because HE'S THE POPE) or rejects him (because HE'S THE POPE). It just pisses me off to see people bitching about something they know nothing about.
Posts: 264/2785
Oh, get off it. No one (me) cares. We have a Pope. woo. (sarcasm) I'd be more surprised if they had said that the Vatican had been hording some kind of ultra-highspeed internet connection for years. For what purpose, who knows? (You know, those child-molesting priests and such.)

Although it is nice to see that you're informed, despite Avatar of Law, whom just bumped a thread with no real contribution to it.
Pat Meth
Posts: 86/153
Originally posted by avatar of law
yay, the new pope was a nazi, and stated that all those priests molesting boys thing was blown up by the media, and wasnt really that bad... off to a great start already!

yay, avatar of law has no fucking clue what he's talking about! off to a great start already!

1. The new Pope was not a Nazi. He never joiend the Nazi party. He was forced to join the Hitler Youth....not uncommon for a YOUTH living in GERMANY. The "council" (dunno if that's what they are) selected him, and obviously that was considered. What do you think he's going to do? "As my first as new pope, I'd like to instate a new policy: the Spanish Inquisition Part Two!!"

2. He never said that priests molesting boys wasn't that bad. He said that there weren't that many instances of it, and the whole thing was blown out of proportion. I'm not sure if it was blown out of proportion, but his point that less than 1% of priests were those offenders is a good thing to say...there are too many people going around out there thinking that all priests are little boy fondlers.

So, get a clue, please.
avatar of law
Posts: 122/486
yay, the new pope was a nazi, and stated that all those priests molesting boys thing was blown up by the media, and wasnt really that bad... off to a great start already!
Posts: 408/2954
Kat...I know you really liked George, well, if he is the person I am thinking of you definitely did. And, well, I'm more sad about that than the pope, because I really didn't know the man or anyone around him, I know you, and I know how your life has been recently, and I really feel sorry about that. I'm just glad I can be here to help you through anything that comes up now!

And I understand where you are coming from with the whole religion part, I consider myself Athiest because I don't have any drawings towards the only faith I have ever known, so I choose not to believe in anything. The world in my eyes is here and now...
Posts: 94/3649
As far as the pope dying, yes I've been touched by it, but in a somber respectful way, if that makes sense. No I'm not dancing around that he's dead, nor am I crying about it. It's death and it's sad, sure, but there's nothing that I can do about it, now is there? So I do see Zabuza's points here, our opinions may differ sometimes, but I see where he's comming from and do agree with the whole empathetic attitude.

I'm having diffuculties accepting religion, so really I can't say I'm anything, not even agnostic or atheist, because I don't know what I want to believe or if I want to believe in anything...but we'll just say I'm Catholic for argument's sake, because I'm being raised Catholic. Anywho, point being, no matter what I am, I look at people as people, and religion (as well as other aspects that people start trouble over) is just part of them as people. So I'm not looking at the pope's death as Catholics have been. I respect the man for who he is and what he's done, the whole Catholicism just happens to play in there somewhere.

So yeah, that's my input on the pope and religion, and why I feel that way...On a side note, when the pope actually died, it was April 2nd...the same day my step-dad George died, only the 2nd marked 5 years for George.
Posts: 484/9736
Lutherans are Lutherans, there is only one sect to my knowledge.

But yeah, should try to get back on topic...

... Um... he's dead. Yeah.
Pat Meth
Posts: 67/153
Originally posted by Zabuza
How did this go from my uncaring impending (and current) death of the Pope to a discussion on the basis of the larger religious sects?

Did I miss something along the way, or was this never to be touched on again because we want to move away from the morbid subject of death and into a heated debate on theological belief systems and deities?

I'm confused, but feel free to carry on despite my dribble.

Well, the fact remains that death isn't very debatable, since if someone's dead they're dead. That discussion can only go so far, so now it's broadened.
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Pope has died...

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