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07-26-24 09:27 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - PSP
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Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 28/569
let me rephrase, i didnt mean there werent crappy games out. my definition of crap is anything not featuring some rewarding game play (like that Zookeeper/bejewled game for the DS). the PSP will have its share of crap, as well as the DS. We must only pray to good Jump Brothers is awsome and that Katamari Damacy goes HANDHELD!
Posts: 79/1858
Originally posted by Desroth

at any rate, they dont have a single crappy game out or coming out.

That would be an overstatement. No system is without its bad games. Expecially newer systems.

Gretsky NHL has been said to be bad. Gamespot said: "Simply being the only hockey choice doesn't excuse things like the awful frame rate, the sloppy puck handling, and the generally lackluster gameplay that Gretzky NHL offers. You're better off without this one."

Sounds crappy to me.

I'm not saying DS is better. I'm just pointing out flaws in some of your statements.
Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 25/569
lets see, coming up titles and current titles are:

Grand Theft Auto (a sequel to the GTA 3 with almost the same graphics)
Sorry for this, but the MGS game (although it is a card game...)
Midnight Club Dub Edition
i do beileve a Spider Man game
others... its hard to tell... i really hope they make the Ace Combat series for the PSP, that would be awsome.

at any rate, they dont have a single crappy game out or coming out. The PSP is a all around system, something for everyone. the DS has what the Nintendo's followers want and need. The DS has made alot of new fans to the Nintendo company, as well as the PSP has made new fans to Sony... its all good..
Posts: 78/1858
Just to play devil's advocate, please inform me what games the PSP has or will have that will top the DS. Don't even bring up MSG:A because that didn't even come near its expectation.

The DS has Jump All Stars coming for it. This is like a Smash Brothers only with Shonen Jump characters. (Naruto characters, One Piece Characters, DBZ characters and more will be appearing.) Sounds like a big money maker to me....
Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 24/569
okay okay okay people, the DS is better then the PSP, but not at this moment. Until Animal Crossing and Metroid come on the DS, the PSP will make a killing for a period of time. i can get the best of both worlds though. Whichever dies, i can buy that and the one that lives for cheap. but whatever happens, both the DS and the PSP have people who play them and like them. it all just depends on which you like more, Sony or Nintendo...
Posts: 175/2724
This is like arguing with a Final Fantasy fanboy. =/

1. Battery Life: BUY A WALL AND CAR PLUG!! You never have to worry about battery packs again...


2. True it uses its own formats, but people make devices that can easily copy said games, and im sure someone, somewhere, sometime will have the exact discs Sony uses.

My Retort: I'm sure that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. To clarify, and to make sure this doesn't look like a personal attack, this probably won't happen anytime soon. How do you propose you copy the games? I'm doubting that any old PC can do that. Besides, this desends into the realm of illegality. My comment on the disc format was not a complaint, btw. Nice job on COMPLETELY misunderstanding it.

3. Graphics: You call me a graphic whore? I only own 1 hand held, the original gameboy. Anything with more then 15 pixels in each character is awsome to me.

My Reply: When you use graphics as one of your main reasons to buy a system, then yes I will call you a graphics whore.

4. i already own X-Box and PS2

Reply: So do I. I also have a Gamecube.

5. i get my computers free, and they play what i want to play. besides, can you afford a laptop? can i afford a laptop on my pay check? no, and the PSP is alot smaller and much lighter.
Reply: ... you stray from the subject of the PSP.

6. Discs: if you have such a problem with breaking your discs, then you got a real problem that isnt sony's fault.
Retort: Compare size, will you? Cartridge vs. disc. Which one can be carried without a case without fear of damaging it?

7. Free wireless internet capability coming (or so i heard) that will allow for multiplayer gaming across the globe. (can the DS do that? no, it needs another DS within its range to play.)
Reply: Kagome/Darkslaya covered this one.

8. DVDS: the PSP comes with mini disc dvd's that play on the PSP.

Retort: I'll say it again. You buy a portable VIDEO GAME SYSTEM to play VIDEO GAMES. While I don't like to bash systems or companies, I hate Sony for adding a CD player to the Playstation (if someone else did that first, tell me so I can hate them instead). That was the first step in turning video game consoles into 83-in-1 home entertainment systems.

9. PSP has better games, AND NO POKEMON CRAP

Reply: Better games is subjective. And Kagome/Darkslaya covered the other sentence. BTW, if you think bashing pokemon makes you look more mature than people who like pokemon, it doesn't.

10. I beilieve Xeo said not to burn the PSP here. make another thread to post your complaints and let people who arent amused by a lame touch screen and are more interested in solid graphics and game play.
Reply: I'm not bashing anything. Bashing is like flaming, but targeted at a concept or an inanimate object. I'm providing real reasons that I don't like the PSP. But don't get me wrong, I've got a list of complaints with the DS as well. I haven't posted them yet, but thanks for reminding me. Time to find a DS thread.
Edit: Found one, but I'm not making a two week bump just to point out flaws. Now, if someone else posts there, I might be more willing.
Edit2: Whoops, wrong word.

Gah, my sentence structure is turning into that of HK-47.
Comment: Perhaps it's time for a name change.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 256/2915
Originally posted by Desroth

7. Free wireless internet capability coming (or so i heard) that will allow for multiplayer gaming across the globe. (can the DS do that? no, it needs another DS within its range to play.)

Actually, the DS will.

And you don't quite seem to get the meaning of HANDHELD. It is not meant to be plugged in something to play. That defeats the whole purpose of it.

I will say it again, there is no such thing as Mini Disc DVDs. Sony's official PSP specs mention it (can't remember the format).

"No Pokemon Crap" If you hate a gaming system because of one brand of games, then you should die, really.

Xeo did say to try and not bash it too much, but what I'm doing is not bashing it, since I'm backing up my points.

"Psp has better games" Than what? IF you only look at the PSP and not comparing at anything, the PSP's current game varity isn't so great.

I'm still waiting for AFTER the E3 to see what'll happen to the handheld market, because so far, to me, the PSP is only a rectangle-like box with 45353 useless things in them.
Posts: 77/1858
Everyone's getting all worked up and stating long debates reasons on why or why not to get a PSP.

Personally I don't have reason for getting one as of yet. No games that have been announced for it has sparked my interest whatsoever.

People that are raving about the movie capabilities need to understand that the movies themselves are only made for the PSP. They can't be played on anything else, and they cost more then regular DVDS. They seem kind of worthless to me.
Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 23/569
i dont know about you, but i have use a little invention called a car jack that powers it... while it is true you do buy a handheld system to play games, if i factor in the cost of needing a mp3 player, the money for the songs, a dvd player, all the dvd u want, and the GBA, which needs batteries plus u need to buy games for it, youll be paying upward of almost $2000 by the time it is all said and done.. for the person who actually BUYS his own stuff with his own hard earned money, i would rather pay $200-$250 for a system that does everything well. call me a cheap ass bastard, call me a asshole if you wish, but i want a all in one system that is easily packed and goes anywhere i want, seeing as i only would play it at home or in the car, and i would be no where that had no energy. to sum it up, heres a list:

1. Battery Life: BUY A WALL AND CAR PLUG!! You never have to worry about battery packs again...
2. True it uses its own formats, but people make devices that can easily copy said games, and im sure someone, somewhere, sometime will have the exact discs Sony uses.
3. Graphics: You call me a graphic whore? I only own 1 hand held, the original gameboy. Anything with more then 15 pixels in each character is awsome to me.
4. i already own X-Box and PS2
5. i get my computers free, and they play what i want to play. besides, can you afford a laptop? can i afford a laptop on my pay check? no, and the PSP is alot smaller and much lighter.
6. Discs: if you have such a problem with breaking your discs, then you got a real problem that isnt sony's fault.
7. Free wireless internet capability coming (or so i heard) that will allow for multiplayer gaming across the globe. (can the DS do that? no, it needs another DS within its range to play.)
8. DVDS: the PSP comes with mini disc dvd's that play on the PSP.
9. PSP has better games, AND NO POKEMON CRAP
10. I beilieve Xeo said not to burn the PSP here. make another thread to post your complaints and let people who arent amused by a lame touch screen and are more interested in solid graphics and game play.

Thank you, and have a nice day.
Posts: 174/2724
Fine, then.

Even if it DOES use a battery pack, it would have to be recharged too frequently. Not cool when you're on a road trip.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 255/2915
Tamarin Calanis: My thoughts exactly.

But isn't the PSP using a battery pack?
Posts: 173/2724
I'm gonna state my opinions here, as well as clarify a misconception or two. And yes, I WILL be using caps here. See, I already did. After all, if you don't have people on each side of the discussion, it's not nearly as interesting.

1. The PSP uses it's own format - IT CAN'T PLAY DVDs! Yes, there will be movies it can play. But it cannot play DVDs.

2. So fucking what if the graphics are better? If you're that much of a graphics whore that you'd pay another $100 for beter graphics, save your money and buy an Xbox. Or a PC, for that matter - that may cost more, but you'll get more use out of it.

3. On the subject of movies and music. You buy a handheld VIDEO GAME SYSTEM to play... movies? No, no, no. You buy a handheld VIDEO GAME SYSTEM to play VIDEO GAMES. Unless you live in some twisted little world where yes means no and up is down. Moonside from Earthbound, for example.

4. Battery life. As if the $250 price tag (last I checked) wasn't enough of an insult, you'll be changing batteries probably twice a week, if you use this thing much. Now, assuming it takes 2 AA batteries, and you buy them in packs of 6 (as I do for my GBA usually), you'll go through 2-3 packs of batteries per month. At a rate of $1.50 for batteries - this was for a cheap, generic pack, nothing good - that's... *opens Calculator* huh, $52 yearly, if I did my math right (that CAN'T be right... must've fucked up my formula). It's going to be more expensive usually, but I used the cheapest batteries around.

Go ahead and refute each of my arguments, if you want to. I'd love to see your response, honestly.
Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 22/569
im just saying that if ur gonna pay thay much for the system, what is a little more? u can buy a cheapo one for maybe 50 bucks in a little while. at any rate, unless the DS makes a attachment that allows you to play GC on the DS, then the PSP may more then likley sell more. anyway, both are good, it all depends on what ur more concerned about. Either battery life with weak games, or sucky batterylife with freakin awsome DVD and Games... its like the PS2 and GC. PS2 got awsome games, but GC got awsome series and its own brand of graphics. its all good.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 254/2915
Problem is that technically, there's no space for a mod ship in the PSP (there's no space remaining in it, actually). And as far as I'm concerned, I haven't seen much GC burned games. I guess it'll be the same with PSP games.

Investing to get more battery life? What....the....fuck? You're telling me that paying EVEN MORE (because said PSP costs a lot for no reason, in my opinion). I don't want to go paying the cost of two consoles for an handheld, sorry.

But then again, to each is opinion.... and to tell the truth, I have no right whatsoever to try and change yours...
Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 20/569
im saying you burn the mini discs if you can... they sell mini discs everywhere, and we have to assume they have some capable of burning a psp disc to it. Plus, the mod chip you would use gets rid of the problem with disc formats, thats why you can play burned games on it. and i dont know about you, but these discs are like the GC discs. if you have that much of a problem keeping them safe in a holder made for them, or in their original cases, then thats ur own problem. lol. also, i think that if you spend all that money to buy said PSP, you are going to buy adapters for your car and wall sockets, our your going to invest in a new battery pack. sorry if you all dont agree that the PSP is awsome, but i like the PSP more then the DS... although i would get both if i had enough money, both have their ups and downs...
Kard Ayals
Posts: 251/2915
Sorry to disapoint you, but all the thing you just mentioned aren't that big of a deal.


Also, disc = more battery sucked up, and are more fragile.

Burned games? The fact that nobody knows the correct format means that you can forget it for now. Not to mention that I dunno if at their current size, you can burn data on these disks.

If I wanted a kind of music player, I'd buy one that isn't meant to play with....

Jeez, I can get a 5gb MP3 player and an handheld for less than the PSP.


Sorry if this is pretty much PSP bashing, but it's just to prove that most hyped things are unfounded.
Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 18/569
the only thing wrong with this is how much it sucks on its batteries. aside from that, it has much better graphics then the DS by far, plus you gotta like the fact they got mini discs. that opens the possibility of mods to play burned games and dvds on them (booya). Also, the PSP has better games ALREADY released and coming soon, not to mention almost double the number of release titles. With titles like NFS: Dub Edition and Grand Theft Auto (i hope it looks SWEET), and this awsome looking game called Rakgoku (i believe that is the title), what isnt to love??? when i have a job and enough money (or i wait until christmas) im going to try to get one. and btw, I-Pod gave Sony their technology, as in the very small hard drives to store all your mp3's on. you can notice this when you watch the commercial, the guy listening to music is using I-Pod earphones, and a reliable source on computer and portable gaming told me. The PSP is the hottest thing to ever grace the market since the PS2 and X-Box. In all, the PSP is leading the way in next gen handhelds, and the next sony portable will be even better if this is the technology they packed into their first and only handheld.

On a side note, if you havent seen it yet, look it up. Someone made a PS2 portable, and put all the schematics and such on the internet. Now that is something i would do if i didnt have a total fear of f****** up my PS2 badly in the process of making it...
Posts: 43/126

Yeah, and I guess Nintendo is in the buisness because they like bringing quality games to children. Their real profit is the smiles on people's faces, right?

...It Ryhmes and its true. Also sony has multiple markets besides gaming in which my opinion means they dont care about gaming. While nintendo now is sticking to just gaming and gaming related things.

And one thing there xeo thats points out clearly. The DS isnt teh succesor to GB francise. They did this to Hold us off. If nintendo can do this good when just trying to get us to wait a while imagine what they next Game boy is gonna be like. But ima still waiting to see the future of teh PSP after all teh press.
Posts: 688/11751
Alright, this is a -PSP- thread guys, let's not try to bash it too much.

And not that this will help any ...

Just remember, the DS is 'not' the true successor to Nintendo's Gameboy franchise, and well now that Nintendo can clearly get a hands on look of the PSP, I'm sure the next real Gameboy could be nothing but awesome.

Some think that was a stupid mistake by Nintendo, for making the DS. Sure, it does seem a 'little' pointless in my eyes, but I'm not complaining when I don't even have a GBA ... why not pay an extra $50 for another newer system?
Posts: 96/123
Loved the song Sasuke, and you also mentioned about watching movies on a 4 inch screen. Like I tallied in my previous post....if you buy all the same things the PSP gives you will find out you save money, add a portable dvd player to that list.The things PSP has to offer are somewhat original, but they still suck. All that technology in one thing is bound to break...hell, PS2s across the nation broke and they only have Gaming/CD/DVD functions. Yes, no one can rival nintendo....multiple handhelds were better than the original Gameboy....But guess who came out on top?
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