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01-17-25 10:32 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - Halo 2 multiplayer battle
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Posts: 205/1569
OOC....Bye have fun sorry jobes if you guys want to really fight look me up Spartan 5150


Spartan 5150 quit the game
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 235/4541
Vulkar's shields went down a bit, halfway. Fortunatley it takes two rocket at the same time to be fired in order to take out a tank.

Once the shields recharge, it takes several more rockets.'

ooc: Now to wonder where you got that rocket launcher. I seem to remember that I took it.

ic: Vulkar fired continuously at Black eye. With the machine gun, and the rockets from the tank.
Dark Vader
Posts: 47/335
*Black Eye leaps into the air, landing behind another rock as Vulkar's shot hits. The splash drops his shield and almost kills him. He looks around he spots an overshield and bolts from cover, diving to grab it, pulling out his rocket-laucher (since I can't have a fuel-rod cannon) and turns to face the scorpion he levels the rocket laucher at the cockpit and puts a rocket through it.*

Take that you bastard.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 163/4541
ooc: Torque, you died. You could respawn there, but you died. Sorry, but I tested this multiple times, and you would have died by the time you got under cover.

As soon as Jobes boarded, Vulkar got off, and hit Torque in the back with his roket launcher twice.

Another kill for Vulkar. He boarded again, and moved over to the red base, firing at Black Eye as he passed.
Posts: 135/158
*Torque runs full speed into the blue base from the plasma shots.*

*After all the ruckuss Torque runs outside the blue base and jumps on the tank and starts hittin it and after he knocks the cockpits hood off he throws a gernade in while vulkars sheilds are still down.*
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 141/4541
Vulkar does not follow, but continues to fire at Jobes with his tank's rockets, and machine gun. The second rocket killed Jobes through splash damage.
Posts: 55/453
Jobes remains hidden but is moving into a cave that leads to the blue base. Jobes watch's Black Eye chuck grenades out of the base and waits for him stop. He rolls a frag grenade right behind Black Eye. Jobes walks back into the lower part of the cave and fires two shots at Black Eye's head and turns and runs up the hill waiting for Vulkar to follow.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 130/4541
ooc: Sorry spartan, a few problems with your post. I'm at blue base, The gernades if you did throw them couldn't have stuck at that range, and in Halo 2, you start with two fragmetion gernades sowhere did you get four plasma?

Lastly, four plasma can't take out a tank unless each his the cockpit, and that would only be 100 health. I have 200. It might have worked for a ghost, but not this.

ic, assuming they actually hit the cockpit: Vulkar's sheilds went down halfway, and he fired at Spartan, who just so happens to not have the rockets because he never killed Vulkar. The one-hit kill should have dealt with spartan very nicely.

He went over to the other base, and since he was still in that tank, one would not spawn at the blue base. He destroyed the scepter, and fired at Jobes, again.
Posts: 168/1569
OOC:Not in multiplayer...No fuel rod in multy...


*Seeing vulkar in tank*
Oh shit...

*takes off at a run and jumps up the ramp into red base teleporter. appears an run up into the cave and stick 4 plasma's to vulkars tank exploding and killing him*

That would have sucked if i did not get him.

*Drop battle rifle and picks up rockets*

I need more ammo.

*Runs to trees and picks up a rocket reload then croutch runs and picks up the other ammo.Pauses reloads then runs back up to previous sniper spot covering red base*
Dark Vader
Posts: 36/335
OOC: Yes there are... i have had bad experieces with them. I killed two hunters and myself with one.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 116/4541
ooc: Wait, there arn't fuel-rod cannons in Halo 2. How did you get one?

ic: Vulkar spins his banshee, and the shot misses, exploding into a nearby cliff. He jumped out of the banshee, landing on the scorpion tank, then got in.

No rockets for the enemies, one hit kills for him, things were moving very nicely.
Dark Vader
Posts: 35/335
*Black Eye throws the grenade back out of Blue base as they fall in, they explode a short distance away from the base. He sees Vulkar's Banshee. He arms his fuel-rod cannon and moves a position where he would be able to get a good shot off. He puts the banshee in the crosshairs and pulls the trigger. He slings the strap over his shoulder and pulls out his SMG. He aims it up where Torque was shooting at Jobes, and empties the clip in that direction, he drops it out of the gun and puts in another one.*

Got to get up there

*He looks over to where the Warthog has been flipped.*

Can't use that

*He looks to see what kind of cover is around, and plots a course that will send him through the heaviest of it. He counts to three then begins his mad charge, juking and ducking where neccesary to avoid being shot, while he charges, he begins to empty more ammo up at where Jobes is. He stops under an overhang where he is safe from fire from both Jobes and Spartan and reloads his SMG.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 113/4541
ooc: I'm going to assume you used the shotgun.

ooc2: Just so you all know, my attack against Torque has been tested online, and I know what I was talking about.

ic: Torque was out of range, and Vulkar boarded the ghost. He fired twenty shots at Torque, following him where he went so that there would be almost no way for Torque to escape without heading back inside the base. But he would be dead by the time he could do that and get under cover.

Next then Vulkar went inside the hangar undcer the bade, and got inside the banshee. Fortunatley noone had any rockets yet, so to be sure he went to the road in the middle of the map, and traded the sniper rifle for the rocket. He launched into the air again, making it high enough not to be boarded, and prepared to fire at the tanks at either base.
Posts: 132/158
OOC:uh i guess.

*Torque hears the shots. He steps out of the base and sees vulkar heading for the ghost and fires 2 shots at him and 2 at the ghost.*
Posts: 48/453
Jobes rolls out of the way watching the beam come in contact with the sniper bullet. He chucks three frag grenades into the blue base. " Yea I am good. They all missed."
Posts: 159/1569
*Spartan sees jobes pop his heads out and ducks behind the rock...the sniper trail passes through were he was standing just a moment ago..Turning and seeing the sniper trail from vulkar's shot he turns and zooms in on his body leading him and firing 3 rounds at his chest*

Jobe You okay...I just saw that guy shoot at you...
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 105/4541
ooc: Since it's only me on my team, could I have double health?

ic: Vulkar began to wonder why he had no allies. He aimed his sniper rifle at Jobes, and fired.

He imediatly went down to the red base, entered a ghost, and took off at a boost, scanning for spartan.
Posts: 131/158
*Torque hauls ass back inside the base and runs to the other side.*

Take cover Black eye!!

*After the rockets hit Torque runs back out side and finds Jobes with his beam rifle and takes a shot.*
Posts: 44/453
"I will find a rocket after you get into cover so I can cover your ass until then."
Jobes scanning the area were the warthog is and fires three shots towards torque's head. " So it begans."
Posts: 128/158
OOC:Well u can have more than one team but were only gunna play 2 people 2 a team unless u can get more people to join the thread.


Holy shit! What was that.

*Torque sees the warthog go flying past the door.*

Damn I'm glad u got out of there in time. But see I told you they would be ready for that.

*Torque goes out the door and looks threw his sniper.And looks at a common snipping and sees 5150 and gets him in his sites and takes a shoot right for his head.*
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - Halo 2 multiplayer battle

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