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02-18-25 05:36 PM
0 users currently in Muses' Sanctuary.
Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - question
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That's because when you let Photoshop choose a setting for you, the setting is always going to be .PSD

Image hosters do not accept .PSD type images. Therefore, simply choose the option to SAVE AS. There will be a bar that says this image will be saved as a .PSD. Simply change it to a JPEG or something that is accepted by image hosters.

If I confused you, simply IM me and I'll guide you step by step.
Posts: 53/152
well i have adobe photoshop 7.0 and i cant put it on like a imagehosting thing does anyone know how to do that it could really help
Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - question

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