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02-12-25 09:32 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - Nervous System of Crime
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Posts: 364/2954
Johnny entered from the door, hearing the two talking.

"So the little girl was not her daughter...She ws not even real..."

Johnny came closer, he limped, he was covered in soot, and his left side was bleeding. He slumped next to Emma.

"I had kinda realized she wasn't real when I asked her a question she didn't easy question. Then the other clue, was her self destructing when she fell off the swing...good thing I was distrated looking for you, Billy."

Johnny let out a smile...

"I'll be alright, 'tis just a flesh wound..."
True Flight
Posts: 195/5245
Emma looked at Billy. "Hey..." Only a smile was seen. "I let her go, by accident. I didn't have anything on her... She just said she's going to make everything fair and walked off..." Emma sighed. "Then she closed everything off around me somehow..."
Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 186/1852
After a few twists and turns, being lost himself, Billy managed to land up hovering right over Emma. He did exactly see her at first, due to the lighting. (Imagining dark, damp sewer.)

True Flight
Posts: 194/5245
Emma looked around and couldn't find her way out. "Great... Just beautiful... Stupid woman... She was just doing that to get to my friends..." She sat in a corner and put her legs up to her chest... "If only someone came down here to help me out of this place." Emma sighed and closed her eyes. "Reminds me a lot of my home..."
Posts: 356/2954
Johnny continued to push the girl, she had not answered him, and when he looked around he saw Billy, cat in arms, and bomb in hand going to the sewer again. His cellphone buzzed and it said something about the bomb going off even if deactivated...Oh no, Billy!
Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 179/1852
BIlly picked up the cat-bomb, and held it under one arm, as he proceeded back down the sewer. He headed for the spot Emma was, and rapped on the door.

"You back there Em?" It didn't take very long to extract the bomb from the cat. He held it in his hand, and nearly choked on his spit when he noticed the features of it.

"Guys at the station will love this one..."
True Flight
Posts: 189/5245
Emma took out her cell and looked at it. "Great, I get so close to handcuff her and i let her go. Now my cell has no service." She began to get on her laptop. She typed up a text message and rigged it so it would be pop up on John's and Billy's cells.

Don't open the bomb, dispose of it...and GET ME OUTTA HERE!!
Posts: 341/2954
Johnny did not know where Billy went, but he decided to let the cat go play, the bomb wouldn't set off from touching the ground, and the little girl yould be much happier. Johnny looked for Billy a moment, then took the girl to the swings. And began pushing her.

"So, do you know what mommy does for a living?"
True Flight
Posts: 180/5245
Emma walked into the next room. "You wanted to talk?" She reached her side.

"No weapons."

Emma shook her head and threw the gun on the ground.

"Keep it away from you."

Emma sighed and kicked it to the side. "What do you want? You murderer."

Then a lady came into view. "To meet you, to see the last one."

Emma shook her head. "You're a wanna-be you hear me. A wanna-be."

The lady laughed. "I'm not a 'wanna-be'. I have what I want and I have want I am. There's nothing to 'want to be.' I'm going to control everything in this world and when I do, things will be fair. You hear me fair."

"You just want a place in the history books, but all this undercover work and no notifications of what goes on. Not even your daughter--"

"Don't talk about my daughter." The woman walked up to Emma and grabbed Emma's chin.

Emma looked infront of her. "How low. Putting a bomb on your daughter. NEAR your daughter. You should be arrested for wanting this much fame... You're lower than---"


"I said, don't talk about my daughter," the woman looked behind her and smirked. "Becareful. That bomb on that cat is no ordinary bomb.... It goes off even IF you take it apart... Ta ta."

Emma's eyes widened. She started to run out of the sewer and ran into a wall. Strange, she thought, There was a ladder here.... where'd it go?

Under His Guiding Wing smirked as she walked away with a remote. "That little girl is not my daughter, infact she's disposable just like the others." She hit a button and the lights in sewer system turned off.
Posts: 286/2954
Johnny led the little girl away, and with a glance knew what was happening He also knew that if Emma needed it she would ask for help. os he took the little girl up the ladder and into the sunlight.
True Flight
Posts: 151/5245
The little girl smiled and walked with Billy. She looked at Emma. "Are you coming too?"

Emma shook her head. "No... I'm not.. I have some business in her." Emma smiled and sent a thumbs up. "I'll be okay."

The girl blinked. "Mommy's in the next room, she says she's been waiting for you." She ran up to Emma and handed her a peice of paper. "She said to read it." The girl ran back to Billy and grabbed his hand gently with a smile.

Emma shook her head and looked at the note. She opened it and began to read it.

I'll talk...

Emma blink and squinced her eyes at the smaller writing.

With you alone....

Emma crumpled the paper and looke back at Billy and Johnny. "You get that watch fixed okay John dear? I have to stay here for a little conversation."
Posts: 179/2954
John smiled softly.

"Well, you should hurry, let's carry her up."

John stood and held the cat in his right arm, and grabbed the little girls hand in his left. And motioned for them to leave the dark sewers.

"come along darling..."
Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 165/1852
"Johnny-boy, how many times must I tell you? Fixing watches is a delecate job. One slip and the whole deal is hopless." He said, with his own awnser, knowing full well what John was hinting at.

"Little girl, why don't I help you with that cat? I'll carry her back up into the sun where we all can play. Hows that sound?" He smiled softly
Posts: 162/2954
Johnny gave Billy a dirty look, and spoke through clenched teeth.

"Billy, remember, you need to fix the ticking on my watch, or the Time will run out. That would be bad..."

John hoped that Billy got the hint. But he looked kindly back into the little girl's eyes.

"Darling, your kitty might become afriad if you let her walk around on this cold metal ground. John just realised something, maybe the bomb on the kitten was just the detonator for a bigger bomb somewhere else...
Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 161/1852
(Sewer? I thought you guys were still IN the park. o.O Oh-well, lol.)

Billy knelt down next to the girl, and looked up at her with a soft smile. "Now now, no point in letting her down and getting dirty in this awful place, don't you think?" He chuckled lightly as he looked at the girl.
True Flight
Posts: 147/5245
Emma smiled and looked at the little girl. "That's right, I guess I to stop having so much of a grudge." Emma knelt down to her. "But why would you be here? Is your mother with you?"

The little girl grimaced. "I want Michelle back. Mommy says that I should put her down and let her play."
Posts: 151/2954
Johnny gently lifted the cat with the care of michelle herself, He could hear the ticking better. It came from right behind the bell. And pointed to the bell, showing the kitty to Billy. He smiled at the girl.

"Honey, miss Emma here just remembers something your mommy used to do to her when they were littler. I think if I remember right, your mommy would make fun of Miss Emma..."
True Flight
Posts: 143/5245
Emma had no clue how Billy got into the sewers with a motor cycle, but was all the same happy to see him. "The body suit wasn't necessary," she said in a low tone. "It's gonna scare her."

"Mommy, said that she would wait to see if the bell rings, but it never did when she put it on," the little girl said and held her cat out to be petted. "Please don't hurt Michelle, she's not the type ot be held in a stranger's hand."

Emma glared at John. Low life, that's what she is, she put her own daughter through this mess, she thought.

"Little girl, what did you learn in Sunday school?" Emma said smiling looking into the girl's eyes.

"To honor thy parents, no matter what the cost," the little girl replied. "I've seen you at church, you look at Mommy like she's a bad person."

Emma looked at John and sighed.
Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 156/1852
Billy was already out the door, racing down the halls, leaving a trail of paper in his wake.

In a few moments, he hit the Motorcycle he had in the parking garadge, the one he used for his pasttime racing, and flaired it to life... He nearly jumped the boarding ramp on his way out...

A moment later, he slid the bike to the side, and both wheels slammed into the curb of the road, the stand holding the bike up... He leaped from the seat, and made his way a little down the park, towards Emma, leaving his Helmet back on the bike.
Posts: 143/2954
Johnny smiled at the little girl. He kneeled on one knee, and looked the girl in the eyes.

"Hey there, would you mind if I pet your kitty?"

Jonny held a hand outward but did not tough the cat. He could hear a faint ticking sound...
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - Nervous System of Crime

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