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10-22-24 02:24 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Happy 20th Everyone
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Posts: 11754/11757
Warms my heart to see some new posts and familiar faces every once and while. Small world huh? Still weird to me I did this all at some point haha... 20 years, holy frick.

I haven't touched FB in years much and don't see that changing, so sorry I'm not around there much. I pop in the Discord sometimes. Would like to see more join it!

Life is challenging as it often tends to be but I'd say overall I'm doing well myself for the most part.

20 years from now, the secret club shall still be here...
Posts: 3413/3416
Our baby will be old enough to drink next year, and ironically enough, it's a very sobering thought.
Posts: 1567/1569
Some things never change.
True Flight
Posts: 5245/5245
that gif is still there lol.
Posts: 9735/9736
I got'chu, True.

And holy hells, 20 fucking years. We were all babies!

I did make a post on the Facebook page that might catch an eye or two if anyone still has it on their feeds, so hopefully folks can migrate on through and reminisce. I know life has changed for a lot of us over the last two decades. Here is hoping the next 20 are good ones for everyone.
True Flight
Posts: 5244/5245
Well it looks like we made it. I tried to slowly make my way in figuring out my password again, but Elara got me. lol.

It's been 20 years all. What makes this even more insane is the fact that I literally am in school right now. I have been working ahead on classwork waiting to get this post up. It's great to see you all and I hope you all have been doing well. We all have been through our worst moments in life and it seems like we all have been doing it together this entire time.

I will be honest. I'm not at the happiest I want to be right now, but I am working towards it every day. I may have gotten lost along the way, but going to school to get the paper work to back my career has really helped. It's really opened my eyes to the time capsule this BBS is really to me.

I look back on some of the silliness, drama, trauma, and everything and look at you guys warmly every time. Thanks.

Thanks for keeping this up here and letting me a part of all of your lives. I hope we can continue on together on our different lanes for another 20 years. It is great to see you all. Regardless of the rifts that we hold in our relationships now. Some of them are irreparable and that's fine. I found my spot and I'm glad you found yours.

Anyway I hope you all are doing well. It's great to see you once again. Here's to 20 more!
True Flight
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Happy 20th Everyone

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