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03-31-25 04:58 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Discord Server?
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Lord Alexandor
Posts: 418/418
Originally posted by Cyro Xero
Throw me in there, too! I haven't seen you all in years.

Invite sent
Posts: 11758/11758
Hey Ryan! I sent you a PM with a link.
Posts: 2/2
Dang bots taking over the most recent posts.
Posts: 1/2
Well I can't figure out my old password at all, but you guys randomly popped into my head today and II notice you had a Discord. pls? Am this one
Cyro Xero
Posts: 1779/1779
Throw me in there, too! I haven't seen you all in years.
Posts: 11756/11758
Originally posted by Spartan
Put me in coach.

Posts: 1569/1569
Put me in coach.
Posts: 11755/11758
Originally posted by Cteno
I'd like a link -- I miss y'all something fierce.

Posts: 3412/3416
I'd like a link -- I miss y'all something fierce.
Posts: 8/15
I'd be interesting in joining the Discord server, but I also understand any hesitation to hand out links to new users or people who aren't well known
Posts: 2784/2785
I'm on Discord every day because it's replaced what I used to use and the Twitch gaming means I'm constantly checking a few Discords per day for random information. One more server isn't going to harm things. I don't know who's on staff anymore.
Posts: 11744/11758
Anyone else still out there that hasn't joined in yet?
Posts: 11733/11758
I'm in! Hope to see others join up or invite some fresh members if you know of someone more into the Discord thing thesedas.

As LA said, you can probably PM him, Protege, or myself right now and we'll send you an invite!
Lord Alexandor
Posts: 417/418
So... After some chaos, the Discord is UP! If you are interested in joining, please PM any member of the staff. I'll be sure to check my PMs daily for the next few weeks. Once you have an invite, feel free to pass it on to other members as you see fit.
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 2635/2641
Originally posted by Lord Alexandor
If I don't hear back from Xeo by Saturday (6 Feb 2021), I'll start sending invites to people who are still active here.

It would probably be best to not put the invite code anywhere public - keep the spammers and bots out.
I agree with this move. Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces again!
EDIT: I'm going to sticky this for the highest exposure (not that the board moves fast enough for it to really matter, look, let me just do some mod stuff KEKW)
Lord Alexandor
Posts: 416/418
If I don't hear back from Xeo by Saturday (6 Feb 2021), I'll start sending invites to people who are still active here.

It would probably be best to not put the invite code anywhere public - keep the spammers and bots out.
Lord Alexandor
Posts: 414/418
Originally posted by The Accidental Protege
I think you should just do it, tbh. I was going to volunteer, but if you're already jumping on this, I think it would be best to just start getting it up and running.

I just PM'd you and Xeo with links/info.
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 2633/2641
Originally posted by Lord Alexandor
Originally posted by Xeoman
Sounds like you're experienced with it LA?

Yea, I've set up a handfull of servers on Discord and I currently run 2 of them for different groups of friends. It's really easy to setup one and then give full control over to someone else, too. If you're interested, I could make a quick mockup server for you to check out...

I think you should just do it, tbh. I was going to volunteer, but if you're already jumping on this, I think it would be best to just start getting it up and running.
Lord Alexandor
Posts: 412/418
Originally posted by Xeoman
Sounds like you're experienced with it LA?

Yea, I've set up a handfull of servers on Discord and I currently run 2 of them for different groups of friends. It's really easy to setup one and then give full control over to someone else, too. If you're interested, I could make a quick mockup server for you to check out...
Posts: 11727/11758
Sounds like you're experienced with it LA?

Spread the word to others! Hopefully we get some more to chime in on this.
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Discord Server?

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