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03-14-25 09:03 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - 2016 US Presidential Circus... er, no... no, I mean Circus
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Posts: 9562/9736
I like that retort!

Meanwhile, Australia is sitting there developing their own space program like, "Whelp, guess it's my turn to be the mature one."
Posts: 69/155
The wicked witch of the west is evil too... :/
We're just as bad. xD
Posts: 9556/9736
Originally posted by Rogue
Originally posted by Luigi442wii
Here's the official theme of the USA:


How's that Theresa May and your Brexit going?

Heh, I second that question.
Posts: 11534/11918
Originally posted by Luigi442wii
Here's the official theme of the USA:


How's that Theresa May and your Brexit going?

Posts: 11482/11758
I hope so. The system is borked.
Posts: 9553/9736
I just call him Trump.

I'm not sure how to gauge what is happening right now. Some of the people that voted for him seem to be waking up the the fact that they got duped. Some are angry, and some are just doubling down on backing him.

The circus is a scary place.

Meanwhile, the Democrats seem to not know how to regroup and push back. The hard left is not really much better than the hard right some days, and it seems to be driving a wedge between the progressive and moderate wings of the party.

Could we finally be seeing the breaking points of both major parties?
Posts: 56/155
The 2016-2020 Republican Party is a circus, and Donald Trump is the circus master, and starring role as a clown. Here's the official theme of the USA:

Posts: 11525/11918
We're eight months in, and I still have yet to EVER refer to that person as anything resembling the office of one who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

I will never use the term "45," because even that implies he is that office.
Posts: 9400/9736
I look more to 2018 and the midterm elections... we need Congress if we want to help stem the tide of badness.
Posts: 11289/11758
I'm at the point now where I do double takes with who pops up on my feed now. "Who's that?" lol...
Posts: 3648/3649
I like to keep an eye on people I wouldn't want to let hand me a drink, so I haven't unfriended anyone. Over politics at least. I think the closest to posting about it though was stalking some of Elara's statuses and making a stake for 2020 with one of her friends. I still say we do it…
Posts: 9392/9736
I've unfollowed a few people... but those were brewing for awhile.
Posts: 2706/2724
I muted one on Twitter, but that was before the election.

Now, family is another matter. Thanksgiving is going to be a mental struggle to not beat my uncle with a large blunt object.

But then, that tends to be the case even without this particular election.
Posts: 11312/11918
Except for what I've been posting here, I haven't really been talking politics at all online. I had one post on FB during the first Trump/Clinton debate, but that's it.

I've gotten into several arguments with my mom, though, since we carpool together for work. The first one following Nov. 8 was brutal. At this point it's easier to pretend it all didn't happen for the sake of our sanities.
Posts: 3379/3416
Two: one a die-hard Democrat, the other a Libertarian. I personally haven't unfollowed/unfriended anybody. I've been relatively silent about politics this time around, aside from a few memes and some support for Bernie.

After learning a bit of Statistics (via science classes, WoW spreadsheets, and girlfriend shouting in frustration about sig figs, Standard Deviation, and mean from the other side of the house), I can safely say that most peoples' assholes smell REALLY bad. Present company excluded.
Posts: 1546/1569
My friends list is a little large due to the Mercs thing and I learned to just bite my tongue and just unfollow people so I wouldn't have to see it on my wall. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has them and they all stink.
Posts: 11295/11918
I lost one, but only because I was mutual friends with someone the guy hated. I had to unfollow five people.
Posts: 11258/11758
Not sure, but lost track of how many people I unfollowed on FB.
Posts: 3378/3416
Okay, I have to ask it -- dicks out, who lost the most friends?
Posts: 11289/11918
Originally posted by Rogue
I'm hoping all the reports that he's just trolling for a bet are accurate.

Perhaps the long con is finally getting revealed with all the things he's deciding to keep.
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - 2016 US Presidential Circus... er, no... no, I mean Circus

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