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03-14-25 09:03 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Happy birthday, Katana!!
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Posts: 10599/11758
Originally posted by Katana
Super duper bump, but thank you! (Like, 4 month bump. Haha)

I did see this a while back and it made me smile. Thanks so much guys. I've gotten horrible on dates and birthdays in my old age.

Don't worry, I told somebody earlier this year that I was 27.

I think it was a whole day or two later when I realized, oh yeah I'm 26.

Posts: 3621/3649
Super duper bump, but thank you! (Like, 4 month bump. Haha)

I did see this a while back and it made me smile. Thanks so much guys. I've gotten horrible on dates and birthdays in my old age.
Posts: 10454/11758
Always love that clip haha.

Happy birthday Kate! Make it a win.
Posts: 8728/9736
Best Patton bit ever!

And yes, happy birthday... I give you my wedding day. Somehow that is a thing.
Posts: 10170/11918
Happiest of birthdays, you awesome chick!

Your birthday is now also going to be Elara's wedding anniversary.

Not sure if I've posted this before, but hey, worth a laugh and it's almost a tradition to send this one around when you've made another revolution around the sun.

Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Happy birthday, Katana!!

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