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03-12-25 11:25 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Casinos
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Posts: 8532/9736
Honestly, because of my inability to be around smoke, I don't like casinos. Which is sad, because I enjoy playing craps. They have the casino down in Pittsburgh called The Rivers that is fairly nice, but so far nothing holds a candle to the Colorado Belle in Laughlin, NV.
Posts: 271/274
The closest casino to me is Twin River in Rhode Island, but I go to the ones in Connecticut which is a bit farther but a whole lot better and better selection of games. It's a good thing that these are about 3 hours' drive away -- not that I would be going there every week if they were closer, just the idea of sitting in the car for 3 hours would be tiring, especially if the trip winds up being a "crash-and-burn" trip. Oh well, I really only go there to have fun and not with the expectation of coming out ahead.
Posts: 10280/11758
Never been to one so I'm not sure what the experience is like, or what to think, but yeah like you guys are kind of suggesting... the whole stigma behind them isn't very appealing. In the end I think people should do whatever they want with their earned money, but yeah. Easier said than done, lol...
Posts: 3541/3649
Yeah, that's kinda what happened here in NE Philly. At first they were really upset, but crime hasn't really changed much there.

I did some homework since this morning though. The one here in the city, while crime didn't seem to increase or decrease due to the casino, the TYPE of crime has changed a little.

So, I guess it truly depends on more than one factor, and not just the casino itself. I'm still not personally against them. I just couldn't care either way.
Posts: 3717/3775
They're building one up in Rohnert Park, which is a very upper-middle class area, and people are pissed. They worry it's going to bring crime, as well as just tons and tons of traffic and people to the area. And they're probably right.
Posts: 3540/3649
I live close to Atlantic City, relatively speaking (45 minutes, hour away.) and they just recently put up casinos here. One is about...three years old maybe? And the other came along like 7-ish years ago? I was still in high school....but, I DO remember the uproar about it.

Especially the newer one. The one they built first is on the outskirts of the city, has a horse track, outside pavillions for people to sit...I dunno...something about this newer one being IN the city, in a not so great area to begin with...

Thing is, I'll have to do my research on this before I can be sure...but either way, crime is crime around here. People are kind of so used to it that there would have to be a drastic change to the rates (either lower or higher) for us to notice whether or not there was a difference.

So, personally, I don't mind them. They haven't effected my life in any real way except that I'm 25, and the ones in AC, the SECOND I hit the floor, I'm jumped by security guards, being carded and shit. Like, you'd think they were sending US Marshalls after me for being on America's Most Wanted or something. And I never even gambled in a Casino! I just went to the boardwalk/beach/took a look inside because they're pretty.
Posts: 544/551
You know since I live in the Bible Belt, the hot topic around here is gambling and casinos, what are your thoughts on the matter? Me personally? I believe it should be legal. What with the job creations and revenue it brings, I think it doesn't hurt. But where I am, gambling is a sin oh lord ill never roam again! Thoughts?
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Casinos

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