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02-02-25 03:00 PM
0 users currently in Xeo's Hot Tub.
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Hey Xeo Bring on the Board Wipe Now!
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Posts: 2902/3416
Originally posted by Sorcha Rohan
Aren't Bronies guys who like Ponies?

Actually, that term could be equated to both males and females that are diehard fans of the show, outside of the original targeted demographic -- in other words, anybody in their twenties could be considered one.

I, however, do not considered myself one. I like the show, but I'm not part of the rabid hivemind. Also, I wouldn't be caught dead at one of the conventions.
True Flight
Posts: 5024/5245
Aren't Bronies guys who like Ponies?
Posts: 2901/3416
Originally posted by Sorcha Rohan
Being surrounded by girls makes you a pimp Xeo =P

Do I count as a girl too? :3
True Flight
Posts: 5020/5245
Being surrounded by girls makes you a pimp Xeo =P
Posts: 9099/11918
You just try.
Posts: 10051/11757
I'm working on bringing you down.
Posts: 9098/11918
Originally posted by Sorcha Rohan
Rogue looks like she is catching up.

I'm working on it.
Posts: 10049/11757
True Flight
Posts: 5014/5245
Rogue looks like she is catching up.
Posts: 8122/9736
Congrats, True! Now we just need to catch Xeo.

The top four members of the board contain three females... the Cult of the Dark Goddess is proud.
Posts: 2896/3416

I giggled.
Posts: 9063/11918
Ha, I'm watching Big Bang Theory right now.

Go you, True.
True Flight
Posts: 5000/5245
HAHAHAHAHA I have done it! I have managed to join the ranks of the rest of you over 5000 posts.

Push it

and for the LoL Nuts

Here's a random picture from Paranormal Activity Does America

Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Hey Xeo Bring on the Board Wipe Now!

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