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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Things you're getting tired of seeing on your facebook
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Posts: 11829/11918
Definitely. Today, in particular. Everything's shutting down and my FB feed is ENTIRELY about it.

Good freaking god.
Posts: 9699/9736
Anyone else sick of posts about Coronavirus?
Posts: 143/155
Originally posted by Xeoman
I'm actually thinking of deleting my FB app on my phone sometime this year. I don't know if I'd fully commit to deleting my account, but if I didn't have one at this point in life I wouldn't bother registering. Months ago I logged out on my PC, so I never get on my PC anymore cutting down some time there. And... it's been amazing. So I just might cut it from my phone usage too and find something else to occupy my time.

I do get on Twitter now, but it's just more tolerable when you're not reading close friends/family etc making an ass of themselves.

What name do you go by on Twitter? Wouldn't mind following you
Posts: 11647/11758
I'm actually thinking of deleting my FB app on my phone sometime this year. I don't know if I'd fully commit to deleting my account, but if I didn't have one at this point in life I wouldn't bother registering. Months ago I logged out on my PC, so I never get on my PC anymore cutting down some time there. And... it's been amazing. So I just might cut it from my phone usage too and find something else to occupy my time.

I do get on Twitter now, but it's just more tolerable when you're not reading close friends/family etc making an ass of themselves.
Posts: 139/155
Originally posted by Rogue
I've complained about it all being Trump all the time, but yeah, CANNOT wait for this guy to be out of the picture. I swear people post so much more about him than they ever did about Bush and Obama combined.


though admittedly social media was probably mostly more tech savvy people when Bush was around (compared to now where everyone has it) as well as with Obama up until about 2012 or so

2012 was the start of the Internet becoming ridiculously commercialised and everyone going into memester mode and wanting everything instantly, etc
Posts: 11760/11918
I've complained about it all being Trump all the time, but yeah, CANNOT wait for this guy to be out of the picture. I swear people post so much more about him than they ever did about Bush and Obama combined.
Posts: 11574/11758
That was not a fun week...

What meme is next?
Posts: 11687/11918
Good god, I'm beyond tired of all the Nike memes.
Posts: 11301/11918
I love that the comments on that are people who don't get that it's Photoshop'd over the sign she held when all those Nigerian girls were kidnapped (and eventually raped), reading, "Bring Back Our Girls."

Posts: 1547/1569
Tired of seeing stuff like this.

Posts: 11299/11918
I've pretty much gotten entirely sick of looking at it, and yet I still find myself scrolling through my feed without intending to do so.

Right now it's all Trump and safety pins and Biden memes and the latest cabinet hire and dreariness. I really hope we can all make it through the next four years.
Posts: 3/3
Facebook is mostly big streams of clickbait posts and ads. I made a post a while ago, the algorithms decided it wasn't cool enough and pushed it down into oblivion.
Posts: 171/735
Originally posted by Xeoman
Originally posted by CosmicKeiko
Random friend requests.
I just delete them unless they related to some place to like my site or places of here.

I get this with obvious spam bot females, then laugh or feel ashamed of being friends with people who actually friend these fake accounts.

I actually deleted my facebook and made a new one so I could hide from a bunch of people I added that were basically just sharing "funny texts" posts.

Annoying and UNfunny.

I noticed it was probably because of my birth year which I set to '93, I notice people don't get such friend requests unless they have a age of 18 or over.

I find it extremely silly Facebook restricts privacy control for under 18s yet forces them to show their friends list etc this can still mean paedos who randomly type names and IDs in can get basically some of their school info and such. Really it is stupid :/

Hate how teens disregard FB as for oldies. I actually think FB is the best Social Network, over Twitter, because of several reasons. It feels complete, all the others seem to only be a specific niche also they have a really crapo layout.

G+, MySpace all the current ones feel like promotion tools FB doesn't so much. Like how I think dailymotion does actual video sharing better than youtube which does promoting and such better.
Posts: 11158/11918
My feed is about 45% Pokemon Go, be it friends posting their screen caps or webpages trying to score clicks by posting comics, videos, and discussions on it.

The rest is about 20% Trump posts and then a miscellaneous cache of other crap like bitching about whatever happened on "The Bachelorette" last night.

It all makes me miss LiveJournal back in the day.
Posts: 11156/11758
Originally posted by CosmicKeiko
Random friend requests.
I just delete them unless they related to some place to like my site or places of here.

I get this with obvious spam bot females, then laugh or feel ashamed of being friends with people who actually friend these fake accounts.
Posts: 6/11
Random friend requests.
I just delete them unless they related to some place to like my site or places of here.
Posts: 11147/11918
My Facebook is completely covered in people complaining about people complaining about Pokemon Go. (I actually have yet to see anyone post complaining about all the people playing it to begin with. I'm sure it exists, but I'm not personally seeing it.)

And news that Kanye West actually called Taylor Swift about something or other. I mean, enough that people are saying Kim Kardashian posting these Snapchats is "my generation's moon landing."

Posts: 11128/11758
Things you need to do and they're tabs/clicks/keys away...

I know the feeling.
Posts: 11098/11918
I'm on Chrome, but it's using The Great Suspender. The only tabs not suspended are this and my e-mail. Most of the tabs are stuff I keep meaning to write down (50 Best Dim Sum Restaurants in L.A., List of the Best Roast Beef Sandwiches in Southern California, etc), but haven't.
Posts: 11123/11758
Yup I still main Firefox myself. I always try to at least condense the tabs down enough so that there's no bar/arrow so that it's pouring over into the side, if that makes sense. This is the ideal amount... and yes I've crossed the line currently.
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Things you're getting tired of seeing on your facebook

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