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03-12-25 06:58 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Arrested Man Started Singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" (video posted)
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Posts: 8538/11918
Originally posted by Astrophel
Y'know, I expected him to mangle the lyrics, but overall a surprisingly good drunk performance. A fair number of mistakes, but no more than I'd expect from a sober man. Off-key, but surprisingly accurate.

Frankly, the guy's not entirely awful.

I actually found myself singing along after a while.
Posts: 7786/7838
Originally posted by Astrophel
Y'know, I expected him to mangle the lyrics, but overall a surprisingly good drunk performance. A fair number of mistakes, but no more than I'd expect from a sober man. Off-key, but surprisingly accurate.

Let's see you try that drunk man. Queen is fucking HARD to do even sober!!!

Posts: 2484/2724
Y'know, I expected him to mangle the lyrics, but overall a surprisingly good drunk performance. A fair number of mistakes, but no more than I'd expect from a sober man. Off-key, but surprisingly accurate.
Posts: 9809/11758
That was my favorite part too Elara, haha... that and "it has to do with the brotherhood of man on Earth!"
Posts: 7730/9736
*singing/shouting full tilt*

*door opens*

Drunk guy: "Do you have to cuff me?"
Cop: "Are you going to behave?"
Drunk guy: "Dude, physical violence is the least of my priorities."

... for some reason, that was my favorite moment. But yeah... I don't know if him being able to do that proves sobriety or drunkenness.
Posts: 7780/7838
They should have let him go.
Posts: 8529/11918
I was going to post this in Video Hut, but since most content in there tends to get ignored, and this has actually been in the news a lot today, I'm posting this here.

So yeah, guy gets arrested for being drunk and disorderly and starts singing Queen in the back of the cop car.

Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Arrested Man Started Singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" (video posted)

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