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02-01-25 01:03 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Waterfall Sunset
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Posts: 9712/9736
So, overall, since my one cat passed in March, the remaining cat has been surprisingly okay... I partially attribute this to her being a bit of a bitch. We have been talking about taking a break from pets whenever she does pass... but it is so hard to see people looking to find homes for sweet kitties and have to say no. Partially because of the plans of a break, but also because this cat barely tolerated her own littermate, so we can only imagine how she would react to a strange new cat (she does NOT like the strays in the complex at all).

Right now it isn't too bad, but I worry when I have to go back to the office. She already has been crying when Kaleb has to go out for part of the day for his job... though I wonder if that might be because I'm still here. She doesn't seem to care if we are gone all day running errands or whatever, but she has been randomly more vocal the last month or so. I need cats to be able to talk, guys. It's 2021, why do we not have this technology yet?
Posts: 11853/11918
Originally posted by Xeoman
Someday I want to get a cat and name him King Charles II, or Charlie for short (in memory of my favorite childhood cat!)

You should make this happen.

I'm laughing at the fact that in previous posts I'm annoyed about people flaking and so on. It's hit the point that Brandon and I just say fuck it and go off on our own. And with times we're in, anyway, we don't see ANYBODY.

These were also from a time when I was only working ONE job and had something of any ability to have a social life.

So ... something to complain about that doesn't need to be in the Fuck You thread?

I keep forgetting to make that pumpkin pie I've been talking about. The pumpkins are just sitting there ... waiting.
Posts: 11667/11757
Someday I want to get a cat and name him King Charles II, or Charlie for short (in memory of my favorite childhood cat!)
Posts: 9664/9736
Cleared off the laptop for the first time in months to do some work on importing hand-written notes for the LARP I work on into our google docs...

the cats are... well... not amused. Or helpful. At all.

Also, it is clear that summer is here. Flies all over the backyard and I am being eaten alive by mosquitoes.
Posts: 11768/11918
Originally posted by Rogue
I feel like I work in a sitcom. My coworkers vary between being full of shit or carrying practical jokes out on each other. A paper-mache pumpkin head went missing until we noticed it was sitting in the front seat of a co-worker's car. The staff member who'd made the damn thing over the course of a week was losing her shit.

The clients are a whole 'nother laugh riot on top of that.

Oh Christ. And then the circus that happened over a snowman head.

I can't get my boss to schedule my CPR re-certification. I keep going into his office with my calendar to go, "I can do this and this weekend and that's it. Anything? No? OK, here's my openings for the next month. Anything?"

Posts: 11703/11918
I feel like I work in a sitcom. My coworkers vary between being full of shit or carrying practical jokes out on each other. A paper-mache pumpkin head went missing until we noticed it was sitting in the front seat of a co-worker's car. The staff member who'd made the damn thing over the course of a week was losing her shit.

The clients are a whole 'nother laugh riot on top of that.
Posts: 11568/11757
Originally posted by Rogue
As for meetup, I am on it, and I've been getting e-mails for YEARS, but have yet to go to even ONE. T_T

You and me both lol.

I did try to attend an anime meetup at my local community college years ago... and the experience was more of a nightmare. That kind of scared me off for a bit I guess.
Posts: 11678/11918
I feel like I haven't seen many people since getting married. It's not like anything's changed. We still live in the same place, work the same jobs, etc, but either people are flaking more or just aren't available like they used to be. There are events that I plan regularly in the summer that people acted interested in joining in, but whenever I go, "Who wants to do _______?" they're all silent. Eh.. fuck it.

As for meetup, I am on it, and I've been getting e-mails for YEARS, but have yet to go to even ONE. T_T

Posts: 11563/11757
Have you ever done I'm on there but haven't attended anything yet. Might give that a shot or some clubs, that could be a good idea.

It's kind of crazy how little effort a lot of my friends put into hanging out thesedays too. Like I'm not trying to sound selfish and some of them I still text regularly or see on FB, so I know when things are going on yet it seems to become increasingly rare. Even for all my friends still unmarried or without kids. *shrugs*
Posts: 11677/11918
Originally posted by Xeoman
I could use a new circle of friends IRL in general honestly. Hopefully I can figure out these neck issues and feel better physically I'll be able to get out there on my own and meet some new people.

I feel this so hard. I love the people I'm still in contact with (which is only so many people these days), but I really just want to expand. In the past, my way of meeting new people was joining a group (Rocky Horror, school clubs.) I tried the whole ladies book club once, but that yielded nothing.

Posts: 11558/11757
Fuck em', lol.

I used to try to be that guy that would do my best to bring anyone and everyone together that I could, remind forgetful friends to invite so and so they clearly like too but somehow just forget about, or tell those kinds of friends who only go somewhere if you do that you're totally going... but yeah. This all has just led to a lot of headaches later in life and I've kind of just let go of it.

I could use a new circle of friends IRL in general honestly. Hopefully I can figure out these neck issues and feel better physically I'll be able to get out there on my own and meet some new people.
Posts: 11669/11918
I'm really tired of shouting plans into the ether only to have no one care, and then -- WITHOUT FUCKING FAIL -- people get all, "Why wasn't I invited?!" when I post the fucking pictures.
Posts: 11652/11918
I'm so behind in my little personal projects.

Heh, I accidentally typed "life" instead of "little," initially. Freudian slip?

And.... I'm a few thousand dollars in credit card debt. Wooooo!
Posts: 9601/9736
Hopefully he doesn't leave... but wow, the drama at that place. Don't these people have lives?

So my supervisor is taking a personal leave of absence because her mother is ill. I feel very bad at the reason behind it, but the entire department is silently celebrating because no one can stand her... and her stress over it all is making her more unbearable.
Posts: 11618/11918
Thanks, sweetie. <3

So those coworkers I mentioned in my previous posts (the ones who flaked) ... they're total enemies now.

And I'm stuck in the middle of two people I consider friends.

I thought THEY were friends. Suddenly she's going to our boss about him to complain, and she says someone else has complained about him too (WTF?!)

I'm honestly shocked, and similarly hurt. He's thinking about quitting, and I'm legitimately worried that he will and that his friends will go with him and then I'll be alone again.
Posts: 9593/9736
I don't even know how to process someone dying their hair to get out of going. If you don't want to go, say you don't want to go. That is just SO rude!

Honestly, it makes me mad that there are people that take advantage of your kind nature. I think that the best day Kaleb had out there on our trip was the day with you and Lee taking us around (aside from dying in the heat of Pasadena). You care, and you put thought into things. People using that against you, or flaking with the lamest of last minute excuses just makes me want to punch them. Can I punch them? At least in my mind?
Posts: 11589/11918
Originally posted by Xeoman
Dying her hair.

I award her the worst excuse reward of all time.

I'm sure she was actually doing it. It's just ... really? We said to meet at 6, after work. I know she said she wanted to go home and change and all, but I was blown away when she messaged that she'd started dying her hair. That's a matter of washing it, mixing the dye, applying the dye, letting it process for AT LEAST 30 minutes, then rinsing it, drying it, styling it ...

I can say this just rolls off me (and since Brandon and I were almost certain they'd flake, we just went about the night not expecting to see them), but it still bothered me on some level.

I don't want to go back to being completely anti-social at work. Being introverted, I feel like I've been staring at the rest of the world through a fogged up window. I want to be included, but I massively fear other people's rejection and so I don't put myself out there because I don't want to get hurt. I don't really know how to interact with normal people, and I don't know how to just make friends like everyone else around me seems to.
Posts: 11522/11757
Dying her hair.

I award her the worst excuse reward of all time.
Posts: 11588/11918
It happened again last night. A couple co-workers and I planned for a week to go look at Christmas lights in this neighborhood in Long Beach at 6.

Brandon and I figured if they flake we could still just hang out together and see them anyway.

On the way there, Coworker 1 messages to say she just got home and that she'll be ready to go in a second and she'll meet us there.

Coworker 2 then messages to say he might not be able to make it, that he has to drive his mom somewhere. But, hey, he's up for hanging out after!

I message Coworker 1 that 2 probably won't make it. She says, "Oh well," and though I give her an out if she doesn't want to go anymore still says she's coming.

More than a half hour passes and she messages to say she's been busy DYING HER HAIR. If we need to go eat or something, go do it.

Another half hour passes and she messages to say that since she's taking so long she'll just go with us another time. I tell her if Coworker 2 calls to still hang out, I'll let her know.

Brandon and I had already been out walking and looking at the lights and once we were done, we sat on a bench talking until about 8 when we figured no one else was coming and finally just got up and headed home.

Since this is the same couple of coworkers that I had the "birthday plans" with a few posts ago, I'm pretty well done planning anything with them.
Posts: 11515/11757
The winter also puts more pressure on me to just stay more too in general, lol.

"Then when Brandon and I post pictures of the shit we do, people occasionally remark on them (either in comments or in person, months later) asking why I didn't tell them about the event and/or invite them."

I luckily haven't had that happen. Yikes.
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