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03-14-25 09:11 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Total Recall (2012) leaked trailer...
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True Flight
Posts: 4860/5245
I thought there were going to be aliens in it because the winner of the Face Off challenge got get something in that movie.
Posts: 8540/11918
Trailer's out.

Posts: 8499/11918
Awww... trailer no workie.

I'm amused how many people are going, "There better be an alien with three tits... or else!"

I don't know what to think about the idea of remaking it. The guy who did the production design for it was a judge on Face Off, which I'd been watching this season. They were showing some of his designs for aliens and they all sort of look like bats and cyborgs with tubes everywhere.
Posts: 9782/11758
Yeah, I have to ask myself again, why does this exist?

Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Total Recall (2012) leaked trailer...

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