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02-02-25 06:48 PM
0 users currently in Xeo's Hot Tub.
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - F.lux, by far the best program for your computer. Ever!
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So I have been using F.lux for a good while now and it's pretty much a God send.

Do you have problems at night squinting at your monitor? You know that can not be good for you. In fact, it's not good for you and could endanger your eyes. Want to get rid of that?

The solution: F.lux

Why bother spend $80 for a pair of office glasses that solve this issue when you can just download this program for free?

Basically what this program does is that it slowly warms the color on your monitor during the night and during the day it makes it return to it's normal use. It won't harm anything on your monitor doing so and it's preferred you use this on HD monitors.

Just install the program. And the program handles the rest for you. If the colors are too warm during the night time you can easily change the settings on the on-screen menu that's not only easy to understand. But easy to use.

Thought I would share this with everyone. Enjoy!
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - F.lux, by far the best program for your computer. Ever!

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