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03-12-25 07:03 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xenoblade Chronicles
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Posts: 9823/11758
So anyone else pick this up now? Holy crap I love it. 7 hours in and it's getting to business. Very overwhelming but in an awesome and addicting way, there is just so much to this game it's insane. Some of the best music I've heard this gen, easily as well.

This alone is worth buying a Wii for.
Posts: 9631/11758
This game is officially finally coming to the US next year in April.

About damn time NoA.
Posts: 12/125
Oh, it certainly is in terms of quality. The game has so many little details in it that really bring the whole thing to life. Also, the world is huuuuuuge. I cannot emphasize this enough.
Posts: 9259/11758
Well, this is made by the same developers/creator/director. Xenogears and Xenosaga were not -directy- related but they had some obvious parallels to one another. I'm sure Xenoblade is potentially the same case.
Posts: 11/125
Hah... being a fan of Xenogears and Xenosaga is great and all... but those games are not related to Xenoblade, aside from the fact they are both RPGs. ;
Posts: 9255/11758
Wish my computer could handle it. , but I have the ISO to work with whenever I get a Wii again and mod it...

Yeah in general though I'm hearing nothing but great things about it. I'm actually a rare fan of the Xenosaga games too so I'm sure I'll love it (and Xenogears just rocks).
Posts: 10/125
So, about two days ago I finally digitally obtained got my hands on the European release of Xenoblade Chronicles. I must admit, it's been a long time since a game's level of customization has allowed me to get so intricate with how my characters grow, while not being completely overwhelming.

Also, this game is horrendously addictive. It's an MMO without peer pressure (read: really huge RPG sans MMO). D:

It's been incredibly fun so far! I've not yet gotten a permanent third character, however I think I'm well on my way to that. At any rate, I've been anticipating an English release since I first heard this game announced years ago. I'm glad there is one, even if it is only a European release right now.
Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xenoblade Chronicles

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