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02-05-25 09:01 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - Blog much?
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Twilight Sparkle
Posts: 21/63
I don't blog the way most people do... I have manymanymany blogs, and the ones that actually talk about me end up dying. XD

ObsceneDreams ~ My fiction blog. Don't read the first story if you're easily offended by blasphemy.
Melancholic Rainbow ~ My poetry blog, for when I get my emo on.
Tale of a Huntress ~ My WoW RP blog. It's just started, and kinda sucks. :/
And, of course, Facebook.

I suddenly forget my Twitter account name. D:
True Flight
Posts: 4588/5245
.... I just really hated blogging.
Posts: 2081/3416
Originally posted by Erza
Not my thing. Forums are my blog. lol

This. Well, more like forum... and I guess Facebook.
Posts: 9162/11758
Not my thing. Forums are my blog. lol
Posts: 6667/9736
So I've kinda started writing in my live journal again... keeping a lot of it private but there is the occasional rant.
Posts: 7314/11918
I've blogged. I used to blog for a friend's site, Geek Armada, but I got rather busy and stopped. I also used to blog for a Long Beach-based site on entertainment and things going on in the area, but I haven't worked on that since like 2005 or something.

The writing job that I'm doing is sort of like blogging. It's being hosted on Wordpress, like that university's paper was.

But yeah, I've had a LiveJournal for years, but I haven't actively posted on it in a while. This thing.

It almost feels like blogging has taken a dive since the advent of Twitter and Facebook. I used to follow dozens of blogs, but then many of them either faded away or converted to using one of the two. When I did my internship, they wanted me to "blog" interesting things about the university by posting onto Facebook.
Posts: 6642/9736
I had to highlight to see the name since your background is white.

But yeah... I forgot about my livejournal for a long time... wrote a lot during my most emo period. I know Stitch and Rogue had accounts but I don't know if they are still active.
Posts: 2557/2746
So, I have been sucked into the realm of blogging.

As a writer (a writer very good at procrastination), I decided that I need some sort of way to organize things in hopes that it will help me write more often.

So far...I only have three posts. But hey, I'm at least trying to do this. Check out Bloggy Jawn. Get it? My real name is BJ. Clever.

I know Elara blogs (or used to), but how about anybody else?
Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - Blog much?

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